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Last active November 15, 2018 20:38
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Church Encoding in Swift
/// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
/// Church-Turing clan ain’t nothing to func with.
/// Church encoding is a means of representing data and operators in the lambda
/// calculus. In Swift, this means restricting functions to their fully curried
/// forms; returning blocks wherever possible. Church Encoding of the natural
/// numbers is the most well-known form of encoding, but the lambda calculus is
/// expressive enough to represent booleans, conditionals, pairs, and lists as
/// well. This file is an exploration of all 4 representations mentioned.
/// Polymorphic identity function
func id<A>(_ a : A) -> A {
return a
/// Constant Combinator
func const<A, B>(_ a : A) -> (B) -> A {
return { b in
return a
/// Church encoding of the number zero.
/// zero :: flip const
func zero<A, B>(_ a : A) -> (B) -> B {
return { b in
return b
/// Returns the church encoding of any integer.
func church<A>(_ x : Int) -> (@escaping (A) -> A) -> (A) -> A {
if x == 0 {
return zero
return { f in
return { (a : A) in
return f(church(x - 1)(f)(a))
/// Returns the integer resolution of a church encoding.
/// This function is not tail recursive and has a tendency to smash the
/// stack with incredibly large values of church-encoded n's.
func unchurch<A>(_ f : ((@escaping (Int) -> Int) -> (Int) -> A)) -> A {
return f({ i in
return i + 1
unchurch(church(6)) // 6
unchurch(church(25)) // 25
unchurch(church(8)) // 8
/// Natural Numbers
/// Church numerals are higher order functions that represent the folding of a
/// successor function 'f'. The natural numbers begin with zero, which
/// does not apply the function, and grow monotonically with each application
/// of f. Applications of f are encoded as a successor function.
/// Successor function for church encoded numerals.
func successor<A, B, C>(_ n : @escaping ((@escaping (A) -> B) -> (C) -> A)) -> (@escaping (A) -> B) -> (C) -> B {
return { f in
return { (x : C) in
return f(n(f)(x))
func one<A>(_ f : @escaping ((A) -> A)) -> (A) -> A {
return { x in
return successor(zero)(f)(x)
func two<A>(_ f : @escaping ((A) -> A)) -> (A) -> A {
return { x in
return successor(one)(f)(x)
func three<A>(_ f : @escaping ((A) -> A)) -> (A) -> A {
return { x in
return successor(two)(f)(x)
func four<A>(_ f : @escaping ((A) -> A)) -> (A) -> A {
return { x in
return successor(three)(f)(x)
func five<A>(_ f : @escaping ((A) -> A)) -> (A) -> A {
return { x in
return successor(four)(f)(x)
func six<A>(_ f : @escaping ((A) -> A)) -> (A) -> A {
return { x in
return successor(five)(f)(x)
func seven<A>(_ f : @escaping ((A) -> A)) -> (A) -> A {
return { x in
return successor(six)(f)(x)
func eight<A>(_ f : @escaping ((A) -> A)) -> (A) -> A {
return { x in
return successor(seven)(f)(x)
func nine<A>(_ f : @escaping ((A) -> A)) -> (A) -> A {
return { x in
return successor(eight)(f)(x)
func ten<A>(_ f : @escaping ((A) -> A)) -> (A) -> A {
return { x in
return successor(successor(successor(successor(successor(successor(successor(successor(successor(successor(zero))))))))))(f)(x)
unchurch(one) // 1
unchurch(six) // 6
unchurch(seven) // 7
unchurch(ten) // 10
/// Arithmetic Operators
/// Addition of church numerals.
/// successor(n) beta reduces to plus(one)(n)
func plus<A, B, C>(_ m : @escaping ((B) -> (A) -> C)) -> (@escaping (B) -> (C) -> A) -> (B) -> (C) -> C {
return { n in
return { f in
return { (x : C) in
return m(f)(n(f)(x))
/// Multiplication of church numerals.
func multiply<A, B, C>(_ m : @escaping (A) -> B) -> (@escaping (C) -> A) -> (C) -> B {
return { n in
return { (f : C) in
return m(n(f))
/// Exponentiation of church numerals.
func exponentiate<A, B, C>(_ m : A) -> (@escaping (A) -> (B) -> (C) -> C) -> (B) -> (C) -> C {
return { n in
return { f in
return { (x : C) in
return n(m)(f)(x)
unchurch(plus(seven)(seven)) // 14
unchurch(multiply(three)(eight)) // 24
unchurch(exponentiate(two)(two)) // 4
/// Church Booleans
/// True and False in the lambda calculus are 2-argument functions that return
/// their first and second arguments respectively.
/// So,
/// True(x)(y) = x;
/// False(x)(y) = y;
/// Look familiar? True is const, False is church encoded zero.
/// True
func True<A, B>(_ x : A) -> (B) -> A {
return { (y : B) in
return x
/// False
func False<A, B>(_ a : A) -> (B) -> B {
return { b in
return b
/// Overload for Church-encoding Swift booleans.
func church<A>(_ x : Bool) -> (A) -> (A) -> A {
if x == false {
return False
return True
/// Overload for decoding Church-encoded boolean expressions to Swift booleans.
func unchurch<A>(_ f : @escaping ((Bool) -> (Bool) -> A)) -> A {
return f(true)(false)
/// If-then-else. Given an encoded boolean expression and two church numerals,
/// evaluates to the first numeral if true, and the second numeral if false.
func If<A, B, C>(_ b : @escaping ((A) -> (B) -> C)) -> (A) -> (B) -> C {
return { x in
return { y in
return b(x)(y)
/// Logical OR. Given two encoded boolean expressions, returns the result of
/// logically OR'ing them together.
