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Created July 19, 2022 13:41
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using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using CliWrap;
namespace Corgibytes.Freshli.Cli.Functionality;
public static class InvokeCommand
public static string InvokeFreshli(string arguments)
var stdOutBuffer = new StringBuilder();
var stdErrBuffer = new StringBuilder();
var executionLocation = new FileInfo(
).Directory!; // null is forgivable here, because if we get null, there are far weirder problems afoot
var executable = new FileInfo(executionLocation.FullName + "/freshli");
var command = CliWrap.Cli.Wrap(executable.FullName).WithArguments(
args => args
using var task = command.ExecuteAsync().Task;
if (task.Result.ExitCode != 0)
throw new IOException(
$"Invoking 'freshli {arguments}' failed with the following output:\n{stdErrBuffer}"
return stdOutBuffer.ToString();
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