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Last active March 19, 2024 22:20
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  • Save CodeByAidan/568d9737f674a2c3e4ab77eac77aaeb7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CodeByAidan/568d9737f674a2c3e4ab77eac77aaeb7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(.bat, .py, .sh, .ps1) - This script generates a file that contains the contents of all files in a directory and its subdirectories. Great tool for using with ChatGPT - so you can export all your files quickly and paste it over! Powershell version is the most customized for now.
:: GenerateFileContents.bat
:: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
:: Description:
:: This script generates a file that contains the contents of all files in a directory and its subdirectories.
:: Parameters:
:: 1. Directory path to search for files in (i.e. "D:\Other\Java Projects\luhnalgorithm\src\main\java\com")
:: 2. Output file path (i.e. "D:\Other\Java Projects\luhnalgorithm\filecontents.txt")
:: 3. File extensions to look for (i.e. "java" or "java txt" or "java txt csv")
:: Usage:
:: .\GenerateFileContents.bat "D:\Other\Java Projects\luhnalgorithm\src\main\java\com" "D:\Other\Java Projects\luhnalgorithm\filecontents.txt" "java txt csv"
:: Author: CodeByAidan (
:: Date: 02-26-2024
:: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
setlocal enableextensions
rem Directory path is the first argument
set "directory=%~1"
rem Output file path is the second argument
set "outputFile=%~2"
rem File extensions to look for are the third argument
set "extensions=%~3"
rem Delete the output file if it already exists
if exist "%outputFile%" del "%outputFile%"
rem Perform the main loop
call :mainLoop
rem Remove the {REMOVE-ME} lines
powershell -Command "(Get-Content '%outputFile%') -replace '{REMOVE-ME}', '' | Set-Content '%outputFile%'"
rem Inform user about the completion
echo File contents have been written to "%outputFile%"
rem Exit the script
exit /b
rem This function iterates through the files in the directory and subdirectories
for %%E in (%extensions%) do (
for /r "%directory%" %%F in (*.%%E) do (
rem Call the function that writes to the output file
call :writeToFile "%%F"
exit /b
rem This function writes the file's content to the output file
set "fullPath=%~1"
set "relativePath=!fullPath:%directory%\=!"
rem Output file title
>>"%outputFile%" echo !relativePath!
>>"%outputFile%" echo ======
rem Output file contents
type "%fullPath%" >> "%outputFile%"
rem Add newlines for separation
>>"%outputFile%" (echo {REMOVE-ME})
>>"%outputFile%" (echo {REMOVE-ME})
exit /b
This script recursively searches a directory and its subdirectories for
files with specified extensions and compiles their contents into a single
output file, excluding specified files.
This script generates a file that contains the contents of all files in
a directory and its subdirectories, excluding specified files. It searches
the specified directory and its subdirectories for files with the specified
extensions and compiles their contents into a single output file. Optionally,
specific files can be excluded from the output. Additionally, it can include
a directory tree at the end of the file.
.PARAMETER Directory
Directory path to search for files in.
Output file path.
.PARAMETER Extensions
File extensions to look for.
.PARAMETER ExcludeFiles
Files or patterns to exclude from the output. Wildcards (*) are supported.
The current directory can be specified using ".\".
.PARAMETER IncludeTree
Switch to include a directory tree at the end of the output file.
.\GenerateFileContents.ps1 -Directory "$pwd\src" -OutputFile "$pwd\filecontents.txt" -Extensions "java", "txt" -ExcludeFiles ".\filecontents.txt", "*.tmp", "LOL.txt", ".\Hello.txt" -IncludeTree True
.\GenerateFileContents.ps1 -Directory "$pwd" -OutputFile "$pwd\filecontents.txt" -Extensions "java", "txt" -ExcludeFiles ".\filecontents.txt", "*.tmp", "LOL.txt", ".\Hello.txt"
.\GenerateFileContents.ps1 -Directory "$pwd" -OutputFile "$pwd\filecontents.txt" -Extensions "java", "txt" -ExcludeFiles ".\filecontents.txt", "*.tmp", "LOL.txt"
.\GenerateFileContents.ps1 -Directory "$pwd" -OutputFile "$pwd\filecontents.txt" -Extensions "java", "txt" -ExcludeFiles ".\filecontents.txt"
.\GenerateFileContents.ps1 -Directory "$pwd" -OutputFile "$pwd\filecontents.txt" -Extensions "java", "txt"
Author: CodeByAidan (
Date: 02-26-2024
param (
# Function to resolve files specified in the .\filename.txt format
function ResolveRelativePath($File) {
$currentDirectory = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName
return Join-Path -Path $currentDirectory -ChildPath $File
# Resolve files specified in the .\filename.txt format
$ResolvedExcludeFiles = @()
