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Last active October 3, 2023 05:37
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PowerShell Custom Module
# Location: ($env:PSModulePath | ForEach-Object { ([string]$_).Split(";")[0] })\RishiPowerShell
# Rishi K. (CodesOfRishi)
# Bulk nslookup
function Resolve-Host {#{{{
param (
[string]$OutputSeparator = "`n",
if ($args[0]) {#{{{
if ($args[0] -match '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}' -And $args[0] -notmatch "[a-zA-Z]") {
# input is an IP address
$output = (Resolve-DnsName $args[0]).namehost
else {
# input is an not an IP address
$output = (Resolve-DnsName -Type A $args[0]).ipaddress
if ($output) {
# nslooup resolved something
$output = "$args - $output"
write-host $output
Set-Clipboard -Value $output # copy the output to the clipboard
New-Variable -Name 'file_location' -Value 'C:\Users\KIIT\temp\list.txt' -Option Constant
if ($ChangeList) {
# notepad $file_location
Start-Process notepad $file_location -NoNewWindow -Wait
write-host "Performing Nslookup in '$file_location'" -Foregroundcolor Green
[string[]]$lookup_list = Get-Content -Path $file_location
$output = $null
$progress_bar_curr = 0
$progress_bar_max = $lookup_list.length
foreach ($i in $lookup_list) {
# progress bar start
$progress_bar_complete = (($progress_bar_curr / $progress_bar_max) * 100)
Write-Progress -Activity "Performing NSLookups" -CurrentOperation "Looking up $i" -Status "$progress_bar_complete% complete" -PercentComplete $progress_bar_complete
# progress bar end
$i = $i.trim()
if (!$i) {
# found empty line
if ($i -match '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}' -And $i -notmatch "[a-zA-Z]") {
# input is an IP address
$resolved_output = (Resolve-DnsName $i).namehost
else {
# input is an not an IP address
$resolved_output = (Resolve-DnsName -Type A $i).ipaddress
if ($resolved_output) {
# nslookup resolved something
$output = $output + "$i - "
foreach ($j in $resolved_output) {
$output = $output + "$j "
$output = $output + "$OutputSeparator"
else {
# nslookup didn't resolve anything
write-host "$i - " -nonewline
write-host "NO RESULT!" -Backgroundcolor Red
if ($output) {
# remove $OutputSeparator from the end of the $output
if ($output.Substring($output.Length - $OutputSeparator.Length) -Match "$OutputSeparator") { $output = $output.remove($output.Length - $OutputSeparator.Length, $OutputSeparator.Length) }
if (!$NoClipboard) {
Set-Clipboard -Value $output # copy the output to the clipboard
# Utility function for Sanitization
function ConvertSanitize {
Param (
$mode = "toggle"
if ($url) { $url=$url.Trim() }
if (!$url) { return }
function isSanitize {#{{{
Param (
# return ($url -Match '\[\.\]')
if ($url -Match '\[\.\]') { return $True }
else { return $False }
function Infect {#{{{
Param (
return $url
function Sanitize {#{{{
Param (
if ($url -match '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}' -And $url -notmatch "[a-zA-Z]") {
# Input is an IP
$url=$url -replace "(.*)\.(.*)", '$1[.]$2'
else {
return $url
if (($mode -Match "infect") -Or ($mode -Match "inf")) {
if (isSanitize($url)) { $url = Infect($url) }
elseif (($mode -Match "sanitize") -Or ($mode -Match "san")) {
if (!(isSanitize($url))) { $url = Sanitize($url) }
elseif (($mode -Match "toggle") -Or ($mode -Match "tog")) {
if (isSanitize($url)) {
# Already sanitized
$url = Infect($url)
else {
# Needs to sanitize
$url = Sanitize($url)
else {
# write-error -Message "ERROR: Invalid Mode!" -Category InvalidArgument
throw "ERROR: Invalid Mode!"
