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Created September 12, 2022 16:20
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import math
import radioactivenuclides as ran
def _sci_not_to_num(significand, exponent):
return significand * 10 ** exponent
def printnuclides():
Print details of the the contents of
radioactivenuclides as a table
print("-" * 71)
print("| Key ", end="")
print("| Nuclide symbol ", end="")
print("| Nuclide name ", end="")
print("| Half-life (years) |")
print("-" * 71)
for key, value in ran.radioactive_nuclides.items():
print(f"| {key.ljust(14, ' ')}|", end="")
print(f" {(str(value['atomicmass']) + value['elementsymbol']).ljust(15, ' ')}|", end="")
print(f" {(value['element'] + ' ' + str(value['atomicmass'])).ljust(15, ' ')}|", end="")
print(f" {(str(value['significand']) + 'undefined10^' +str(value['exponent']) ).ljust(18, ' ')}|")
print("-" * 71)
def decay_list(nuclidekey, halflives, startingvalue = 1048576):
For the specified nuclide creates a list of
amounts remaining after each half-life has elapsed
dl = []
nuclide = ran.radioactive_nuclides[nuclidekey]
halflife = _sci_not_to_num(nuclide['significand'], nuclide['exponent'])
for i in range(0, halflives + 1):
remaining = 0.5**i
"years_elapsed": halflife * i,
"remaining_decimal": remaining,
"remaining_amount": startingvalue * remaining
return dl
def decay_table(nuclidekey, halflives, startingvalue = 1048576):
For specified nuclide prints table of half lives and years,
and amounts remaining as decimals and amounts.
dl = decay_list(nuclidekey, halflives, startingvalue)
tablewidth = 75
nuclide = ran.radioactive_nuclides[nuclidekey]
halflife = _sci_not_to_num(nuclide['significand'], nuclide['exponent'])
print(f" {nuclide['element']} {nuclide['atomicmass']}\n")
print(f" Half-Life {nuclide['significand']}undefined10^{nuclide['exponent']} years\n")
print("-" * tablewidth)
print("| Elapsed | Remaining |")
print("-" * tablewidth)
print("| Half-Lives ", end="")
print("| Years ", end="")
print("| Decimal | Amount |")
print("-" * tablewidth)
for index, item in enumerate(dl):
print(f"| {index:<11d}|", end="")
print(f" {item['years_elapsed']:<17e}|", end="")
print(f" {item['remaining_decimal']:<19.12f} |", end="")
print(f" {item['remaining_amount']:<17.8g} |")
print("-" * tablewidth)
def at_time(nuclidekey, years, startingvalue = 1048576):
Calculates amount of nuclide remaining after
specified number of years.
Result is a dictionary with keys remaining_decimal
and remaining_amount
nuclide = ran.radioactive_nuclides[nuclidekey]
halflife = _sci_not_to_num(nuclide['significand'], nuclide['exponent'])
exponent = -(years / halflife)
remaining_decimal = 2**exponent
remaining_amount = startingvalue * remaining_decimal
return { "remaining_decimal": remaining_decimal, "remaining_amount": remaining_amount }
def time_to(nuclidekey, remaining_decimal):
Calculates the amount of time for a nuclide
to decay to the specified proportion
nuclide = ran.radioactive_nuclides[nuclidekey]
halflife = _sci_not_to_num(nuclide['significand'], nuclide['exponent'])
factor = -(math.log2(remaining_decimal))
return halflife * factor
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