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Created July 29, 2020 08:10
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import math
from random import choice
import time
GREEN = "\x1B[94m"
RESET = "\x1B[0m"
class GaltonBoard(object):
Implements the logic of a Galton Board.
No UI is provided in this class,
instead 3 functions are provided as arguments to init
which are called by the class whenever anything happens which
requires a UI update.
def __init__(self, rowcount = 7, ballcount = 40, on_init = None, on_ball_moved = None, on_total_changed = None):
Simply set the attributes of the class from init arguments or to defaults
self.board = []
self.rowcount = rowcount
self.ballcount = ballcount
self.totals = []
self.gridrows = 0
self.gridcolumns = 0
self.ballx = 0
self.bally = 0
self.prevballx = 0
self.prevbally = 0
self.pause_ms = 100
self.on_init = on_init
self.on_ball_moved = on_ball_moved
self.on_total_changed = on_total_changed
def initialize(self):
Initializes the data structure to represent the Galton board
# need to allow for spaces between pegs and a larger space above the pegs for balls to drop
self.gridrows = ((self.rowcount * 2) - 1) + 3
self.gridcolumns = (self.rowcount * 2) + 1
rowpegcount = 1
pegsdrawn = 0
# this centres the top peg horixontally
firstpegx = math.floor(self.gridcolumns / 2)
pegx = firstpegx
pegy = 3
# create a list for totals of the necessary size
self.totals = [0] * (self.rowcount + 1)
self.prevballx = -1
self.prevbally = -1
# create 2D array of pegs using letter 'O' to indicate a peg
for r in range(0, self.gridrows):
self.board.append(['*'] * self.gridcolumns)
for c in range(0, self.gridcolumns):
if r == pegy and c == pegx and pegsdrawn < rowpegcount:
self.board[r][c] = 'O'
pegx+= 2
self.board[r][c] = ' '
if r > 2 and (r%2) == 0:
pegsdrawn = 0
pegx = firstpegx
pegy+= 2
# don't forget to call the function to tell the UI to draw the new board
if self.on_init:
def start(self):
Sets the board running in a big loop for the specified number of balls
for b in range(1, self.ballcount + 1):
# set ball horizontal position to centre
self.ballx = math.floor(self.gridcolumns / 2)
for r in range(0, self.gridrows):
self.bally = r
# if we hit a peg move left or right
if self.board[r][self.ballx] == 'O':
self.ballx += choice([-1, 1])
if self.on_ball_moved:
self.prevballx = self.ballx
self.prevbally = self.bally
if r < (self.gridrows - 1):
# calculate index of totals for current ball position
if self.ballx == 0:
totalindex = 0
totalindex = int(self.ballx / 2)
self.totals[totalindex] += 1
if self.on_total_changed:
self.on_total_changed(self, totalindex, b)
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