func or<A, B, C>(_ b1 : @escaping ((B) -> (A) -> C)) -> (@escaping (B) -> (C) -> A) -> (B) -> (C) -> C {
return { b2 in
return { x in
return { (y : C) in
return b1(x)(b2(x)(y))
/// Logical XOR. Given two encoded boolean expressions, returns the result of
/// logically XOR'ing them together.
func xor<A, B, C>(_ b1 : @escaping ((A) -> (A) -> C)) -> (@escaping (B) -> (B) -> A) -> (B) -> (B) -> C {
return { b2 in
return { x in
return { (y : B) in
return b1(b2(y)(x))(b2(x)(y))
/// Logical AND. Given two encoded boolean expressions, returns the result of
/// logically AND'ing them together.
func and<A, B, C>(_ b1 : @escaping ((A) -> (B) -> C)) -> (@escaping (C) -> (B) -> A) -> (C) -> (B) -> C {
return { b2 in
return { x in
return { (y : B) in
return b1(b2(x)(y))(y)
/// Logical NAND. Given two encoded boolean expressions, returns the result of
/// logically NAND'ing them together.
func nand<A, B, C>(_ b1 : @escaping ((A) -> (B) -> C)) -> (@escaping (C) -> (B) -> A) -> (B) -> (C) -> C {
return { b2 in
return { x in
return { (y : C) in
return b1(b2(y)(x))(x)
/// Logical NOT. Negates the church encoding of a boolean expression.
func not<A, B, C>(_ b : @escaping ((A) -> (B) -> C)) -> (B) -> (A) -> C {
return { x in
return { y in
return b(y)(x)
unchurch(church(false)) // false
unchurch(church(true)) // true
unchurch(or(True)(False)) // true
unchurch(xor(True)(True)) // false
unchurch(and(True)(False)) // false
unchurch(nand(False)(False)) // true
unchurch(If(and(False)(True))(ten)(two)) as Int // 2
unchurch(or(True)(False)(one)(three)) as Int // 1
unchurch(xor(True)(False)(nine)(three)) as Int // 9
unchurch(and(True)(False)(five)(eight)) // 8
unchurch(nand(False)(False)(two)(three)) // 2
unchurch(not(nand(False)(False))(two)(three)) as Int // 3
/// Pairs
/// Church pairs represent 2-tuples that act like a "suspended if statement". Left
/// projection is the True function and right projection is the False function applied
/// to the tuple.
/// Constructs a pair.
func pair<A, B, C>(_ x : A) -> (B) -> (@escaping (A) -> (B) -> C) -> C {
return { y in
return { f in
return f(x)(y)
/// Left projection; Returns the first element of the tuple.
func first<A, B, C>(_ p : (@escaping (@escaping (B) -> (A) -> B) -> C)) -> C {
return p(True)
/// Right-projection; Returns the second element of the tuple.
func second<A, B, C>(_ p : (@escaping (@escaping (A) -> (B) -> B) -> C)) -> C {
return p(False)
first(pair(5)(6)) // 5
second(pair("Carlos")("Danger")) // "Danger"
/// Lists
/// Wikipedia calls this the "One pair as a list node" approach. The head of the list is the
/// first element of the pair, the rest is the second element. nil is encoded as false. In this
/// way, it is easy to see that a list is merely a chain of functions yielding different values as
/// you burrow deeper into it. In a sense, it is like being able to "stop" at a point in time
/// travellling along the application of the function itself.
/// Cons an element, x, onto the list and returns a new list.
func cons<A, B, C>(_ x : A) -> (B) -> (@escaping (A) -> (B) -> C) -> C {
return { y in
return { f in
return pair(x)(y)(f)
/// Returns the head of the list.
func head<A, B, C>(_ p : (@escaping ((B) -> (A) -> B) -> C)) -> C {
return first(p)
/// Returns the tail of the list.
func tail<A, B, C>(_ p : (@escaping ((A) -> (B) -> B) -> C)) -> C {
return second(p)
/// The empty list.
func nil_<A, B>(_ a : A) -> (B) -> B {
return { b in
return False(a)(b)
/// More Arithmetic
/// From here it gets hairy. One would expect to be able to write subtraction as simply a number
/// of applications of the predecessor function. From there, division is just like the definition
/// of multiplication. Unfortunately, Richard Statman proved that subtraction, ordering, and
/// any notion of equality over church numerals are not expressible in a typed language.
/// Oh well... it was fun while it lasted. Stupid simply-typed lambda calculus has all the fun.
/// Predecessor function for Church Numerals.
func predecessor<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I>(_ n : @escaping ((@escaping (@escaping (@escaping (E) -> (D) -> E) -> C) -> (@escaping (B) -> (C) -> A) -> A) -> (@escaping (@escaping (G) -> (G) -> F) -> F) -> (@escaping (H) -> (I) -> I) -> E)) -> (@escaping (C) -> B) -> (G) -> E {
return { f in
return { x in
func prefn(_ f : @escaping ((C) -> B)) -> (@escaping (@escaping (E) -> (D) -> E) -> C) -> (@escaping ((B) -> (C) -> A)) -> A {
return { p in
return { x in
return (pair(f(first(p)))(first(p)))(x)
func homopair(_ x : G) -> (G) -> (@escaping (G) -> (G) -> F) -> F {
return { y in
return { f in
return f(x)(y)
return (((n(prefn(f)))(homopair(x)(x)))(zero))
//unchurch(pred(zero)) Does not typecheck. This is a very good thing. Or maybe a terrible thing.
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