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Last active February 3, 2018 22:57
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  • Save CodaFi/453f369a8790a070d9e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CodaFi/453f369a8790a070d9e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/// An operator is given by a list of arities, where each element indicates the number of
/// variables bound by the operator at that position and the length of the list determines the
/// number of variables the operator accepts. The full generalization of arity is called
/// the operator's "valence".
/// For example, if I have a little calculator language with let-bindings, its operators
/// would look like this:
/// enum CalcOps : Operator {
/// case Plus
/// case Minus
/// case Mult
/// case Div
/// case Let
/// var arity : [UInt] {
/// switch self {
/// case .Plus:
/// return [0, 0] // x + y binds no variables
/// case .Minus:
/// return [0, 0] // x - y binds no variables
/// case .Mult:
/// return [0, 0] // x * y binds no variables
/// case .Div:
/// return [0, 0] // x / y binds no variables
/// case .Let:
/// return [0, 1] // let x = e binds 1 variable (x).
/// }
/// }
/// var description : String {
/// switch self {
/// case .Plus:
/// return "+"
/// case .Minus:
/// return "-"
/// case .Mult:
/// return "*"
/// case .Div:
/// return "/"
/// case .Let:
/// return "let"
/// }
/// }
/// }
protocol Operator : Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
var arity : [UInt] { get }
/// A variable is a fixed term. ABTs require variables have a "freshness guarantee". That is,
/// newly created variables are wholly distinct from previously created variables.
protocol Variable : Equatable, Comparable, Hashable, CustomStringConvertible {
var fresh : Self { get }
var copy : Self { get }
/// An ABT capturing the design spec in the homework assignment from
/// CMU (
/// about ABTs.
/// The original concept comes from Per Martin-Lof's "Method of Arities"
/// (
protocol ABT {
associatedtype V : Variable
associatedtype O : Operator
/// Fold a View back into an ABT.
static func into(v : View<V, O>) -> Self
/// Unfold an ABT into a View.
func outOf() -> View<V, O>
/// A "single-step unfolding" of the ABT. The View of the ABT acts as a mediator between the ABT and
/// "the outside world", which in this case is Swift. On the one hand, forcing the user to go through
/// the View means we get to perform validation of invariants. On the other, it allows a much, much better
/// way to pattern match on the useful parts of an ABT.
enum View<V : Variable, O : Operator> {
/// A variable. Free, never bound.
case Var(V)
/// An abstraction, given by the bound variable and the rest of the term.
case Abstract(V, NamelessABT<V, O>)
/// An application, given by an operator of proper arity applied to a list of terms.
case Apply(O, [NamelessABT<V, O>])
/// A Locally Nameless implementation of ABTs.
/// If an AST is a tree of variables applied to operators whose arguments are classified by sorts,
/// then an ABT is an AST that is aware of binding. We augment the traditional `Apply`-only AST with
/// variables (here, because it is *locally* nameless we use whatever the user wants for free variables
/// but use de-bruijn indexing for bound terms) and a way to introduce bound variables in a lambda
/// abstraction yielding an unfolding of the ABT in which the given variable is bound. As before,
/// variables are given significance only through the process of substitution. Only this time, we can
/// view substitution through the lens of a set of (possibly disjoint) binding scopes.
indirect enum NamelessABT<V : Variable, O : Operator> : ABT, CustomStringConvertible {
/// Ideally, these cases are all private.
case Free(V)
case Bound(UInt)
case Abstract(V, NamelessABT<V, O>)
case Apply(O, [NamelessABT<V, O>])
/// Convert a `View` into a term.
static func into(v : View<V, O>) -> NamelessABT<V, O> {
switch v {
/// Transport free variables to free variables in the ABT.
case .Var(let v):
return .Free(v)
/// Convert an abstraction binding a variable into the ABT's flavor of abstraction making sure
/// the previously free variable is properly bound in the body of the ABT.
case .Abstract(let v, let abt):
return .Abstract(v.copy, abt.byBindingVariable(v))
/// Converts an application
case .Apply(let o, let es):
let ar = o.arity
// Arity check: Does the operator's arity match the number of arguments we actually have on hand?
assert(ar.count == es.count)
// Moreover, for each argument of the operator, does its arity match with what we would expect?
