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Created March 3, 2022 10:49
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
## ~/.shell/.aliasrc
## Included in ~/.bashrc
## Includes all other configs and paths
# sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator
## Define folder that holds the alias files
export ALIASPATH="${HOME}/.shell"
export EDITOR=nvim
## substitute sudo with OpenDoas
#alias sudo=doas
## ===================================================
## ===================================================
if [ -f "${ALIASPATH}/.colorsrc" ]; then
"." "${ALIASPATH}/.colorsrc";
## ===================================================
## === APT
## ===================================================
if grep -qE "(Ubuntu)" /etc/*release*; then
"." "${ALIASPATH}/.aptrc"
alias cf-apt="\$EDITOR \${ALIASPATH}/.aptrc"
## ===================================================
## === APK
## ===================================================
if grep -qE "(Alpine)" /etc/*release*; then
"." "${ALIASPATH}/.apkrc";
## ===================================================
## === PATHS - Must be declared at the top
## ===================================================
if [ -f "${ALIASPATH}/.pathrc" ]; then
"." "${ALIASPATH}/.pathrc";
## ===================================================
## === SCOOP - Only for Windows WLS
## ===================================================
#if [ -f "${ALIASPATH}/.scooprc" ]; then
#"." "${ALIASPATH}/.scooprc";
## ===================================================
## === APPS - External CLI
## ===================================================
## Buku
if [ "$(command -v buku)" ]; then
"." "${ALIASPATH}/.bukurc";
## ===================================================
## === CONSOLE - Configs - Common Helpers
## ===================================================
hgrep() {
history | grep "$1";
alias algrep='cat ${ALIASPATH}/.aliasrc* | grep'
alias cl='clear'
alias q='exit'
alias rs='reset'
alias shred='shred -u -vzn 0'
alias rld='source '
alias cf-alias="\$EDITOR \${ALIASPATH}/.aliasrc"
alias rld-alias="source \${ALIASPATH}/.aliasrc"
alias cf-pathrc="\$EDITOR \${ALIASPATH}/.pathrc"
alias rld-pathrc="source \${ALIASPATH}/.pathrc"
alias cf-scooprc="\$EDITOR \${ALIASPATH}/.scooprc"
alias rld-scooprc="source \${ALIASPATH}/.scooprc"
alias cf-zshrc="\$EDITOR ~/.zshrc"
alias rld-zshrc="source ~/.zshrc"
alias cf-bashrc="\$EDITOR ~/.bashrc"
alias rld-bashrc="source ~/.bashrc"
alias cf-profile="\$EDITOR ~/.profile"
alias rld-profile="source ~/.profile"
alias cf-alacritty="\$EDITOR /mnt/c/Users/sigil/AppData/Roaming/alacritty/alacritty.yml"
alias cf-hosts="sudo \$EDITOR /etc/hosts"
alias cf-wsl="sudo \$EDITOR /etc/wsl.conf"
alias cf-fstab="sudo \$EDITOR /etc/fstab"
## ===================================================
## === Substitutions - list - history - weather - date
## ===================================================
## Kitty trminal
alias cf-kitty="\$EDITOR \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/kitty/kitty.conf"
## Navigation
alias rng="ranger"
## Substitutions
alias ls=exa
alias l='ls -l'
alias la='ls -a'
alias lla='ls -la'
alias ll='ls -lah'
alias lt='ls --tree'
alias df='df -hT --total' ## human readable, print filetype, and total
alias du='du -d1 -h' ## max depth, human readable
alias mkpasswd='mkpasswd --method=SHA-512'
alias kee='keepassxc-cli'
alias info='info --vi-keys' ## GNU info act like man command
alias mkdir='mkdir -p -v' ## create if not exist, verbose
alias cp='cp -aiv' ## cp prompt confirmation
## File Managers
alias n='nnn -H'
## Editors
# alias code='codium'
alias nano='nano -c -$' ## word wrapping
alias vim='nvim'
alias svim="sudo nvim"
alias visudo='sudo EDITOR="$EDITOR" visudo'
## Youtube viewer flags: -C=color, -f=fullscreen, -1=1080p, number of results
alias ytv='straw-viewer -C -f -1 --results=30'
alias sr='sr -browser=$BROWSERCLI' ## surfraw: open in cli browser
alias srf='surfraw -browser=$BROWSER' ## surfraw: open in gui browser
alias wget='wget -N -c' ## continues/resumes
alias w3m='w3m -num' ## w3m with line number
## Browsers
#alias firefox="/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Mozilla\ Firefox/firefox.exe"
alias chrome="/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe"
alias librewolf="/mnt/c/Program\ Files/LibreWolf/librewolf.exe"
#alias mpv="/mnt/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/mpv.install/tools/mpv.exe"
## Weather - date -time
alias weather='curl'
alias weather-malta='curl'
alias date-time='sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata'
## ===================================================
## === Keys - Files
## ===================================================
## Net - gpg - ssh
## For legacy servers:
#alias ssh-key-gen="ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C " ## ""
alias ssh-key-gen-ed="ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C " ## ""
alias ssh-key-gen-ecd="ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 512"
alias ssh-cp-pub-key='xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/'
alias gpg-ls-keys="gpg -K --keyid-format long --with-colons --with-fingerprint"
alias cf-sshd="sudo $EDITOR /etc/ssh/sshd_config"
alias rm-srt='find . -type f -name "*.srt" -delete'
alias rm-vtt='find . -type f -name "*.vtt" -delete'
alias rm-log='sudo find . -type f -name "*.log" -delete'
## npm
if [ "$(command -v npm)" ]; then
alias npmi='npm install --no-optional' # avoid 'fsevents linux' warning
alias npmid='npm install --no-optional --save-dev'
## yarn
if [ $(command -v yarn) ]; then
alias ya='yarn'
alias yaa='yarn add'
alias yada='yarn add -D'
alias yacc='yarn cache clean'
alias yah='yarn help'
alias yao='yarn outdated'
alias yaui='yarn upgrade-interactive'
alias yagl='yarn global list'
alias yaga='yarn global add'
alias yagr='yarn global remove'
alias yagu='yarn global upgrade'
alias yagui='yarn global upgrade-interactive'
alias yacfg='yarn global bin' # output symlinks to executables
## Netlify
if [ "$(command -v netlify)" ]; then
"." "${ALIASPATH}/netlify";
## ===================================================
## ===================================================
# TITLE: Manage dotfiles with a git bare repo
# URL:
# To init run once: git init --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
# Run this after once: config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
# To add: config add /path/to/file
# To commit: config commit -m "message"
alias config='$(command -v git) --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles --work-tree=$HOME'
## Chezmoi
alias cm=chezmoi
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