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Created October 17, 2022 17:17
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var getElementsByClassName = function(e, s, t) {
return (getElementsByClassName = document.getElementsByClassName ? function(e, s, t) {
for (var a, n = (t = t || document)
.getElementsByClassName(e), c = s ? new RegExp("\\b" + s + "\\b", "i") : null, r = [], l = 0, i = n.length; l < i; l += 1) a = n[l], c && !c.test(a.nodeName) || r.push(a);
return r
} : document.evaluate ? function(e, s, t) {
s = s || "*", t = t || document;
for (var a, n, c = e.split(" "), r = "", l = "", i = document.documentElement.namespaceURI === l ? l : null, o = [], u = 0, h = c.length; u < h; u += 1) r += "[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' " + c[u] + " ')]";
try {
a = document.evaluate(".//" + s + r, t, i, 0, null)
} catch (m) {
a = document.evaluate(".//" + s + r, t, null, 0, null)
for (; n = a.iterateNext();) o.push(n);
return o
} : function(e, s, t) {
s = s || "*", t = t || document;
for (var a, n, c = e.split(" "), r = [], l = "*" === s && t.all ? t.all : t.getElementsByTagName(s), i = [], o = 0, u = c.length; o < u; o += 1) r.push(new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + c[o] + "(\\s|$)"));
for (var h = 0, m = l.length; h < m; h += 1) {
a = l[h], n = !1;
for (var g = 0, d = r.length; g < d && (n = r[g].test(a.className)); g += 1);
n && i
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