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Created June 21, 2017 03:11
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IOChannel Memory Dump Demo
#include "pawlib/iochannel.hpp"
using namespace pawlib;
using namespace pawlib::ioformat;
class SomeMagicThing
SomeMagicThing(int n1, int n2, bool b1)
:foo(n1), bar(n2), baz(b1)
int foo;
int bar;
bool baz;
int main()
SomeMagicThing* thingy = new SomeMagicThing(123, 456, true);
ioc << "The memory at " << fg_green << ta_bold << ptr_address << thingy << io_send;
ioc << " is: " << io_send;
ioc << fg_blue << ta_bold << num_upper << mem_allsep
<< ptr_memory << read_size(sizeof(SomeMagicThing)) << thingy << io_end;
return 0;
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