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Created January 25, 2023 15:01
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from types import MappingProxyType
import math
class Angle(object):
The Angle class stores an angle value
in a selection of units,
and provides methods for string representation,
and arithmetic and comparison operators
units = MappingProxyType({
"name": "degreeminutesecond",
"toseconds": lambda dms: (dms[0] * 3600) + (dms[1] * 60) + (dms[2]),
"fromseconds": lambda s: (s // 3600, (s - ((s // 3600)*3600))//60, s - ((s // 3600)*3600) - (((s - ((s // 3600)*3600))//60)*60)),
"tostring": lambda v: f"{v[0]}° {v[1]}′ {v[2]}″"
"name": "radian",
"toseconds": lambda r: r * ((180 / math.pi) * 3600),
"fromseconds": lambda s: (s / 3600) / (180 / math.pi),
"tostring": lambda v: f"{v} rad"
"name": "gradian",
"toseconds": lambda g: g * 3240,
"fromseconds": lambda s: s / 3240,
"tostring": lambda v: f"{v} gon"
"name": "turn",
"toseconds": lambda t: t * 1296000,
"fromseconds": lambda s: s / 1296000,
"tostring": lambda v: f"{v} tr"
"name": "hourangle",
"toseconds": lambda ha: ha * 54000,
"fromseconds": lambda s: s / 54000,
"tostring": lambda v: f"{v} ha"
"name": "point",
"toseconds": lambda p: p * 40500,
"fromseconds": lambda s: s / 40500,
"tostring": lambda v: f"{v} pt"
"name": "quadrant",
"toseconds": lambda q: q * 324000,
"fromseconds": lambda s: s / 324000,
"tostring": lambda v: f"{v} quad"
def __init__(self, value = 0, unit = units["degreeminutesecond"]):
self.seconds = unit["toseconds"](value)
self.unit = unit
def value(self):
return self.unit["fromseconds"](self.seconds)
def value(self, value):
self.seconds = self.unit["toseconds"](value)
def __str__(self):
value = self.unit['fromseconds'](self.seconds)
return f"{self.unit['tostring'](value)}"
def approx_equal(self, other):
return math.isclose(self.seconds, other.seconds)
# arithmetic methods
def __add__(self, other):
seconds = self.seconds + other.seconds
value = self.unit['fromseconds'](seconds)
return Angle(value, self.unit)
def __sub__(self, other):
seconds = self.seconds - other.seconds
value = self.unit['fromseconds'](seconds)
return Angle(value, self.unit)
def __mul__(self, value):
seconds = self.seconds * value
value = self.unit['fromseconds'](seconds)
return Angle(value, self.unit)
def __rmul__(self, value):
seconds = value * self.seconds
value = self.unit['fromseconds'](seconds)
return Angle(value, self.unit)
def __truediv__(self, value):
seconds = self.seconds / value
value = self.unit['fromseconds'](seconds)
return Angle(value, self.unit)
# comparison methods
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.seconds < other.seconds
def __le__(self, other):
return self.seconds <= other.seconds
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.seconds == other.seconds
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.seconds > other.seconds
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.seconds >= other.seconds
def __ne__(self, other):
return self.seconds != other.seconds
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