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Last active July 26, 2018 02:08
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Save Coaden/965112055e05898a1594ea57e4dad4c7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Source code for Austin's birthday present! From Dad with terabytes of love.
using God;
using Love;
using People.Family;
using People.Family.Parents;
using People.Friends;
using Girlfriend = People.Ashlyn;
using Dad = People.Family.Parents.Dad;
using Neccessary.Troy.Sobriety;
using Resource.Time;
using Resource.Effort;
using Character.Traits.Austin.Forgiveness;
namespace World.Humans.Special.Son
public class Birthday<TAustin> : IDay where !IComparable<TAustin>
const bool IS_BIRTHDAY = true;
const string BIRTHDAYPERSON = "Austin Dare Locke";
protected Parent _mom;
protected IParent _dad;
public class BirthdayInfo
public Person BirthdayBoy { get; set; };
public const DateTime Birthday { get; set; };
public Int64 Age { get; set; };
public BirthdayInfo() {
public const DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime("July 25, 1995");
public DateTime today = DateTime.Now();
private String[7] birthdayMessage = new String[];
birthdayMessage[0] = "Happy Birthday Son, I hope you enjoy this code.\r\n";
birthdayMessage[1] = "This is what I put together as a gift to you for your birthday.\r\n";
birthdayMessage[2] = "It's something special to be able to do this for you, and know you can understand it.\r\n";
birthdayMessage[3] = "This (coding/programming) is something that has always given us something to share.\r\n";
birthdayMessage[4] = "I can't express in words how proud I am of everything you've become.\r\n";
birthdayMessage[5] = "And I know your are going to do amazing things with your life.\r\n";
birthdayMessage[6] = "I Love you so much, Austin\r\n";
bool isBirthday = today == startdate;
Assert(isBirthday, message: birthdayMessage.join(""););
protected TimeSpan life = today - startDate;
Age = life.Years++;
public class BirthdayEventArgs : EventArgs
public Array PresentsArray { get; } == this;
public event EventHandler<BirthdayEventArgs> OnBirthday;
public Birthday(IApplicationBuilder appBuilder,
BirthdayInfo birthInfo)
BirthdayBoyFirstName = BIRTHDAYPERSON.split(" ")[];
BirthdayEventArgs = new BirthdayEventArgs {
Time time = Hours(5);
Reason love = Love[SIZE_MAX]; //note: SIZE_MAX = 18446744073709551615;
Present Gift = appBuilder.CreatePresent(time, love) As Application(this);
if(appBuilder.Name == "Troy" && IsInRole(appBuilder, Role: IDad)) {
Assert(presentsArray[IndexOf(_dad.)] != null,
message: "So I wrote this for you as a birthday present");
if(((Present)this.Gift).Value != null) {
return this.As(BirthdayPresent);
} else {
throw new UnexpectedException("I'll try to get you something tangible.");
protected virtual Token<Love> OnBirthday(BirthEventArgs birthEvent)
Parent daddy = new Parent<daddy>();
daddy.Name = "Troy";
Baby baby = new Baby<Son>();
baby.Name = "Austin";
baby.Result = LifeCycle(baby => baby.Austin == baby.Grow(true));
if(baby == new Adult<Austin>()) {
goodMemories = events.Where(event => event.Memories == MemoryEnum.Good &&
event.Memories.Contains(m => m.Key == daddy) &&
event.Value !== null).ToList();
AddMemory<Father, Son>("Troy", "Austin");
events[SPECIAL] += this.Day();
i = goodMemories.Count();
while(goodMemories < SIZE_MAX))
events[i++] = Random();
badMemories = events.Where(event => event.Memories == MemoryEnum.Bad).ToList();
//badMemories.RemoveAll(); -- removed / causes crash!
badMemories.Amend(TimeSpan: T.Years).ReplaceAll(goodMemories)
.OrderBy(life => life.Priority.Value);
Promise you = new Promise<Reason, Method> ( Key: KeepAlive(relationship),
Value: new Life().Commit(sobriety, consistency) );
return new Token<Love>(you);
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Coaden commented Jul 26, 2018

I love you so much Austin!

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