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Created April 8, 2016 15:55
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An implementation of μKanren in Swift (
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
typealias Var = Int
typealias Subst = [(Var, Term)]
typealias State = (Subst, Int)
typealias Goal = State -> Stream
indirect enum Stream {
case Nil, Cons(State, Stream), Lazy(() -> Stream)
func mplus(s2 : Stream) -> Stream {
switch (self, s2) {
case (.Nil, _):
return s2
case let (.Cons(v1, a1), a2):
return .Cons(v1, a1.mplus(a2))
case let (.Lazy(a1), a2):
return .Lazy({ a2.mplus(a1()) })
func flatMap(goal : Goal) -> Stream {
switch self {
case .Nil:
return .Nil
case let .Cons(st, rest):
return goal(st).mplus(rest.flatMap(goal))
case let .Lazy(f):
return .Lazy({ f().flatMap(goal) })
indirect enum Term {
case Variable(Var), Pair(Term, Term), Integer(Int)
/// Apply a substitution to a term.
func walk(s : Subst) -> Term {
switch self {
case .Variable(let u):
if let (_, t) = s.filter({ $0.0 == u }).first { return t.walk(s) }
return .Variable(u)
return self
/// Attempt to unify two terms under a substitution, returning an extended substitution on success.
func unify(u : Term, _ v : Term, _ s : Subst) -> Subst? {
func extend(s : Subst, _ v : (Var, Term)) -> Subst { return [v] + s }
// Walk the substitution down both terms before unifying.
switch (u.walk(s), v.walk(s)) {
case let (.Variable(u), .Variable(v)):
if u == v {
// Trivial
return .Some(s)
// Otherwise we need to sub in the fresh variable.
return .Some(extend(s, (u, .Variable(v))))
case let (.Variable(u), v):
// Unifying a variable with a thing that doesn't look like a variable means we have to sub
// in the new thing for the old.
return .Some(extend(s, (u, v)))
case let (_, .Variable(v)):
// and vice-versa.
return .Some(extend(s, (v, u)))
case let (.Pair(u1, u2), .Pair(v1, v2)):
// To unify pairs, it suffices to unify the elements.
return unify(u1, v1, s).flatMap { unify(u2, v2, $0) }
case let (.Integer(i1), .Integer(i2)):
// Unification succeeds under ==.
return (i1 == i2) ? .Some(s) : .None
// wat?
return .None
/// MARK: Goal Constructors
/// Equiv succeeds when both arguments unify.
func equiv(u : Term, _ v : Term) -> Goal {
return { (subst, counter) in
switch unify(u, v, subst) {
case .None:
return .Nil
case let .Some(subst):
return .Cons(((subst, counter)), .Nil)
/// Returns a goal that binds a fresh logic variable before passing state.
func callFresh(f : Term -> Goal) -> Goal {
return { (subst, counter) in
return f(.Variable(counter))((subst, counter + 1))
/// Returns a non-empty stream if either argument is successful.
func disj(g1 : Goal, _ g2 : Goal) -> Goal {
return { (state, counter)
in return g1((state, counter)).mplus(g2((state, counter)))
/// Returns a non-empty stream if both arguments are successful.
func conj(g1 : Goal, _ g2 : Goal) -> Goal {
return { (state, counter) in
return g1((state, counter)).flatMap(g2)
let emptyState : State = ([], 0)
func five(x : Term) -> Goal {
return equiv(x, .Integer(5))
func fives(x : Term) -> Goal {
return disj(equiv(x, .Integer(5)), { sc in .Lazy({ fives(x)(sc) }) })
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