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Created March 16, 2022 16:20
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# Do you keep forgetting about long-running processes on your machine,
# and you wind up stuck on something else while waiting?
# This bash function will remind you when your long-running process is done.
# 1. Ensure zenity is installed on your system (or modify the script below)
# 2. Add the following bash function to your shell profile (e.g. .bashrc)
hey() {
if test $ret -eq 0
zenity --info --text "Hey! Your process finished successfully."
zenity --error --text "Hey! Your process failed with return code ${ret}."
# 3. Source your profile or restart your shell session.
# 4. (USAGE) Invoke literally ANY command with 'hey' in front.
# For example, 'hey sudo docker-compose -f local.yml build'
# You will get a popup notification when it is completed.
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