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Created August 24, 2019 14:59
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# Rule whitelist
# Let's use a whitelist policy: only rules from following list
# are enabled at the moment. So each rule should be enabled implicitly
# by adding to this list.
# Closing brace with closing parenthesis should not
# have any whitespaces in the middle.
# Correct: find(where: { true })
# Wrong: find(where: { true } )
- closing_brace
# Closure end should have the same indentation as the line
# that started it.
# Correct: foo(abc, 123) { _ in }
# Correct: foo(abc, 123) { _ in
# true
# }
# Wrong: foo(abc, 123) { _ in
# true
# }
- closure_end_indentation
# Closure parameters should be on the same line as opening brace.
# Correct:
# foo(abc, 123) { x, y, z in
# return x * y * z
# }
# Wrong:
# foo(abc, 123) {
# x, y, z in
# return x * y * z
# }
# Wrong:
# foo(abc, 123) {
# x, y, z in return x * y * z
# }
- closure_parameter_position
# Expressions using curly braces should have a single space
# inside each brace.
# Correct: get { return refreshable?.isRefreshEnabled ?? false }
# Wrong: get { return refreshable?.isRefreshEnabled ?? false}
- closure_spacing
# Colons should be next to the identifier when specifying a type.
# Correct: let abc: Int
# Wrong: let abc:Int
# Wrong: let abc :Int
# Wrong: let abc : Int
- colon
# There should be no spaces before comma and exactly one space
# after it (unless it is the last character on the line).
# Correct: func abc(a: String, b: String) { }
# Wrong: func abc(a: String ,b: String) { }
# Wrong: func abc(a: String,b: String) { }
- comma
# if, for, while, do statements
# shouldn't wrap their conditionals in parentheses.
# Correct: if condition {
# Wrong: if (condition) {
- control_statement
# Arguments can be omitted when matching enums
# with associated types if they are not used.
# Correct: case .success:
# Wrong: case .success(_):
- empty_enum_arguments
# Prefer `() -> ` over `Void -> `.
# Correct: () -> Int
# Wrong: Void -> Int
# Wrong: (Void) -> Int
- empty_parameters
# When using trailing closures, empty parentheses
# should be avoided after the method name.
# Correct: [1, 2].map { $0 + 1 }
# Wrong: [1, 2].map() { $0 + 1 }
- empty_parentheses_with_trailing_closure
# Explicitly calling .init() should be avoided.
# Correct: [1].flatMap(String.init)
# Correct: [String.self].map { $0.init(1) }
# Wrong: [1].flatMap { String.init($0) }
- explicit_init
# Files should not span too many lines.
- file_length
# Prefer using `.first(where:)` over `.filter { }.first` in collections.
# Correct: myList.first(where: { $0 % 2 == 0 })
# Wrong: myList.filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }.first
- first_where
# Force casts should be avoided.
# Correct: NSNumber() as? Int
# Wrong: NSNumber() as! Int
- force_cast
# Force tries should be avoided.
# Correct: func a() throws {}; do { try a() } catch {}
# Wrong: func a() throws {}; try! a()
- force_try
# Force unwrapping should be avoided.
# Correct: if let url = NSURL(string: query)
# Wrong: let url = NSURL(string: query)!
- force_unwrapping
# Computed read-only properties should avoid using the get keyword.
# Correct:
# var foo: Int {
# return 20
# }
# Wrong:
# var foo: Int {
# get { return 20 }
# }
- implicit_getter
# Prefer implicit returns in closures.
# Correct: let b = str.characters.contains { $0 == 'c' }
# Wrong: let b = str.characters.contains { return $0 == 'c' }
- implicit_return
# Files should not contain leading whitespace.
- leading_whitespace
# Struct-scoped constants are preferred over legacy global constants.
# Correct:
# Wrong: CGPointZero
- legacy_constant
# Swift constructors are preferred over legacy convenience functions.
# Correct: CGSize(width: 10, height: 10)
# Wrong: CGSizeMake(10, 10)
- legacy_constructor
# Lines should not span too many characters.
# See details below in a rule configuration section.
- line_length
# MARK comment should be in valid format.
# e.g. '// MARK: ...' or '// MARK: - ...'
# Correct: // MARK: good
# Correct: // MARK: - good
# Wrong: //MARK: bad
# Wrong: // MARK:bad
# Wrong: // MARK: bad
- mark
# Types should be nested at most 1 level deep, and
# statements should be nested at most 5 levels deep.
- nesting
# Opening braces should be preceded by a single space and on the same line
# as the declaration.
# Correct: func abc() {}
# Wrong: func abc(){}
- opening_brace
