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Last active September 13, 2022 20:29
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  • Save CodyMathis123/a0872d23d7020b9e38709a683992d16b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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WID flip
Searches the local WSUS for all PMPC updates and marks them as IsLocallyPublished = 0 in the SUSDB
This script is used to force all PMPC updates to show in the WSUS console. This is useful when you are in a WSUS
standalone scenarion and will not be managing updates through ConfigMgr or some other method.
By default, third party updates do not show in WSUS. This is a workound. Use at your own risk as it is a database edit.
C:\PS> Set-PMPCUpdatesToShowInWSUS.ps1
Sets all PMPC updates to show in WSUS console.
################# DISCLAIMER #################
Patch My PC provides scripts, macro, and other code examples for illustration only, without warranty
either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability
and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This script is provided 'AS IS' and Patch My PC does not
guarantee that the following script, macro, or code can or should be used in any situation or that
operation of the code will be error-free.
$WSUSSQL = 'np:\\.\pipe\MICROSOFT##WID\tsql\query'
$GetCategoryQuery = "Declare @T Table (LocalUpdateID int, UpdateID uniqueidentifier, CategoryType nvarchar(256), ProhibitsSubcategories bit, ProhibitsUpdates bit, CategoryIndex int,
DisplayOrder int, Title nvarchar(200), Description nvarchar(150), ReleaseNotes nvarchar(1000), ArrivalDate datetime, UpdateSource int)
Insert @T exec spGetTopLevelCategories
Select UpdateID from @T Where Title = 'Patch My PC'"
$categoryid = (Invoke-Sqlcmd -serverinstance $WSUSSQL -Query $GetCategoryQuery -Database SUSDB).updateID
$Updates = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $WSUSSQL -Database SUSDB -Query "exec spGetUpdatesUnderACategory @categoryId = '$categoryid', @maxResultCount = '5000'" -OutputAs DataTables
$sqlQuery = "UPDATE [SUSDB].[dbo].[tbUpdate] SET [IsLocallyPublished] = 0 WHERE [IsLocallyPublished] = 1 AND [UpdateID] IN ('$([string]::Join("','", $Updates.updateid.guid))');"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $WSUSSQL -Database SUSDB -Query $sqlQuery
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