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Created April 21, 2020 16:50
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//This is the starter file for zombie_manor.js
//Use it to develop your skills as needed
const READLINE = require("readline-sync")
let inputMsg ="" //an empty string to hold our user inputs
let gameIsOn = true //the game loop will depend on this being true
let currentRoom = null //to keep track of where we are
let rooms = [] //push any new rooms you create to this array
//******** DEFINE CLASSES *******************
class Room {
constructor(name, description, objects, paths) { = name;
this.description = description;
this.objects = objects;
this.paths = paths;
class Player {
constructor(name, items){ =name
this.items = items
//**********INSTANTIATE OBJECTS ***************
let player = new Player() = null
player.items = []
let kitchen = new Room() = "Kitchen"
kitchen.description = "The kitchen is a really nice one! It has all the stuff you need to cook a healthy meal...of zombie parts! on the table there is a red pill."
kitchen.objects =["potion", "sandwich", "knife"]
kitchen.paths=["Living Room" , "Bathroom" , "Backyard" ]
let bathroom = new Room() "Bathroom"
bathroom.description ="You are in a Bathroom. Everything is a mess. There is blood on the floor. The shower is still on... "
bathroom.objects = ["towel" , "toothbrush", "toilet Paper", "soap"]
bathroom.paths =["Kitchen"]
rooms.push(kitchen, bathroom) //add the rooms to the rooms array
//************* START GAME *************************
function start(){
console.log("Welcome to Zombie Manor!!");
let name = READLINE.question("What is your name, player? ") = name
console.log("Welcome, " + name);
//begin at the kitchen
currentRoom = kitchen
console.log(`You are in a: ${}. and everything looks normal. The air smells like death`)
checkAnswer(promptUser()) //this makes the game continously prompt and check response
function promptUser(){
let reply = READLINE.question("What do you want to do? >> ")
return reply
function checkAnswer(input){
console.log("checking input : " + input)
inputMsg = input
//split the string into two arguments
let msgArray = inputMsg.split(" ")
let newRoom = msgArray[1] //get the second element
console.log(" user typed go to " + newRoom)
console.log("Yes you can go there")
//find the room that has that "key" newRoom as a property
for (room of rooms){ //Make challenge!!!!
if( == newRoom.toLowerCase()){
//set the current room by grabbing its index
let index = rooms.indexOf(room)
currentRoom = rooms[index]
console.log("You are now at the : " +;
} else {
console.log("No you can't go there")
} else if(inputMsg.includes("look")){
//loop through all the objects and paths and print them out so user can see options
console.log("You see the following: ")
for(object of currentRoom.objects){
console.log(" - " + object)
console.log("From here you can go to: ")
for(path of currentRoom.paths){
console.log(" - " + path)
} else if(inputMsg.includes("take")){
console.log("Taking item...")
let itemsArray = inputMsg.split(" ")
let itemToTake = itemsArray[1] //get the second element
//check to see if it is part of the room's inventory..
console.log("Yes you can take this item: " + itemToTake)
player.items.push(itemToTake) //add to the players items array
//remove from room
let indexToRemove = currentRoom.objects.indexOf(itemToTake)
currentRoom.objects.splice(indexToRemove, 1)
//console.log("current room items after taking item " + currentRoom.objects)
console.log("player has : " + player.items)
} else {
console.log("No you can't pick that up")
} else if (inputMsg.includes("name")){
} else if (inputMsg.includes("help")){
console.log(" You can type 'look' to look around and 'go' to follow a path.")
} else if (inputMsg == ""){
console.log(" input: " + inputMsg)
inputMsg = READLINE.question("What do you want to do? You can type 'help' for commands to use >>> ");
} else {
console.log(" I don't understand that")
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