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Created July 8, 2024 19:10
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i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love vba i love…
Public Function Similarity(ByVal String1 As String, _
ByVal String2 As String, _
Optional ByRef RetMatch As String, _
Optional min_match = 1) As Single
Dim b1() As Byte, b2() As Byte
Dim lngLen1 As Long, lngLen2 As Long
Dim lngResult As Long
If UCase(String1) = UCase(String2) Then
Similarity = 1
lngLen1 = Len(String1)
lngLen2 = Len(String2)
If (lngLen1 = 0) Or (lngLen2 = 0) Then
Similarity = 0
b1() = StrConv(UCase(String1), vbFromUnicode)
b2() = StrConv(UCase(String2), vbFromUnicode)
lngResult = Similarity_sub(0, lngLen1 - 1, _
0, lngLen2 - 1, _
b1, b2, _
String1, _
RetMatch, _
Erase b1
Erase b2
If lngLen1 >= lngLen2 Then
Similarity = lngResult / lngLen1
Similarity = lngResult / lngLen2
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function Similarity_sub(ByVal start1 As Long, ByVal end1 As Long, _
ByVal start2 As Long, ByVal end2 As Long, _
ByRef b1() As Byte, ByRef b2() As Byte, _
ByVal FirstString As String, _
ByRef RetMatch As String, _
ByVal min_match As Long, _
Optional recur_level As Integer = 0) As Long
'* CALLED BY: Similarity *(RECURSIVE)
Dim lngCurr1 As Long, lngCurr2 As Long
Dim lngMatchAt1 As Long, lngMatchAt2 As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim lngLongestMatch As Long, lngLocalLongestMatch As Long
Dim strRetMatch1 As String, strRetMatch2 As String
If (start1 > end1) Or (start1 < 0) Or (end1 - start1 + 1 < min_match) _
Or (start2 > end2) Or (start2 < 0) Or (end2 - start2 + 1 < min_match) Then
Exit Function '(exit if start/end is out of string, or length is too short)
End If
For lngCurr1 = start1 To end1
For lngCurr2 = start2 To end2
i = 0
Do Until b1(lngCurr1 + i) <> b2(lngCurr2 + i)
i = i + 1
If i > lngLongestMatch Then
lngMatchAt1 = lngCurr1
lngMatchAt2 = lngCurr2
lngLongestMatch = i
End If
If (lngCurr1 + i) > end1 Or (lngCurr2 + i) > end2 Then Exit Do
Next lngCurr2
Next lngCurr1
If lngLongestMatch < min_match Then Exit Function
lngLocalLongestMatch = lngLongestMatch
RetMatch = ""
lngLongestMatch = lngLongestMatch _
+ Similarity_sub(start1, lngMatchAt1 - 1, _
start2, lngMatchAt2 - 1, _
b1, b2, _
FirstString, _
strRetMatch1, _
min_match, _
recur_level + 1)
If strRetMatch1 <> "" Then
RetMatch = RetMatch & strRetMatch1 & "*"
RetMatch = RetMatch & IIf(recur_level = 0 _
And lngLocalLongestMatch > 0 _
And (lngMatchAt1 > 1 Or lngMatchAt2 > 1) _
, "*", "")
End If
RetMatch = RetMatch & Mid$(FirstString, lngMatchAt1 + 1, lngLocalLongestMatch)
lngLongestMatch = lngLongestMatch _
+ Similarity_sub(lngMatchAt1 + lngLocalLongestMatch, end1, _
lngMatchAt2 + lngLocalLongestMatch, end2, _
b1, b2, _
FirstString, _
strRetMatch2, _
min_match, _
recur_level + 1)
If strRetMatch2 <> "" Then
RetMatch = RetMatch & "*" & strRetMatch2
RetMatch = RetMatch & IIf(recur_level = 0 _
And lngLocalLongestMatch > 0 _
And ((lngMatchAt1 + lngLocalLongestMatch < end1) _
Or (lngMatchAt2 + lngLocalLongestMatch < end2)) _
, "*", "")
End If
Similarity_sub = lngLongestMatch
End Function
Sub GenerateLinks()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim cell As Range
Dim targetCell As Range
Dim rowNumbers As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim targetRow As Long
Dim linkText As String
Dim targetColumn As String
Dim resultColumn As String
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("cursheet")
' Iterate over each cell in column AV
