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Created July 20, 2018 14:19
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Rush Hour puzzle solver
(ns rush-hour)
;; We were curious what a rush how solver would look like.. and here it is. Ugly, but fast enough.
;; Solves the below expert level one in about 21 seconds on my work core i9
(def cars
[{:car :orange
:char "O"
:pos [0 3]
:size 2
:orientation :vertical}
{:car :dark-yellow
:char "Y"
:pos [0 0]
:size 3
:orientation :vertical}
{:car :light-green
:char "G"
:pos [0 5]
:size 2
:orientation :horizontal}
{:car :pink
:char "P"
:pos [1 1]
:size 2
:orientation :horizontal}
{:car :light-blue
:char "C"
:pos [1 2]
:size 2
:orientation :vertical}
{:car :purple
:char "p"
:pos [2 3]
:size 2
:orientation :horizontal}
{:car :red
:char "R"
:pos [2 4]
:size 2
:orientation :vertical}
{:car :light-purple
:char "i"
:pos [3 0]
:size 3
:orientation :horizontal}
{:car :white
:char "w"
:pos [3 1]
:size 2
:orientation :vertical}
{:car :green
:char "g"
:pos [3 4]
:size 2
:orentiation :vertical}
{:car :yellow
:char "Y"
:pos [4 2]
:size 2
:orientation :horizontal}
{:car :beige
:char "t"
:pos [4 3]
:size 2
:orientation :vertical}
{:car :dark-blue
:char "b"
:pos [5 3]
:size 3
:orientation :vertical}])
(def board-size 6)
(def init-board
(for [x (range board-size)]
(for [y (range board-size)] " ")))))
(defn place-car [board car]
(fn [b s]
(let [coords
(update (:pos car)
(if (= (:orientation car) :horizontal) 0 1)
+ s)
(if (= " " (get-in b coords))
(assoc-in b coords (or (:char car) "*"))
(throw (RuntimeException. (str "Overlap: " (pr-str car) " with " (pr-str (get-in b coords)) " at " coords))))))
board (range (:size car))))
(defn gen-board [cars]
(loop [[car & other-cars] cars
board init-board]
(nil? car) board
(recur other-cars (place-car board car)))))
(defn valid-movements [path cars]
(fn [idx car]
(for [shift [-1 1]]
(let [new-pos
(update (:pos car)
(if (= (:orientation car) :horizontal) 0 1)
+ shift)]
(when (not= new-pos (:pos car))
(let [board
(assoc-in cars [idx :pos] new-pos))]
{:board board
:path (conj path (assoc car :pos new-pos :old-pos (:pos car)))
:new (assoc-in cars [idx :pos] new-pos)})
(catch RuntimeException e nil))))))
(mapcat identity)
(remove nil?)
(defn describe-move [{:keys [old-pos pos car char]}]
char " - " (name car) " "
(= (update-in old-pos [0] dec) pos) "Left"
(= (update-in old-pos [0] inc) pos) "Right"
(= (update-in old-pos [1] dec) pos) "Up"
(= (update-in old-pos [1] inc) pos) "Down")))
(defn solve-cars [cars]
(let [batch-size 1000]
(loop [movements (valid-movements [] cars)
seen-set #{}]
(let [check
(take batch-size movements)
(pmap (fn [c] (valid-movements (:path c) (:new c))))
(mapcat identity)
(fn [c]
(= (:pos (first (filter #(= (:car %) :red) (:new c)))) [2 0]))
(println "Move: " (count movements) ", level: " (count (:path (first movements))) " - " (map (juxt :car :pos) (:path (first movements))))
(zero? (+ (count movements) (count check))) {:empty true}
{:startboard (gen-board cars)
:endboard (gen-board (:new match))
(apply str
(interpose "\n" (map describe-move (:path match))))}
(> (count (:path (first check))) 100)
{:not-found (:path (first check))}
(comp seen-set :board)
(drop batch-size movements)
(into seen-set (map :board check))))))))
;; Visualize the board
(gen-board cars)
;; Run
(time (solve-cars cars)) )
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CmdrDats commented Jul 20, 2018

Here's what this particular puzzle looks like :) Feel free to poke around.

image from ios

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