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Created December 9, 2019 23:17
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Interactive Hippo Button
<svg viewBox="0 0 242 109" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<g class="ears">
<g class="ear-left">
<ellipse class="ear-left-outer" transform="matrix(0.9391 -0.3436 0.3436 0.9391 -3.6062 17.8444)" cx="48.5" cy="19.1" rx="11.4" ry="13.8"/>
<ellipse class="ear-left-inner" transform="matrix(0.9391 -0.3436 0.3436 0.9391 -3.8876 17.4659)" cx="47.3" cy="19.7" rx="7.3" ry="11.2"/>
<g class="ear-right">
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<g class="eye-right">
<path class="eye-right-outer" d="M174.9,27H186c0-0.3,0-0.7,0-1c0-14.4-11.6-26-26-26c-14.4,0-26,11.6-26,26 c0,0.3,0,0.7,0,1h6.1H174.9z"/>
<path class="eye-right-inner" d="M175,25c0-11-7.8-20-17.5-20S140,14,140,25c0,0.7,0,1.3,0.1,2h34.8 C175,26.3,175,25.7,175,25z"/>
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<g class="eye-left">
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<path class="eye-left-inner" d="M97,25c0-11-7.8-20-17.5-20S62,14,62,25c0,0.7,0,1.3,0.1,2h34.8C97,26.3,97,25.7,97,25z" />
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<g class="mouth-pieces">
<path class="mouth-back" d="M23.6,168.2l-3-56.1c0-7.8,6.4-14.1,14.1-14.1h172.4c7.8,0,14.1,6.4,14.1,14.1l-3,56.1"/>
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<g class="teeth">
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<a target="_blank" href="" class="link">Read / watch the tutorial</a>

Interactive Hippo Button

This was created to give me an excuse at attempting to create a video tutorial, just to see what it's like.

  • Written tutorial can be found here.
  • Video tutorial can be found here.

A Pen by Mariusz Dabrowski on CodePen.


// --------------
// Hover animaton
// --------------
const mouthSpeed = 0.3;
const easeType = Power2.easeOut;
const mouthOpen = gsap.timeline({ paused: true });'.mouth-back', {duration: mouthSpeed, ease: easeType, y: -70}, 0);'.tongue', {duration: mouthSpeed * 1.5, ease: easeType, y: -70}, 0);'.teeth', {duration: mouthSpeed, ease: easeType, y: -70, scaleY: 1.2}, 0);'.body', {duration: mouthSpeed, ease: easeType, scaleY: 1.06, transformOrigin: 'center bottom'}, 0);'.freckles', {duration: mouthSpeed, ease: easeType, y: -10}, 0);'.ears', {duration: mouthSpeed, ease: easeType, y: 6}, 0);'.eye-right', {duration: mouthSpeed, ease: easeType, x: -2}, 0);'.eye-left', {duration: mouthSpeed, ease: easeType, x: 2}, 0);'.eyes', {duration: mouthSpeed, ease: easeType, y: 2}, 0);'.nostrils', {duration: mouthSpeed, ease: easeType, y: -6}, 0);
// ------------
// Mouse events
// ------------
const button = document.querySelector('button');
button.addEventListener('mouseenter', enterButton);
button.addEventListener('mouseleave', leaveButton);
function enterButton() {; }
function leaveButton() { mouthOpen.reverse(); }
// ----------
// Ear wiggle
// ----------
const earWiggle = gsap.timeline({ paused: true, repeat: 2 });
earWiggle.set('.ear-right', { transformOrigin: "center center" });'.ear-right', { duration: 0.1, rotation: 45 });'.ear-right', { duration: 0.1, rotation: 0 });
window.setInterval(earWigglePlay, 2500);
function earWigglePlay() {; }
// ------------
// Eye tracking
// ------------
const eyeRightPupil = document.querySelector('.eye-right-pupil');
const eyeLeftPupil = document.querySelector('.eye-left-pupil');
const eyeLeftInner = document.querySelector('.eye-left-inner');
const innerEyeWidth = eyeLeftInner.getBoundingClientRect().width;
const innerEyeHeight = eyeLeftInner.getBoundingClientRect().height;
const pupilWidth = eyeLeftPupil.getBoundingClientRect().width;
const pupilHeight = eyeLeftPupil.getBoundingClientRect().height;
const xMovement = (innerEyeWidth - pupilWidth)/2;
const yMovement = (innerEyeHeight - pupilHeight)/2;
window.addEventListener('mousemove', updateEyePosition);
function updateEyePosition(event) {
const posX = ((event.clientX / document.body.clientWidth) * 2 - 1) * xMovement;
const posY = ((event.clientY / document.body.clientHeight) * 2 - 1) * yMovement; = `translate(${posX}px, ${posY}px)`; = `translate(${posX}px, ${posY}px)`;
// Last minute link to the tutorial
button.addEventListener('click', () =>''));
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