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Last active July 31, 2023 22:57
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Horse Reactor
(() => {
// Edit this stuff to configure where and who you are horse reacting
const serverId = '398590278404931584' // Max0r's server
const channelId = '717498714259980378' // memes channel
// const userId = '629352120231133190' // Snaxy
const userId = '355016563109396482' // Kyuri
// use discord's internal request api, so we don't need to worry about session cookies
const wreq = webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[Symbol()],{},r=>r])
const RestAPI = Object.values(wreq.c).find(m => m.exports?.ZP?.getAPIBaseURL).exports.ZP
// `await sleep(500)` -> waits 500 milliseconds
const sleep = time => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, time));
// reacts to target `messageId` with 🐴
async function horseReact(messageId) {
try {
return await RestAPI.put({url: `/channels/${channelId}/messages/${messageId}/reactions/🐴/@me`})
} catch (error) {
// if request failed, wait 30 seconds to reset rate limit timer, then try again
await sleep(30000)
return await horseReact(messageId)
// gets the 25 oldest messages from `userId` in `channelId` in `serverId`
// offset offsets the search to newer messages
async function search(offset) {
try {
return await RestAPI.get({url: `/guilds/${serverId}/messages/search?channel_id=${channelId}&author_id=${userId}&include_nsfw=true&sort_by=timestamp&sort_order=asc&offset=${offset}`})
} catch (error) {
// if request failed, wait 30 seconds to reset rate limit timer, then try again
await sleep(30000)
return await search(offset)
// gets all the messages from `userId` in `channelId` in serverId
// most of the logic is to bypass the 25 message limit that search imposes
async function getMessageIds() {
let messageIds = []
let totalResults = 25 // dummy number to let first cycle get number of results
while (totalResults - messageIds.length > 0) {
const resp = await search(messageIds.length)
// save total results so we know when to end, limited to 5000 because discords search is dumb
totalResults = Math.min(resp.body.total_results, 5000)
// get the ids
messageIds.push( => message[0].id))
console.log(`${messageIds.length} / ${totalResults} messages collected`)
// prevent getting rate limited
await sleep(500)
return messageIds
async function reactAllHorse() {
const messageIds = await getMessageIds()
for (let i = 0; i < messageIds.length; i++) {
const messageId = messageIds[i];
await horseReact(messageId)
console.log(`${i} / ${messageIds.length} messages 🐴 reacted`)
// wait a bit before next reaction to prevent getting rate limited
await sleep(500)

Horse Reactor

There is an excellent meme in Max0r's discord where for some reason we just react to certain peoples messages with horses

See this lore video:

Anyways, I decided it would be a good idea to make a script to automate horse reacting to every message ever by a certian user within a channel

How to use:

Open discord, and use ctrlshifti to open the developer console

Click the "console" tab, paste the contents of horseReact.js into the console, and press enter

I reccomend running this before you go to bed, as getting and reacting to all the messages takes a very very long time due to discord's ratelimits.

Configuring the script:

The script is pre-configured to horse react to Kyuri's messages within the Memes channel of Max0r's discord.

This can be modified by editing the serverId, channelId, and userId variables to fit a specific Server, Channel, and User.

Safety of the script:

Technically this is a selfbot, so is against discord's TOS.

The script takes large delays between each action, so I doubt it will actually lead to anyone getting banned.

When discord does rate limit you for using the script, it waits 30 seconds before retrying.


Discord won't let you use a search offset > 5000, so this script will only ever react to the first 5000 messages sent by a user in the channel.

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