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Forked from clungzta/GPS SLAM Nav Goal ROS
Created August 8, 2021 03:50
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#!/usr/bin/env python
#ROS Node to convert a GPS waypoint published on the topic "waypoint" into a 2D Navigation Goal in SLAM to achieve autonomous navigation to a GPS Waypoint
#Converts Decimal GPS Coordinates of waypoint to ROS Position Vector relative to the current gps position of the robot
#Accounts for curvature of the earth using haversine formula
#Depends rospy, std_msgs, geographic_msgs, sensor_msgs, numpy
#Written by Alex McClung, 2015,, To be Released Open Source under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike Licence
import roslib
import rospy
from math import radians, cos, sin, asin, sqrt, pow, pi, atan2
import numpy as np
from std_msgs.msg import String
from sensor_msgs.msg import NavSatFix
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseWithCovarianceStamped
from geographic_msgs.msg import WayPoint
debug = False
latCur = 0.0
lonCur = 0.0
latWP = 0.0
lonWP = 0.0
altWP = 0.0
earthRadius = 6371000.0 #Metres
currPosX = 0.0
currPosY = 0.0
currPosZ = 0.0
WPUpdateState = False #True if there has been an update in the waypoint position
lastValidFixTime = 0.0
gpsValidityTimeout = 10.0 #Seconds
def haversineDistance(latCur, lonCur, latWP, lonWP): #Returns distance to waypoint in Metres
latWP, lonWP, latCur, lonCur = map(radians, [latWP, lonWP, latCur, lonCur]) #Convert into Radians to perform math
a = pow(sin((latWP - latCur)/2),2) + cos(latCur) * cos(latWP) * pow(sin((lonWP - lonCur)/2),2)
return earthRadius * 2.0 * asin(sqrt(a)) #Return calculated distance to waypoint in Metres
def bearing(latCur, lonCur, latWP, lonWP): #Bearing to waypoint (degrees)
latWP, lonWP, latCur, lonCur = map(radians, [latWP, lonWP, latCur, lonCur]) #Convert into Radians to perform math
dLon = lonWP - lonCur
return atan2(sin(dLon) * cos(latWP), cos(latCur) * sin(latWP) - (sin(latCur) * cos(latWP) * cos(dLon)))
def gpsSubscriber(gpsMsg): #GPS Coordinate recieved from ROS topic, run this function
if gpsMsg.status.status > -1: #If there is a GPS fix (Either Augmented or Unaugmented)
global latCur
global lonCur
global lastValidFixTime
lastValidFixTime = rospy.get_time()
latCur = gpsMsg.latitude
lonCur = gpsMsg.longitude
if debug == True:
rospy.loginfo("GPS Fix Available, Latitude: %f, Longitude: %f", latCur, lonCur)
def gpsFixIsValid(): #Check to see if there has been a GPS fix within the last <gpsValidityTimeout> seconds
global gpsValidityTimeout
if (rospy.get_time()- lastValidFixTime) < gpsValidityTimeout:
return True
rospy.loginfo("GPS Fix Invalid! Last valid update was: %f seconds ago", rospy.get_time()- lastValidFixTime)
return False
def robotPoseSubscriber(poseMsg): #Odometry update recieved from ROS topic, run this function
global currPosX
global currPosY
global currPosZ
currPosX = poseMsg.pose.pose.position.x
currPosY = poseMsg.pose.pose.position.y
currPosZ = poseMsg.pose.pose.position.z
def waypointSubscriber(WPMsg): #Waypoint Command recieved from ROS topic, run this function
global waypointUpdateState
global latWP
global lonWP
global altWP
WPUpdateState = True
latWP = WPMsg.position.latitude
lonWP = WPMsg.position.longitude
altWP = WPMsg.position.altitude
rospy.loginfo("Recieved Waypoint Command, Latitude: %f, Longitude: %f", latWP, lonWP)
if gpsFixIsValid() == True: #If there is a valid GPS fix, publish nav goal to ROS
def posePublisher(): #Convert absolute waypoint to vector relative to robot, then publish navigation goal to ROS
desiredPose = PoseStamped()
desiredPose.header.frame_id = "/gps_link"
desiredPose.header.stamp =
global currPosX
global currPosY
global currPosZ
global debug
if debug:
rospy.loginfo("LatWP: %f, LonWP: %f, LatCur: %f, LonCur: %f", latWP, lonWP, latCur, lonCur)
distToWP = haversineDistance(latCur, lonCur, latWP, lonWP)
bearingToWP = bearing(latCur, lonCur, latWP, lonWP)
desiredPose.pose.position.x = currPosX + (distToWP * cos(bearingToWP)) #Convert distance and angle to waypoint from Polar to Cartesian co-ordinates then add current position of robot odometry
desiredPose.pose.position.y = currPosY + (distToWP * sin(bearingToWP))
desiredPose.pose.position.z = altWP - currPosZ #Assuming CurrPosZ is abslolute (eg barometer or GPS)
desiredPose.pose.orientation.x = 0
desiredPose.pose.orientation.y = 0
desiredPose.pose.orientation.z = 0
desiredPose.pose.orientation.w = 1
navGoalPub = rospy.Publisher('move_base_simple/goal', PoseStamped, queue_size=10) #Publish Nav Goal to ROS topic
rospy.loginfo("GPS Fix is Valid! Setting Navigation Goal to: %f, %f, %f", desiredPose.pose.position.x, desiredPose.pose.position.y, desiredPose.pose.position.z)
rospy.loginfo("Robot is heading %f metres at a bearing of %f degrees", distToWP, (bearingToWP * 180/pi + 360) % 360)
def main():
rospy.init_node('gps_2d_nav_goal', anonymous=True)
rospy.loginfo("Initiating GPS 2D Nav Goal Node.")
while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #While ros comms are running smoothly
rospy.Subscriber("waypoint", WayPoint, waypointSubscriber) #Subscribe to "pose", "fix" and "waypoint" ROS topics
rospy.Subscriber("fix", NavSatFix, gpsSubscriber)
rospy.Subscriber("odom_combined", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, robotPoseSubscriber)
if __name__ == '__main__':
except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
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I have one question. what is the role of desiredPose.pose.position.x? what does it show ?
Now i am using odometry information published from SLAM, and give it as an input to this python code. now i want to compare the results between when i donot have any odometry information with the time that I have merged odometry information with the gps information.
from which result i can make a conclusion? and identify that for instance using odometry information make the result better or not

and also i want to know what is the impact of using odometry information, with the time that we donot ues it

Thanks in advance

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