assert(zip(es, ar).reduce(true) { b, t in b && t.0.matchArity(t.1) })
return .Apply(o, es)
/// from
private func matchArity(n : UInt) -> Bool {
switch self {
case .Abstract(_, _):
return n != 0
return n == 0
/// Convert a term into a `View`.
func outOf() -> View<V, O> {
switch self {
/// Transport free variables to free variables in the View.
case .Free(let v):
return .Var(v)
/// Bound variables have no place in the View. Mostly because the only way that
/// we can get here is if something has gone terribly wrong because you can't
/// bind variables arbitrarily, only with the `Abstract` case.
case .Bound(_):
/// Converts an abstraction involving a bound variable to one involving a free
/// variable and the rest of the ABT where the new free variable has been added.
case .Abstract(let x, let e):
let v = x.copy
return .Abstract(v.copy, e.byFreeingVariable(v))
/// Don't have to do any work for applications.
case .Apply(let o, let es):
return .Apply(o, es)
/// Attempts to find the variable `v` and bind it.
/// Imprisonment.
func byBindingVariable(v : V, lvl : UInt = 0) -> NamelessABT<V, O> {
switch self {
// For free variables:
case .Free(let fv):
if v == fv {
// if we find what we're looking for, then we have to bind it at the current
// index level.
return .Bound(lvl)
} else {
// else we leave it alone.
return .Free(fv)
// If it's already bound there's nothign to do.
case .Bound(let bv):
return .Bound(bv)
// Recurse into the body of the abstraction trying to bind the variable in the next level.
case .Abstract(let x, let e):
return .Abstract(x, e.byBindingVariable(v, lvl: lvl + 1))
// Recurse into the bodies of the operator's arguments trying to bind the variable at the current level.
case .Apply(let o, let es):
let res = { $0.byBindingVariable(v.copy, lvl: lvl) }
return .Apply(o, res)
/// Inserts a new free variable starting at position `n`, renaming bound variables as needed.
/// Jailbreak!
func byFreeingVariable(v : V, lvl : UInt = 0) -> NamelessABT<V, O> {
switch self {
// Leave free variables alone.
case .Free(let fv):
return .Free(fv)
// For bound variables:
case .Bound(let m):
if m == lvl {
// if we find what we're looking for, then we free the variable.
return .Free(v)
} else {
// else we leave it alone.
return .Bound(m)
// Recurse into the body of the abstraction trying to free the variable in the next level.
case .Abstract(let x, let e):
return .Abstract(x, e.byFreeingVariable(v, lvl: lvl + 1))
// Recurse into the bodies of the operator's arguments trying to free the variable at the current level.
case .Apply(let o, let es):
let res ={ e in e.byFreeingVariable(v.copy, lvl: lvl) })
return .Apply(o, res)
/// Returns the result of substituting the in the current ABT for the given variable and applying the
/// expression to the result.
func bySubstituting(tm: NamelessABT<V, O>, for vari : V) -> NamelessABT<V, O> {
switch self.outOf() {
/// HACK: I have to rework variable equality in the named case.
case let .Var(v) where vari.description == v.description:
return tm // Perform the sub
/// Search the body of the binding for things to sub for.
case let .Abstract(v, expb):
return abstract(v, expb.bySubstituting(tm, for: vari))
/// Search the operands for things to sub for.
case let .Apply(o, ts):
return apply(o, { $0.bySubstituting(tm, for: vari) })
return self
/// Returns a lift containing the free variables in the ABT with each occuring at most once.
var freevars : Set<V> {
func rec(exp : NamelessABT<V, O>) -> [V] {
switch exp {
/// Trivial
case let .Free(v):
return [v]
case .Bound(_):
return []
/// The free variables in an abstraction are all the free variables in the body
/// minus the variable we captured.
case let .Abstract(v, expi):
return rec(expi).filter({ $0 != v })
/// The free variables in an operator application is the union of free variables in all
/// the operands.
