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Created June 16, 2021 18:12
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A script to be used with WP-CLI's `wp eval-file` to remove super-admins from all sub-sites in a network (except the primary site in the network when applicable).
// Fetch all superadmins on a site.
$super_admins = get_super_admins();
// Loop over all super admins
foreach ( $super_admins as $admin_slug ) {
// Get a user object for this user.
$user = get_user_by( 'slug', $admin_slug );
// Fail-safe, maybe the slug somehow couldn't be identified.
if ( ! $user ) {
echo "Could not find the user object for `" . $admin_slug . "`\n";
echo "Processing the user `" . $admin_slug . "` (user id: " . $user->ID . ")\n";
// Get all sites for this user.
$sites = get_blogs_of_user( $user->ID, true );
// Loop over the users sites.
foreach ( $sites as $site ) {
$site_id = $site->userblog_id;
* Skip the main site in the network, for consistency.
* Not neccesarely required, a network admin will exist even if removed from all sites,
* but it makes a more consistent admin UI experience for many.
if ( $site_id === get_main_site_id() ) {
// Check that the user has no posts on this site, or else content could be lost.
$posts = get_posts( array(
'posts_per_page' => 1, // We only need a single post to know this user has content that needs moved.
'author' => $user->ID,
'post_type' => 'any', // We use WordPress' keyword `any` to mean any post type that may exist as a catchall.
'post_status' => array( 'publish', 'pending', 'draft', 'future', 'private', 'inherit' ), // There are more post stati, but these are the known ones that represent "real" content.
) );
// If posts are found, do not remove this user.
if ( ! empty( $posts ) ) {
echo "Site " . $site->siteurl . " (#" . $site_id . ") has content by the author `" . $admin_slug . "`\n";
// Remove the user from this site (aka "blog" in WordPress).
$remove = remove_user_from_blog( $user->ID, $site_id );
if ( is_wp_error( $remove ) ) {
echo "Error when removing user from site #" . $site_id . ": " . $remove->get_error_message() . "\n";
// The `remove_user_from_blog` function returns a boolean `true` if it was successful, this is just a nice to have section.
if ( true !== $remove ) {
echo "Something went wrong, and we could not remove the user from the site " . $site->siteurl . " (#" . $site_id . ")`\n";
// Clear the cache for this site.
wp_cache_delete( $site_id . '_user_count', 'blog-details' );
// Clear the user cache when done, it's nice to be tidy.
clean_user_cache( $user->ID );
echo "Done processing this user...\n";
echo "-----\n";
echo "Finished removing super-admins from sub-sites in the network.\n";
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