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Last active August 29, 2016 20:32
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Milliseconds since Unix Epoch
declare function local:milliseconds-since-epoch($dateTime as xs:dateTime) as xs:integer
let $epoch := xs:dateTime("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z")
let $duration := xs:duration($dateTime - $epoch)
let $days := fn:days-from-duration($duration) * 8.64e+7
let $hours := fn:hours-from-duration($duration) * 3.6e+6
let $minutes := fn:minutes-from-duration($duration) * 60000
let $seconds := fn:seconds-from-duration($duration) * 1000
return xs:integer($days + $hours + $minutes + $seconds)
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joewiz commented Aug 29, 2016

Sure! Notice, too, @ndw's use of xs:unsignedLong which might help with very large numbers like 1472502093491.

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