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Last active January 25, 2017 11:55
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The June 2016 challenge

June 2016 - sillyCASE


Create a function that takes a string and returns that string with the first half lowercased and the last half uppercased.


foobar => fooBAR

If the string length is an odd number then 'round' it up to find which letters to uppercase. See example below.

//         --^-- midpoint  
//         bri    first half (lower-cased)  
//            AN second half (upper-cased)  

About Code Golf Scotland

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billythekid commented Jun 6, 2016

Great idea guys, love me a bit of code golf, even though I'm rubbish at it. ;oP

Language: JS
Length: 116

function s(w){b=[]
return b.join('')}

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martinsvalin commented Jun 6, 2016

Language: Ruby
Length: 51




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AndyGaskell commented Jun 15, 2016

Language: Tcl
Length: 86

proc g {s} {return [string tolower [string toupper $s] 0 [expr [string length $s]/2]]}

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AndyGaskell commented Jun 16, 2016

I thought PHP was gonna be a tough one, so, not looking at other comments, the best I came up with was...

Language: PHP
Length: 98

function g($s){$l=(strlen($s)/2)+.5;return strtolower(substr($s,0,$l)).strtoupper(substr($s,$l));}

Language: PHP
Length: 124
Solution: though there is a nice quiet bug in this :)

function g($s){$l=(strlen($s)/2)+.5;$s=strtolower($s);$s=str_replace(substr($s,$l),strtoupper(substr($s, =$l)),$s);return $s;}

Language: PHP
Length: 130

function g($s){$r="";$a=str_split(strtolower($s));foreach($a AS $i=>$x){$r.=($i<(count($a)/2))?$a[$i]:ucfirst($a[$i]);}return $r;}

Language: PHP
Length: 139

function g($s){$s=strtolower($s);$a=str_split($s);foreach($a AS $i=>$x){if($i>=(count($a)/2)){$a[$i]=ucfirst($a[$i]);}}return implode($a);}

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billythekid commented Jun 30, 2016

Language: PHP
Length: 81 93 90 94

function s($s){$a=str_split($s,(strlen($s)+1)/2);return strtolower($a[0]).strtoupper($a[1]);}

[edit] hah, this is the exact same as @cwhite92's answer above, even down to the variable names!! lmao, gmta. Ok here's a slightly improved version, for 90:

function s($s){$a=str_split(strtolower($s),1+strlen($s)/2);return$a[0].strtoupper($a[1]);}

and since both of those are buggy for even-length strings, here's a clean 94:

function s($s){$a=str_split(strtolower($s),ceil(strlen($s)/2));return$a[0].strtoupper($a[1]);}

okay here's a for loop for 121 cheekily using array notation on a string instead of splitting it out...

function s($s){$b='';$t=strlen($s);for($k=0;$k<$t;$k++){$l=$s[$k];$b.=$k<$t/2?strtolower($l):strtoupper($l);}return$b;}

here's another php version using a bunch of array functions, 116 chars…

function s($s){$s=str_split(strtolower($s));$u=strtoupper(join(array_splice($s,1+count($s)/2)));return join($s).$u;}

(or this bug-free version of that at 120, bugs are just features though right? who codes to a spec anyway…)

function s($s){$s=str_split(strtolower($s));$u=strtoupper(join(array_splice($s,ceil(count($s)/2))));return join($s).$u;}

…not sure why but I quite like this one, i think because we do the upper bit first and work on half the word at a time rather than each letter. In at 118…

function s($s){$a=str_split(strtoupper($s),ceil(strlen($s)/2));return str_ireplace($a[0],strtolower($a[0]),join($a));}

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alexwaeseperlman commented Jul 1, 2016

Language: Python
Length: 58 now

def a(s):
    return s[:a].lower()+s[a:].upper()

It doesn't look like 58 characters because of the tabs and the new lines, but you can type this into the developer console:

`def a(s):
    return s[:a].lower()+s[a:].upper()`.length

and it prints 58

BTW dannywilson's is actually 62, you can see by doing this in the console:

`def f(s):
 return s[:m].lower()+s[m:].upper()`.length

If you don't count new lines or spaces dannywilson's is 58, but if I don't count them I have 54

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joaquinferrero commented Jul 1, 2016

Language: Perl 5
Length: 57 56

sub f{substr$_=lc pop,-(length>>1),0,'\U';eval"qq($_)"}

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joaquinferrero commented Jul 1, 2016

Language: Perl 6
Length: 53 47

sub f{$_=$^;.substr-rw(.5+.chars×½).=uc;$_}


$ perl6 -e 'say f("bRian"); sub f{$_=$^;.substr-rw(.5+.chars×½).=uc;$_}'

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salathe commented Jul 1, 2016

It's not June any more, but here's a sneaky wee PHP one.

Language: PHP
Length: 88

function s($a){$o=-strlen($a)/2;return substr_replace($a,substr(strtoupper($a),$o),$o);}

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