# Operators should be surrounded by a single whitespace
# when they are being used.
# Correct: let a = b * c
# Wrong: let a = b* c
# Wrong: let a = b *c
# Wrong: let a = b*c
- operator_usage_whitespace
# Some overridden methods should always call super.
# Correct:
# open override
# func viewDidLoad() {
# super.viewDidLoad()
# ...
# }
# Wrong:
# open override
# func viewDidLoad() {
# ... // no super.viewDidLoad() call throughout the method
# }
- overridden_super_call
# Some methods should not call super.
# Correct:
# open override
# func loadView() {
# ... // no super.loadView() call throughout the method
# }
# Wrong:
# open override
# func loadView() {
# ...
# super.loadView()
# }
- prohibited_super_call
# Prefer `_ = foo()` over `let _ = foo()` when discarding a result
# from a function.
# Correct: _ = foo()
# Wrong: let _ = foo()
- redundant_discardable_let
# Coalescing operator with nil as rhs is redundant.
# Correct:
# var n1: Int? = nil
# var n2 = n1
# Wrong:
# var n1: Int? = nil
# var n2 = n1 ?? nil
- redundant_nil_coalescing
# Initializing an optional variable with nil is redundant.
# Correct: var n: Int?
# Wrong: var n: Int? = nil
- redundant_optional_initialization
# String enum values can be omitted when
# they are equal to the enumcase name.
# Correct:
# enum SomeEnum: String {
# case one
# case two
# }
# Wrong:
# enum SomeEnum: String {
# case one = "one"
# case two = "two"
# }
- redundant_string_enum_value
# Returning Void in a function declaration is redundant.
# Correct: func someFunc() { ... }
# Wrong: func someFunc() -> Void { ... }
- redundant_void_return
# Return arrow and return type should be separated by a single space or on a
# separate line.
# Correct: func abc() -> Int {}
# Wrong: func abc()->Int {}
- return_arrow_whitespace
# Prefer shorthand operators (+=, -=, *=, /=)
# over doing the operation and assigning.
# Correct: n += 42
# Wrong: n = n + 42
- shorthand_operator
# Imports should be sorted.
# Correct:
# import AAA
# import BBB
# import CCC
# Wrong:
# import AAA
# import CCC
# import BBB
- sorted_imports
# Else and catch should be on the same line, one space after the previous
# declaration.
# Correct: } else if {
# Correct: } catch {
# Wrong: }else if {
# Wrong: }
# catch {
- statement_position
# Cases inside a switch should always be on a newline.
# Correct:
# switch self {
# case .hue:
# return "hue"
# case .red:
# return "red"
# case .green:
# return "green"
# }
# Wrong:
# switch self {
# case .hue: return "hue"
# case .red: return "red"
# case .green: return "green"
# }
- switch_case_on_newline
# Shorthand syntactic sugar should be used,
# i.e. [Int] instead of Array<Int>,
# [String: Int] instead of Dictionary<String, Int>,
# Int? instead of Optional<Int>,
# Int! instead of ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<Int>
# Correct: let n: Int? = 42
# Wrong: let n: Optional<Int> = 42
- syntactic_sugar
# TODOs and FIXMEs should be avoided.
- todo
# Files should have a single trailing newline.
- trailing_newline
# Lines should not have trailing semicolons.
# Correct: let a = 0
# Wrong: let a = 0;
- trailing_semicolon
# Lines should not have trailing whitespace.
- trailing_whitespace
# Type name should only contain alphanumeric characters, start with an
# uppercase character. Max and min limits are configured in Rule
# Configuration section.
# Correct: class MyType {}
# Wrong: class myType {}
# Wrong: class _MyType {}
- type_name
# Unused parameter in a closure should be replaced with _.
# Correct: { _ in return x * 42 }
# Wrong: { n in return x * 42 }
- unused_closure_parameter
# When the index or the item is not used,
# `.enumerated()` can be removed.
# Correct:
# for el in [1, 2, 3] {
# print(el)
# }
# Wrong:
# for (_, el) in [1, 2, 3].enumerated() {
# print(el)
# }
- unused_enumerated
# Use `if ... != nil` instead `if let _ = ...`
# Correct:
# if view != nil {
# view.addSubview(someSubview)
# }
# Wrong:
# if let _ = view {
# view.addSubview(someSubview)
# }
- unused_optional_binding
# Limit vertical whitespace to a single empty line.
# Correct:
# let n1 = 42
# let n2 = 43
# Wrong:
# let n1 = 42
# let n2 = 43
- vertical_whitespace
# Prefer `-> Void` over `-> ()`.
# Correct: func someFunc(fooParam: () -> Void) { ... }
# Wrong: func someFunc(fooParam: () -> ())) { ... }
- void_return
# Enables enforcing custom rules (see custom rules below)
- custom_rules
# Rule configuration
# Closing brace
severity: error
