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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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if (!function_exists('random_bytes')) {
function random_bytes($size)
throw new Exception('random_bytes: $size must be an int');
if($size <= 0)
throw new Exception('random_bytes: $size must be positive');
$result = mcrypt_create_iv($size, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
else if(function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes'))
$result = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($size, $isSecure);
if($isSecure !== true)
throw new Exception("random_bytes: openssl_random_pseudo_bytes returned insecure data");
throw new Exception("random_bytes: No RNG found");
if(!is_string($result) || (strlen($result) !== $size))
throw new Exception("random_bytes: RNG is unavailable or broken");
return $result;
if (!function_exists('random_int')) {
function random_int($min, $max)
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.0') < 0)
trigger_error("random_int: This version of PHP is not supported", E_USER_ERROR);
throw new Exception('random_int: $min must be an int');
throw new Exception('random_int: $max must be an int');
if($min > $max)
throw new Exception('random_int: $min must be less or equal to $max');
$range = $max - $min + 1;
// the rejection probability is at most 0.5, so this corresponds to a failure probability of 2^-128 for a working RNG
for($attempts = 0; $attempts < 128; $attempts++)
// generate a random integer
$bytes = random_bytes(PHP_INT_SIZE);
$value = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < PHP_INT_SIZE; $i++)
$value = ($value << 8) | ord($bytes[$i]);
if(($value >= $min) && ($value <= $max))
return $value;
} else {
$value &= PHP_INT_MAX;
// equivalent to (PHP_INT_MAX + 1) % range, but avoids int overflows
// I'm assuming PHP_INT_MAX + 1 is a power-of-two and that integer's are represented as two's complement.
$reject = (-$range & PHP_INT_MAX) % $range;
if($value >= $reject)
return ($value % $range) + $min;
throw new Exception("random_int: RNG is broken - too many rejections");
if (!function_exists('random_string')) {
function random_string($length, $charset = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789")
throw new Exception('random_string: $length must be an integer');
if($length < 1)
throw new Exception('random_string: $length must be positive');
throw new Exception('random_string: $charset must be a string');
if(strlen($charset) < 1)
throw new Exception('random_string: $charset must contain at least one element');
$randomString = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
$randomString .= $charset[random_int(0, strlen($charset) - 1)];
return $randomString;
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