foreach ($ExcludeFile in $ExcludeFiles) {
if ($ExcludeFile -like ".\*") {
$ResolvedExcludeFiles += ResolveRelativePath -File $ExcludeFile.Substring(2)
} elseif ($ExcludeFile -like "*.*") {
$ResolvedExcludeFiles += ResolveRelativePath -File $ExcludeFile
} else {
$ResolvedExcludeFiles += $ExcludeFile
# Remove the output file if it already exists
if (Test-Path $OutputFile) {
Remove-Item $OutputFile
# Process files based on the specified extensions and excluding the specified files
foreach ($Extension in $Extensions) {
Get-ChildItem -Path $Directory -Recurse -Filter "*.$Extension" | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.FullName -ne $OutputFile -and $_.FullName -notin $ResolvedExcludeFiles) {
Add-Content -Path $OutputFile -Value $_.FullName
Add-Content -Path $OutputFile -Value "======="
Get-Content $_.FullName | Add-Content -Path $OutputFile
Add-Content -Path $OutputFile -Value "{REMOVE-ME}"
Add-Content -Path $OutputFile -Value "{REMOVE-ME}"
# Remove the {REMOVE-ME} lines from the output file
(Get-Content $OutputFile) -replace "{REMOVE-ME}", "" | Set-Content $OutputFile
# Include tree if the switch is provided
if ($IncludeTree) {
Add-Content -Path $OutputFile -Value "`nTree Directory`n============"
$treeOutput = tree . /F | Select-Object -Skip 2 | ForEach-Object { $_.TrimEnd() }
$treeOutput | Out-File -FilePath $OutputFile -Append -Encoding utf8
Write-Host "File contents have been written to $OutputFile"
This script generates a file that contains the contents
of all files in a directory and its subdirectories.
1. Directory path to search for files in (i.e.
"D:\Other\Java Projects\luhnalgorithm\src\main\java\com")
2. Output file path (i.e.
"D:\Other\Java Projects\luhnalgorithm\filecontents.txt")
3. File extensions to look for (i.e. "java" or "java txt"
or "java txt csv")
python <directory> <output_file> <extensions>
ex. python "D:\Other\Java Projects\luhnalgorithm\src\main\java\com" "D:\Other\Java Projects\luhnalgorithm\filecontents.txt" "java txt csv"
Author: CodeByAidan (
Date: 02-26-2024
from typing import List, TextIO
import os
def main(directory: str, output_file: str, extensions: List[str]) -> None:
Deletes the output file if it already exists, performs the
main loop to write file contents to the output file, and
informs the user about the completion.
directory (str): The directory to search for files.
output_file (str): The path of the output file.
extensions (List[str]): The list of file extensions to search for.
# Delete the output file if it already exists
if os.path.exists(output_file):
# Perform the main loop
with open(output_file, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f:
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(tuple(extensions)):
write_to_file(os.path.join(root, file), f)
# Inform user about the completion
print(f"File contents have been written to '{output_file}'")
def write_to_file(file_path: str, output_file: TextIO) -> None:
Writes the contents of a file to the output file.
file_path (str): The path of the file to be written.
output_file: The output file object to write to.
# Output file title
output_file.write(file_path + "\n")
# Output file contents
with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
# Add newlines for separation
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
"Usage: python <directory> <output_file> <extensions>"
main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3].split())
# Description:
# This script generates a file that contains the contents of all files in a directory and its subdirectories.
# Parameters:
# 1. Directory path to search for files in (i.e. "/mnt/d/Other/Java Projects/luhnalgorithm/src/main/java/com")
# 2. Output file path (i.e. "/mnt/d/Other/Java Projects/luhnalgorithm/filecontents.txt")
# 3. File extensions to look for (i.e. "java txt csv")
# Usage:
# ./ "/mnt/d/Other/Java Projects/luhnalgorithm/src/main/java/com" "/mnt/d/Other/Java Projects/luhnalgorithm/filecontents.txt" "java txt csv"
# Author: CodeByAidan (
# Date: 02-26-2024
# Directory path is the first argument
# Output file path is the second argument
# File extensions to look for are the third argument
# Delete the output file if it already exists
[ -f "$outputFile" ] && rm "$outputFile"
# Perform the main loop
for ext in $extensions; do
find "$directory" -type f -name "*.$ext" | while read -r file; do
# Write the file's content to the output file
echo "$relativePath" >> "$outputFile"
echo "=======" >> "$outputFile"
cat "$file" >> "$outputFile"
echo "" >> "$outputFile"
echo "" >> "$outputFile"
# Inform the user about the completion
echo "File contents have been written to $outputFile"
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CodeByAidan commented Feb 27, 2024

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