case let .Apply(_, exps):
return exps.flatMap(rec)
return Set(rec(self))
var description : String {
switch self.outOf() {
case .Var(let v):
return v.description
case .Abstract(let v, let e):
return v.description + "." + e.description
case .Apply(let o, let es) where es.isEmpty:
return o.description
case .Apply(let o, let es):
let ss = { $0.description + ", " }.reduce("", combine: +)
return o.description + "(" + ss[ss.startIndex..<ss.endIndex.predecessor().predecessor()] + ")"
/// Helpers:
/// The example below is an implementation of the Lambda calculus, it only makes sense to have lambda terms
/// be easy to construct.
func abstract<V : Variable, O : Operator>(x : V, _ e : NamelessABT<V, O>) -> NamelessABT<V, O> {
return NamelessABT<V, O>.into(.Abstract(x, e))
func apply<V : Variable, O : Operator>(o : O, _ es : [NamelessABT<V, O>]) -> NamelessABT<V, O> {
return NamelessABT<V, O>.into(.Apply(o, es))
func variable<V : Variable, O : Operator>(x : V) -> NamelessABT<V, O> {
return NamelessABT<V, O>.into(.Var(x))
extension NamelessABT : Equatable { }
/// Alpha-equivalence
/// Respects NamelessABT<V, O>.into(abt.outOf()) == abt
func == <V : Variable, O : Operator>(l : NamelessABT<V, O>, r : NamelessABT<V, O>) -> Bool {
switch (l, r) {
case let (.Free(i), .Free(j)):
return i == j
case let (.Bound(x), .Bound(y)):
return x == y
case let (.Abstract(_, t1), .Abstract(_, t2)):
return t1 == t2
case let (.Apply(f1, _), .Apply(f2, _)):
return f1 == f2
return false
infix operator <^> {
associativity left
precedence 140
infix operator <*> {
associativity left
precedence 140
public func <^> <A, B>(f: A -> B, a: A?) -> B? {
public func <^> <A, B>(f: A -> B, a: [A]) -> [B] {
public func <*> <A, B>(f: [(A -> B)], a: [A]) -> [B] {
var re = [B]()
for g in f {
for h in a {
return re
public func <*> <A, B>(f: (A -> B)?, a: A?) -> B? {
if f != nil && a != nil {
return (f!(a!))
} else {
return .None
// The first-order dependently typed lambda calculus.
enum LambdaCalculus : Operator {
case Lam
case App
case Pi
case Unit
case Axiom
var arity : [UInt] {
switch self {
case .Lam: // λx.e binds x
return [1]
case .App: // (λx.e)y binds nothing
return [0, 0]
case .Pi: // Πx.e(x) binds x only in the body e(x)
return [0, 1]
case .Unit: // constant
return []
case .Axiom: // constant
return []
var description : String {
switch self {
case .Lam:
return "λ"
case .App:
return "ap"
case .Pi:
return "pi"
case .Unit:
return "unit"
case .Axiom:
return "<>"
typealias LambdaTerm = NamelessABT<Named, LambdaCalculus>
let x = "x"
let y = "y"
let identity : LambdaTerm = apply(.Lam, [abstract(Named(x), variable(Named(x)))])
let app : LambdaTerm = apply(.App, [identity, identity])
identity.bySubstituting(identity, for: Named(x))
LambdaTerm.into(identity.outOf()) == identity
/// Nameless variables ["de Bruijn indices"]
struct Nameless : Variable {
private let unVariable : UInt
init() {
self.unVariable = Nameless.freshVariable()
private init(copying : UInt) {
self.unVariable = copying
var fresh : Nameless {
return Nameless()
var copy : Nameless {
return Nameless(copying: self.unVariable)
var hashValue : Int {
return Int(self.unVariable)
var description : String {
return String(self.unVariable)
static var _varPool : UInt = 0
static func freshVariable() -> UInt {
_varPool += 1;
return _varPool
func <=(lhs : Nameless, rhs : Nameless) -> Bool {
return lhs.unVariable <= rhs.unVariable
func >=(lhs : Nameless, rhs : Nameless) -> Bool {
return lhs.unVariable >= rhs.unVariable
func >(lhs : Nameless, rhs : Nameless) -> Bool {
return lhs.unVariable > rhs.unVariable
func <(lhs : Nameless, rhs : Nameless) -> Bool {
return lhs.unVariable < rhs.unVariable
func ==(lhs : Nameless, rhs : Nameless) -> Bool {
return lhs.unVariable == rhs.unVariable
/// Named variables; Reference equality is needed because strings have value semantics.
