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Created December 2, 2014 21:00
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Simulating cell population dynamics with Haskell
data Cell = Cell {teloLength :: Double, birthDate :: Double, lifeSpan :: Double, seedCell :: Integer}
instance Eq Cell where (Cell t1 _ _ _) == (Cell t2 _ _ _) = t1 == t2
instance Ord Cell where (Cell t1 _ _ _) `compare` (Cell t2 _ _ _) = t1 `compare` t2
instance Show Cell where show (Cell t b _ _) = show t ++ " " ++ show b
data CellLine x = Senescent | Mother x (CellLine x) (CellLine x) deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
-- Functions modelling cell biology
shortenTelo :: Cell -> Cell
shortenTelo (Cell telo x y oldseed) = Cell (telo - delta) x y newseed
newseed = nextRand oldseed
u1 = makeUnif oldseed
u2 = makeUnif newseed
delta = boxMuller 1 0.1 (u1,u2)
divideCell :: Cell -> CellLine Cell
divideCell (Cell telo bday lifespan seed)
| telo <= 0 = Senescent
| telo > 0 = Mother (Cell telo bday lifespan seed) (divideCell (shortenTelo (Cell telo (bday+lifespan) delta seed2))) (divideCell (shortenTelo (Cell telo (bday+lifespan) delta seed3)))
seed1 = nextRand seed
seed2 = nextRand seed1
seed3 = nextRand seed2
delta = boxMuller 1 0.2 (makeUnif seed, makeUnif seed1)
-- Functions simulating measurements
maxDivisions :: CellLine x -> Integer
maxDivisions Senescent = 1
maxDivisions (Mother x daughterLeft daughterRight) = 1 + max (maxDivisions daughterLeft) (maxDivisions daughterRight)
countCells :: CellLine Cell -> Double -> Integer
countCells Senescent x = 0
countCells (Mother m left right) x = if ((birthDate$m) < x) && (x <= ((birthDate$m) + (lifeSpan$m)))
then 1 + countCells (left) x + countCells (right) x
else countCells (left) x + countCells (right) x
countLeaves :: CellLine Cell -> Integer
countLeaves Senescent = 1
countLeaves (Mother x left right)
| x <= (Cell 0 0 0 0) = 1 + countLeaves(left) + countLeaves(right)
| x > (Cell 0 0 0 0) = countLeaves(left) + countLeaves(right)
-- Functions & data for generating sequences of pseudo-random numbers
nextRand :: Integer -> Integer
nextRand n = (multiplier*n + increment) `mod` modulus
makeUnif :: Integer -> Double
makeUnif seed = (fromIntegral seed :: Double)/(fromIntegral(modulus-1) :: Double)
boxMuller :: Double -> Double -> (Double, Double) -> Double
boxMuller mu sigma (r1,r2) = mu + sigma * sqrt (-2 * log r1) * cos (2 * pi * r2)
-- Simulate
clin = divideCell (Cell 4 0 1 123)
mdivs = maxDivisions clin
numcells = countCells clin 2
numleaves = countLeaves clin
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