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The Team - Grid
- var users = {
- "Aaron Rossi": {
- "name": "Aaron Rossi",
- "title": "CEO & Co-Founder",
- "avatar": "",
- "social": {
- "facebook": "",
- "twitter": "",
- "linkedin": "",
- }
- },
- "Marco Gomez": {
- "name": "Marco Gomez",
- "title": "Co-Founder, Creative Director",
- "avatar": "",
- "social": {
- "facebook": "",
- "twitter": "",
- "linkedin": "",
- }
- },
- "Brad Joe": {
- "name": "Brad Joe",
- "title": "Office Manager",
- "avatar": "",
- "social": {
- "facebook": "",
- "twitter": "",
- "linkedin": "",
- }
- },
- "Mitch Petty": {
- "name": "Mitch Petty",
- "title": "Lead Developer",
- "avatar": "",
- "social": {
- "facebook": "",
- "twitter": "",
- "linkedin": "",
- }
- },
- "Philip Satemburgo": {
- "name": "Philip Satemburgo",
- "title": "Community Manager",
- "avatar": "",
- "social": {
- "facebook": "",
- "twitter": "",
- "linkedin": "",
- }
- },
- "George Petty": {
- "name": "George Petty",
- "title": "Lead Designer",
- "avatar": "",
- "social": {
- "facebook": "",
- "twitter": "",
- "linkedin": "",
- }
- },
- "Petty Rossi": {
- "name": "Petty Rossi",
- "title": "Brand Designer",
- "avatar": "",
- "social": {
- "facebook": "",
- "twitter": "",
- "linkedin": "",
- }
- },
- "Mitch Rossi": {
- "name": "Mitch Rossi",
- "title": "New Business",
- "avatar": "",
- "social": {
- "facebook": "",
- "twitter": "",
- "linkedin": "",
- }
- },
- "George Mitch": {
- "name": "George Mitch",
- "title": "UX Designer",
- "avatar": "",
- "social": {
- "facebook": "",
- "twitter": "",
- "linkedin": "",
- }
- }
- }
- var column = 3; // Max 9
- var totalModules = 9;
.at-section__title The Team
each user in users
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each link, name in a(href=link)
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else if name == 'linkedin'
path(d='M19.547 3c.406 0 .75.133 1.031.398.281.266.422.602.422 1.008v15.047c0 .406-.14.766-.422 1.078a1.335 1.335 0 0 1-1.031.469h-15c-.406 0-.766-.156-1.078-.469C3.156 20.22 3 19.86 3 19.453V4.406c0-.406.148-.742.445-1.008C3.742 3.133 4.11 3 4.547 3h15zM8.578 18V9.984H6V18h2.578zM7.36 8.766c.407 0 .743-.133 1.008-.399a1.31 1.31 0 0 0 .399-.96c0-.407-.125-.743-.375-1.009C8.14 6.133 7.813 6 7.406 6c-.406 0-.742.133-1.008.398C6.133 6.664 6 7 6 7.406c0 .375.125.696.375.961.25.266.578.399.984.399zM18 18v-4.688c0-1.156-.273-2.03-.82-2.624-.547-.594-1.258-.891-2.133-.891-.938 0-1.719.437-2.344 1.312V9.984h-2.578V18h2.578v-4.547c0-.312.031-.531.094-.656.25-.625.687-.938 1.312-.938.875 0 1.313.578 1.313 1.735V18H18z' fill-rule='evenodd')
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