For Each cell In ws.Range("AV1:AV" & ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "AV").End(xlUp).Row)
If cell.Value <> "" And cell.Value <> "Remove duplicates from the concatenated results" Then
rowNumbers = Split(cell.Value, ", ")
j = 0
' Iterate over each row number in the cell
For i = LBound(rowNumbers) To UBound(rowNumbers)
targetRow = CLng(Mid(rowNumbers(i), InStr(rowNumbers(i), "(") + 1, InStr(rowNumbers(i), ")") - InStr(rowNumbers(i), "(") - 1))
linkText = targetRow & ": " & Chr(34) & ws.Cells(targetRow, "J").Value & Chr(34)
targetColumn = Split(cell.Address, "$")(1)
resultColumn = Split(ws.Cells(1, ws.Cells(1, targetColumn).Column + j + 1).Address, "$")(1)
Set targetCell = ws.Cells(cell.Row, ws.Cells(1, resultColumn).Column)
' Create hyperlink
ws.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=targetCell, Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & ws.Name & "'!" & "J" & targetRow, TextToDisplay:=linkText
j = j + 1
Next i
End If
Next cell
End Sub
Function GetHyperlinkAddress(cell As Range) As String
Dim link As Hyperlink
On Error Resume Next
Set link = cell.Hyperlinks(1)
If Not link Is Nothing Then
GetHyperlinkAddress = link.SubAddress
GetHyperlinkAddress = ""
End If
End Function
Sub GenerateLinksSpecificRows()
' i hate programming
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim cell As Range
Dim targetCell As Range
Dim rowNumbers As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim targetRow As Long
Dim linkText As String
Dim targetColumn As String
Dim resultColumn As String
Dim rowsToProcess As Range
Dim r As Range
Dim rowNum As Long
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("cursheet")
' Range where the rows to be processed are listed (column XEN1:XEN135)
Set rowsToProcess = ws.Range("XEN1:XEN135")
' Iterate over each specified row
For Each r In rowsToProcess
If IsNumeric(r.Value) Then
rowNum = CLng(r.Value)
Set cell = ws.Cells(rowNum, "AV")
If cell.Value <> "" And cell.Value <> "Remove duplicates from the concatenated results" Then
rowNumbers = Split(cell.Value, ", ")
j = 0
' Iterate over each row number in the cell
For i = LBound(rowNumbers) To UBound(rowNumbers)
targetRow = CLng(Mid(rowNumbers(i), InStr(rowNumbers(i), "(") + 1, InStr(rowNumbers(i), ")") - InStr(rowNumbers(i), "(") - 1))
linkText = targetRow & ": " & Chr(34) & ws.Cells(targetRow, "J").Value & Chr(34)
targetColumn = Split(cell.Address, "$")(1)
resultColumn = Split(ws.Cells(1, ws.Cells(1, targetColumn).Column + j + 1).Address, "$")(1)
Set targetCell = ws.Cells(cell.Row, ws.Cells(1, resultColumn).Column)
' create the hyperlink
ws.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=targetCell, Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & ws.Name & "'!" & "J" & targetRow, TextToDisplay:=linkText
j = j + 1
Next i
End If
End If
Next r
End Sub
Sub ExtractAddresses()
Dim rawData As String
Dim addresses As Variant
Dim cleanedAddresses As String
Dim i As Long
Dim checkMark As String
checkMark = ChrW(&H274C)
rawData = Range("A1").Value
addresses = Split(rawData, vbTab)
For i = LBound(addresses) To UBound(addresses)
addresses(i) = Trim(Mid(addresses(i), InStr(addresses(i), ":") + 2))
addresses(i) = Replace(addresses(i), """", "") ' Remove quotes
cleanedAddresses = cleanedAddresses & addresses(i) & ", "
Next i
cleanedAddresses = Left(cleanedAddresses, Len(cleanedAddresses) - 2)
Range("B1").Value = cleanedAddresses
Range("B2").Value = checkMark & " - " & cleanedAddresses
End Sub
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