final class Named : Variable, StringLiteralConvertible {
private let unVariable : String
typealias StringLiteralType = String
init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: UnicodeScalar) {
self.unVariable = String(value)
init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: String) {
self.unVariable = value
init(stringLiteral value: String) {
self.unVariable = value
init(_ copying : String) {
self.unVariable = copying
var fresh : Named {
return Named(self.unVariable + "'")
var copy : Named {
return Named(self.unVariable)
var hashValue : Int {
return self.unVariable.hashValue
var description : String {
return self.unVariable
func <=(lhs : Named, rhs : Named) -> Bool {
return lhs.unVariable <= rhs.unVariable
func >=(lhs : Named, rhs : Named) -> Bool {
return lhs.unVariable >= rhs.unVariable
func >(lhs : Named, rhs : Named) -> Bool {
return lhs.unVariable > rhs.unVariable
func <(lhs : Named, rhs : Named) -> Bool {
return lhs.unVariable < rhs.unVariable
func ==(lhs : Named, rhs : Named) -> Bool {
return lhs === rhs
typealias Context = Dictionary<Named, LambdaTerm>
func eval(tm : LambdaTerm) -> LambdaTerm {
func step(tm : LambdaTerm) -> Optional<LambdaTerm> {
switch tm.outOf() {
case let .Apply(.App, es):
let m = es.first!
switch m.outOf() {
case let .Apply(.Lam, xe):
return xe.first!
return (applyPi <^> step(m) <*> es[1]) ?? (applyPi <^> .Some(m) <*> step(es[1]))
case let .Apply(.Pi, tys):
let a = tys[0]
let b = tys[1]
return pi <^> step(a) <*> step(b)
return nil
return step(tm) ?? tm
func infer(inout gamma : Context, tm : LambdaTerm) -> LambdaTerm {
switch tm.outOf() {
case .Var(let v):
if let ty = gamma.filter({ $0.0.unVariable == v.unVariable }).first {
return eval(ty.1)
fatalError("Ill-scoped variable")
case let .Apply(.App, es):
let m = es.first!
let n = es[1]
switch infer(&gamma, tm: m).outOf() {
case let .Apply(.Pi, tys):
let a = tys[0]
let b = tys[1]
check(&gamma, tm: n, ty: a)
return eval(b)
fatalError("Expected Pi type for lambda abstraction")
case let .Abstract(m, n): // YOLO
gamma[m] = unit()
check(&gamma, tm: variable(m), ty: unit())
return .Abstract(m, infer(&gamma, tm: eval(n)))
fatalError("Only first-order neutral terms may be inferred")
func check(inout gamma : Context, tm : LambdaTerm, ty : LambdaTerm) {
let ntm = eval(tm)
let nty = eval(ty)
switch (ntm.outOf(), nty.outOf()) {
case let (.Apply(.Lam, es), .Apply(.Pi, tys)):
switch es.first! {
case .Abstract(let x, _):
let z = x.fresh
_ ={ (ez) -> () in
gamma[z] = tys.first!
check(&gamma, tm: ez, ty: tys[1])
return ()
return ()
fatalError("Ill-scoped variable")
case (.Apply(.Axiom, _), .Apply(.Axiom, _)):
return ()
let ty2 = infer(&gamma, tm: tm)
if ty2 == nty {
return ()
} else {
fatalError("Type error")
func lam(e : LambdaTerm) -> LambdaTerm {
return .Apply(.Lam, [e])
func axiom() -> LambdaTerm {
return .Apply(.Axiom, [])
func unit() -> LambdaTerm {
return .Apply(.Unit, [])
func applyPi(a : LambdaTerm) -> LambdaTerm -> LambdaTerm {
return { b in .Apply(.App, [a, b]) }
func pi(a : LambdaTerm) -> LambdaTerm -> LambdaTerm {
return { b in .Apply(.Pi, [a, b]) }
var context = Context()
let vx = Named(x)
check(&context, tm: lam(abstract(vx, variable(Named(x)))), ty: pi(unit())(abstract(vx, unit())))
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