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Created November 12, 2015 10:39
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MySQL Stored Procedure for Table Partitioning
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `Cmonk_partition_manager`(in partition_frequency varchar(100), in db_schema varchar(100),in input_table_name varchar(100), in partition_column varchar(100))
-- Author - Code Monk
-- Version - 1.0
-- Procedure for automated partitioning of table
-- Inputs :
-- 1- Partition_frequency : Options-(Daily,Monthly,Weekly)
-- 2- db_schema : Name of Database schema
-- 3- input_table_name : Table Name
-- 4- partition_column : Table column
-- Limitations:
-- 1- Only range partitioning is supported.
-- 2- Partition column type should be Datetime
-- Variables to set:
-- no_of_partitions: number of partitions after last partition.
-- Eg: If current date ='2015-11-07' ,frequency ="daily" and no_of_partitions=4
-- then it will also create partitions for next coming 4 days from current_date,
-- which means last date of partition will be "2015-11-11".
-- Note: For Automatic partitioning, Schedule it using MySQL Event.
declare partitions_count int;
declare last_partition_value datetime;
declare partition_query text;
declare no_of_partitions int;
declare first_day_of_current_month datetime;
declare partition_name varchar(256);
declare partition_start_date date;
declare partition_last_date date;
declare partition_names text;
declare partition_date date;
declare temp_current_partition_count int;
-- First day of current month. Eg: '2015-11-01'
set first_day_of_current_month=date(date_sub(now(),interval dayofmonth(now())-1 day));
set no_of_partitions=2;
set partition_names=' ';
-- Increase group concat maximum length.
set @@group_concat_max_len = 100000;
-- Get last partition detail of input table
drop temporary table if exists temp_partition_information;
create temporary table temp_partition_information
from information_schema.PARTITIONS
where TABLE_SCHEMA=db_schema and table_name=input_table_name
order by PARTITION_DESCRIPTION desc limit 1;
set temp_current_partition_count=(select count(*) from temp_partition_information);
-- If currently there is no partitions exists for table
if temp_current_partition_count=0
-- Get minimum value of partition column
set @temp_query=concat('set @min_value_of_partition=(','select ',partition_column,' from ',db_schema,'.',input_table_name,' order by cast(',partition_column,' as datetime) asc limit 1',')');
select @temp_query;
prepare sql_statement from @temp_query;
execute sql_statement;
deallocate prepare sql_statement;
-- if there is no record in table
if @min_value_of_partition is null
-- set minimum value current system date
set @min_value_of_partition=current_date;
end if;
-- Get partition descripion of last partition created on table
set @min_value_of_partition= (select from_days(partition_description) from temp_partition_information);
end if;
select @min_value_of_partition;
-- Calaculate start and last date of partitions based on the frequency
case when partition_frequency='daily'
select @min_value_of_partition;
set partition_start_date=case when temp_current_partition_count>0
date_ADD(date(@min_value_of_partition), interval 1 day)
ELSE date_sub(date(@min_value_of_partition), interval 1 day) END;
set partition_last_date=date_add(date(current_date), interval no_of_partitions+1 day);
when partition_frequency ='weekly'
set partition_start_date=date_sub(date_add(date(@min_value_of_partition), interval 6-(WEEKDAY(date(@min_value_of_partition))) day),interval 7 day);
set partition_last_date=date_add(date_add(date(current_date), interval 6-(WEEKDAY(date(current_date))) day),interval no_of_partitions*7 day);
when partition_frequency='monthly'
set partition_start_date=case when temp_current_partition_count>0
date_Add(date_sub(date(@min_value_of_partition), interval dayofmonth(@min_value_of_partition)-1 day),interval 1 month)
date_sub(date(@min_value_of_partition), interval dayofmonth(@min_value_of_partition)-1 day)
end ;
set partition_last_date=date_add(date(first_day_of_current_month), interval no_of_partitions+1 month);
end case;
set partition_date=partition_start_date;
select partition_start_date,partition_last_date,partition_date;
-- Temporary table to hold the dynamically created partition details
drop temporary table if exists temp_partition_name;
create temporary table temp_partition_name
partition_list varchar(256)
-- Loop create partition query for each partition
set partition_name=concat('p',year(partition_date),
if( length(month(partition_date))=1,concat('0',month(partition_date)),month(partition_date)),
if( length(day(partition_date))=1,concat('0',day(partition_date)),day(partition_date) )
-- Prepare partition values and store it to the temp table
insert into temp_partition_name values( concat('PARTITION ', partition_name,' VALUES LESS THAN (','to_days(','''',partition_date,'''',')',')'));
-- Calaculate next partition date based on the frequency of partitioning
case when partition_frequency='daily'
set partition_date=date_Add(partition_date, interval 1 day);
when partition_frequency ='weekly'
set partition_date=date_Add(partition_date, interval 7 day);
when partition_frequency='monthly'
set partition_date=date_Add(partition_date, interval 1 month);
end case;
-- set partition_date=date_Add(partition_date, interval 1 month);
-- Prepare partition query till it reach to the last partition date
until partition_last_date<=partition_date
END REPEAT loop_to_make_partition_query;
-- select * from temp_partition_name;
-- After collecting all partition details in the temporary table. concat all partition query in comma seperated format
select group_concat(partition_list) into partition_names from temp_partition_name;
-- Preparing final partition query and store it to the variable "partition_query"
if temp_current_partition_count=0
set partition_query=concat('alter table ',db_schema,'.',input_table_name,' partition by range(to_days(',partition_column,'))',
set partition_query=concat('alter table ',db_schema,'.',input_table_name,' add partition(',partition_names,');');
end if;
select partition_query ;
select partition_query into @partition_query;
SELECT * FROM temp_partition_name;
-- Execute query to add new partitions to table
prepare stmt from @partition_query;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
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CodMonk commented Mar 31, 2020

Hey @royagustafson ,
Thanks !!
Can you make a pull request for changes require?

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