return $url
# URL/IPv4 address (Un)Sanitization
function Format-Sanitize {
param (
[string]$OutputSeparator = "`n",
[ValidateSet('toggle', 'tog', 'sanitize', 'san', 'infect', 'inf')]
[string]$Mode = "toggle",
[string]$Url = $null
if ($Url -And $Bulk) {#{{{
write-host "NOTE: '-Url' is not supposed to be used with '-Bulk'" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
elseif ($Bulk) {
New-Variable -Name 'file_location' -Value 'C:\Users\KIIT\temp\list.txt' -Option Constant
if ($ChangeList) {
# notepad $file_location
Start-Process notepad $file_location -NoNewWindow -Wait
$outpout = $null
[string[]]$lookup_list = Get-Content -Path $file_location
if (!$NoClipboard) { $sanitize_start = $false }
$output = $NULL
foreach ($i in $lookup_list) {
$i = ConvertSanitize $i $Mode
if (!$i) { break }
if ($output) {
$output = $output + $i + "$OutputSeparator"
else {
$output = $i + "$OutputSeparator"
if ($output) {
# remove $OutputSeparator from the end of the $output
if ($output.Substring($output.Length - $OutputSeparator.Length) -Match "$OutputSeparator") { $output = $output.remove($output.Length - $OutputSeparator.Length, $OutputSeparator.Length) }
if (!$NoClipboard) {
Set-Clipboard -Value $output # copy the output to the clipboard
elseif ($ChangeList) {
New-Variable -Name 'file_location' -Value 'C:\Users\KIIT\temp\list.txt' -Option Constant
# notepad $file_location
Start-Process notepad $file_location -NoNewWindow -Wait
if ($NoClipboard -Or $OutputSeparator -Or $Mode) {
write-host "NOTE: '-NoClipboard', '-OutputSeparator' and '-Mode' works with only '-Bulk'!" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
New-Variable -Name url_provided -Value $True
while (1) {#{{{
if (!($Url)) {
$Url = $(write-host "Enter URL/IP >> " -nonewline -ForegroundColor Cyan; Read-Host)
$url_provided = $False
$Url = ConvertSanitize $Url
if ($Url) { $Url = $Url.Trim() }
if (!$Url) { continue }
if ($Url -match '\[\.\]') {
write-host "SANITIZED ->" -nonewline -Backgroundcolor DarkGreen
write-host " $Url"
` else {
write-host "UN-SANITIZED ->" -nonewline -Backgroundcolor DarkRed
write-host " $Url"
Set-Clipboard -Value $Url # copy the URL/IP to the clipboard
if ($url_provided) { break }
$Url = $null
# Time Zone
# Set-TimeZone -Id "India Standard Time"
# Set-TimeZone -Id UTC
# Set-TimeZone -Id "Eastern Standard Time"
function Set-Time_Zone {
param (
[ValidateSet('IST', 'India Standard Time', 'EST', 'Eastern Standard Time', 'UTC', 'Coordinated Universal Time')]
[string]$Zone = "Eastern Standard Time"
if ($Zone -Match "EST" -Or $Zone -Match "Eastern Standard Time") {
write-host "Changing the System's time zone to Eastern Standard Time." -Foregroundcolor Yellow
Set-TimeZone -Id "Eastern Standard Time"
elseif ($Zone -Match "IST" -Or $Zone -Match "India Standard Time") {
write-host "Changing the System's time zone to India Standard Time." -Foregroundcolor Yellow
Set-TimeZone -Id "India Standard Time"
elseif ($Zone -Match "UTC" -Or $Zone -Match "Coordinated Universal Time") {
write-host "Changing the System's time zone to Coordinated Universal Time." -Foregroundcolor Yellow
Set-TimeZone -Id UTC
else {
write-host "Changing the System's time zone to $Zone." -Foregroundcolor Yellow
Set-TimeZone -Id "$Zone"
Set-Time_Zone -Zone "EST"
Set-Alias -Name rh -Value Resolve-Host
Set-Alias -Name fs -Value Format-Sanitize
Set-Alias -Name tz -Value Set-Time_Zone
Export-ModuleMember -Function Resolve-Host, Format-Sanitize, Set-Time_Zone -Alias rh, fs, tz
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