# Closure end indentation
severity: error
# Spaces aroung curly braces
severity: error
# Closure parameter position (on the same line with opening brace)
severity: error
# Colon
severity: error
# Comma
severity: error
# Control statement (no parentheses after control statement)
severity: error
# Don't introduce unused enum associated values
severity: error
# Prefer `() -> ` over `Void -> `
severity: error
# No empty parentheses just before trailing closure
severity: error
# Use explicit init call only when necessary
severity: error
# File length limitation
warning: 300
error: 400
# Prefer using `.first(where:)` over `.filter { }.first` in collections
severity: error
# Force casts
severity: error
# Force tries
severity: error
# Force unwrapping
severity: error
# Don't use get keyword for computed read-only properties
severity: error
# Prefer implicit returns in closures
severity: error
# Files should not contain leading whitespace
severity: error
# Maximum line length
warning: 120
error: 120
# MARK comment format
severity: error
# Nesting
severity: error
# Avoid legacy constants like CGSizeZero
severity: error
# Avoid legacy convenience functions like CGSizeMake
severity: error
# Opening braces
severity: error
# Whitespaces around operator usage
severity: error
# Required super call override
severity: error
# Prohibited super call
severity: error
# Redundant discardable let
severity: error
# Redundant nil coalescing
severity: error
# No need to initialize optional with nil
severity: error
# Redundant explicit raw values for string enums
severity: error
# No need to declare returning void from functions
severity: error
# Whitespaces around return arrow
severity: error
# Use shorthand math operators when possible
severity: error
# Import statements should be sorted
severity: error
# else and catch keyword positions
severity: error
# Switch cases should be on separate lines
severity: error
# [Int] preferred to Array<Int>, ? instead Optional etc
severity: error
# TODOs and FIXMEs
severity: warning
# Single trailing newline
severity: error
# No trailing semicolons
severity: error
# Trailing whitespaces
severity: error
# Type naming rule
# Minimum limit is 0 so types can have very short names like X, Y
warning: 0
error: 0
# Limit type name length to reasonable value so they should stay
# readable
warning: 30
error: 50
# use _ instead of unused closure parameter
severity: error
# Use enumerated() only when you need index
severity: error
# Use `if ... != nil` instead `if let _ = ...`
severity: error
# Limit vertical whitespace to a single empty line
severity: error
# Use `-> Void` instead of `-> ()` in closures
severity: error
# Custom rules
# Wrong:
# func abc(a: String, b: String) { }
# Wrong:
# func abc(a: String, b: String) { }
# Wrong:
# func abc(a: String, b: String) { }
# Correct:
# func abc(a: String, b: String) { }
name: "Indentation Rule"
regex: "\
- argument
- attribute.builtin
- comment
- comment.mark
- comment.url
- identifier
- keyword
- number
- objectliteral
- parameter
- placeholder
- typeidentifier
message: "Number of initial line whitespaces should be 0 or
divisible by 4 and shouldn't be greater than 24."
severity: error
# Wrong:
# case BMP = "bmp"
# case TIFF = "tiff"
# Correct:
# case BMP = "bmp"
# case TIFF = "tiff"
# Known issues:
# Following line is linted successfully for some reason:
# let blue = CGFloat( ( hex & 0x0000FF) >> 0) / 0xFF
# It looks like it has something to do with parentheses and slashes,
# maybe it's a side effect of other rules.
name: "Duplicated spaces rule"
regex: '\S\h{2,}?\S'
- argument
- identifier
- keyword
- number
- objectliteral
- parameter
- placeholder
- typeidentifier
message: "There should be no multiple consecutive spaces in a line
(except indentation spaces in a beginning of a line)."
severity: error
# Wrong:
# override public
# Correct:
# public override
name: "Access control rule"
regex: '(^|\h)\w+\h+(open|public|internal|fileprivate|private)(?!\(set\))'
- attribute.builtin
message: "Access control modifier should precede other modifiers."
severity: error
# Wrong:
# func abc(a:"a") { }
# Correct:
# func abc(a: "a") { }
name: "Space after colon rule"
regex: '\w:[^\s)]'
- identifier
- typeidentifier
message: "Colon should be followed by whitespace."
severity: error
- Carthage
- Pods
- Etalon2.0/Resources/Storyboards
- Etalon2.0/Resources/Generated
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