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Last active September 20, 2017 15:00
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  • Save CodeFreezr/946ca390ce48fbcefb8c80a51e4f959e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CodeFreezr/946ca390ce48fbcefb8c80a51e4f959e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Download and install 23 #vscode Extensions for DevOps and CI/CD at once.
/* DevOps CI/CD */
def extensions = [
1: [name:'code-runner', version: '0.6.15', publisher: 'formulahendry'],
2: [name:'jenkins-status', version: '0.3.0', publisher: 'alefragnani'],
3: [name:'jenkinsfile-support', version: '0.1.0', publisher: 'secanis'],
4: [name:'vscode-yaml-validation', version: '0.0.1', publisher: 'djabraham'],
5: [name:'code-settings-sync', version: '2.6.1', publisher: 'Shan'],
6: [name:'scala', version: '0.0.4', publisher: 'daltonjorge'],
7: [name:'google-search-ext', version: '0.1.2', publisher: 'adelphes'],
8: [name:'java', version: '0.0.13', publisher: 'redhat'],
9: [name:'json-tools', version: '1.0.2', publisher: 'eriklynd'],
10: [name:'mssql', version: '0.3.0', publisher: 'ms-mssql'],
11: [name:'npm-intellisense', version: '1.3.0', publisher: 'christian-kohler'],
12: [name:'translatorplus', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'lkytal'],
13: [name:'vscode-apache', version: '1.1.1', publisher: 'mrmlnc'],
14: [name:'vscode-database', version: '1.2.0', publisher: 'bajdzis'],
15: [name:'vscode-docker', version: '0.0.13', publisher: 'PeterJausovec'],
16: [name:'Gradle', version: '1.1.2', publisher: 'cazzar09'],
17: [name:'vscode-autohotkey', version: '0.1.1', publisher: 'slevesque'],
18: [name:'output-colorizer', version: '0.0.11', publisher: 'IBM'],
19: [name:'npm', version: '0.1.8', publisher: 'fknop'],
20: [name:'rest-client', version: '0.13.0', publisher: 'humao'],
21: [name:'vscode-statusbar-json-path', version: '1.0.6', publisher: 'richie5um2'],
22: [name:'vscode-apielements', version:'0.6.4', publisher: 'vncz'],
23: [name:'xml', version:'1.7.0', publisher: 'DotJoshJohnson']
def installed_extensions = "cmd /c code --list-extensions".execute().text
def amount = extensions.size()
extensions.eachWithIndex { entry, i ->
Map extension = entry.value
if (installed_extensions.contains(extension."name".value.toString())) {
println "${i+1}#${amount}:\t ${extension.'name'.value} allready installed."
} else {
def myUrl = "https://${extension.'name'.value}${extension.'publisher'.value}/extension/${extension.'name'.value}/${extension.'version'.value}/assetbyname/Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage"
new File("${extension.'name'.value}.vsix") << new URL (myUrl).getBytes()
println "${extension.'name'.value} download ready."
print "cmd /c code --install-extension ${extension.'name'.value}.vsix".execute().text
/* if you are behind a firewall use this wrapper-sciptline (evt. change port 8080):
groovy -Dhttps.proxyHost=${yourproxy} -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080 extendcode.groovy
No(C) but <3 from CodeFreezr 2017 */
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