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Last active December 30, 2021 04:44
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Scrape question prompts from
Are you a regular at any of your local restaurants or cafes? What is that relationship like?
Why did you decide to get a graduate degree?
Which people have had the biggest influence on your life? What lessons did you learn?
Which fads did you embrace while growing up?
What simple pleasures of life do you truly enjoy?
What are some good and bad choices you've made with respect to your health?
What early memories do you have of your sibling(s)?
If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?
Did you have any ongoing disagreements with your sibling as a child? What were they?
Do you have a go-to board game?
What places can you travel to over and over again?
Have you lost any possessions that you really cared about? What were they?
What inventions have had the biggest impact on your day-to-day life?
Was there anything unusual about your birth?
What is the most scared you’ve ever been?
Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever encountered one?
What are your favorite memories of each of your children growing up?
Who was one of your first crushes? What was special about them?
What do you admire most about your father?
Have you ever gotten into a scrape while camping?
Did you date someone in college?
When did you get your first car?
What are your favorite books?
When you served in the military, how did you cope with casualties in your unit?
Do you have any regrets?
Which Presidents have you voted for and why?
How did you rebel as a child?
What did you look forward to the most as a child?
What is one of the greatest physical challenges you have ever had to go through? What gave you strength?
What was your favorite lunch to bring to school?
Did you work while you were in college?
Did you have enough money growing up?
What is your most embarrassing family picture?
What is the most awkward date you've been on?
Would you encourage today’s generation to join the military?
Tell me about a song that brings back an interesting memory from your youth.
Did you have a favorite planet as a child?
What was something that was particularly surprising to you when you had your second child?
What were your favorite subjects in high school?
What advice would you give your 20 year old self?
What were you like when you were 30?
What were you like when you were 50?
Have you ever experienced a severe storm?
Did you have a favorite teacher in middle school? What made them great?
Do you have a dream you haven't achieved yet? Will you keep trying?
Did you ever get a terrible haircut?
Did you ever have car trouble at a particularly inconvenient time?
While you were in the military, what did you and your companions do to entertain yourselves?
Did you have any nicknames as a child? How did you feel about them?
Do you have any family secrets?
What games did you play when you were young?
What is one of the strangest things you've ever eaten?
What was your proposal like?
Where were you during the moon landing?
What was your dream car?
What's one of your favorite summertime meals?
What was it like the first time you fell in love?
What is one of your favorite drinks?
How did you decide when to have children?
Did anyone in the family play a part in History with a capital h?
How did you feel when your military service ended? What did you do next?
Have you ever given or been the recipient of a random act of kindness?
Who are the funniest people in your family?
What's your morning ritual?
Did you ever argue with your parents about clothes or haircuts?
What is the farthest you have ever traveled?
Are you still friends with any of your classmates from grade school?
Did you have a car in high school?
What was your best boss like?
How do you want to be remembered?
Were you able to keep in touch with your family while you were serving in the military?
When in life have you felt most alone? What gave you strength during those times?
Who is the wisest person you've known? What have you learned from them?
What things from home did you miss the most while you were serving in the military?
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Do you prefer summer or winter?
What sports did you like most as a child? Why?
What was it like learning to drive?
Tell me about the first time you got a cellphone.
What was your Mom like when you were a child?
Where did you go on your honeymoon?
Have you pulled any great pranks?
Do you know what your first words were?
Were you well-behaved or badly-behaved as a child?
What are your favorite animals, and why?
What is one of the craziest things that's ever happened to you?
What were your next door neighbors like when you were a child?
What was your first date like with your spouse?
Did you pull any all-nighters in college?
What does Veterans Day mean to you?
Have you ever gotten into a fight?
What was your favorite candy as a child?
What was the first meal you ever cooked successfully?
Did you ever have a fair or carnival come to town when you were a child?
Do you have any tips on hosting a great party or dinner?
Do you remember the best birthday cake you ever received?
What were your favorite courses in college?
How did you celebrate your 30th birthday?
Has anyone ever rescued you, figuratively or literally?
How do you get your news? What news interests you?
What was a book that really made a difference for you as an adult?
Tell me about a time you got in trouble at work.
Did you join a fraternity or sorority in college?
What would you consider your motto?
Which family members do you wish you kept better in touch with?
What gives you peace of mind?
What are some of your favorite sounds?
What is one of the stupidest things you've ever done?
When in your life did you have the least money? How did you manage with your budget?
What are some of your pet peeves?
What would you save if your house was on fire?
Have you ever doubted your faith?
What were you like when you were 40?
What fascinated you as a child?
What is one of your greatest fears?
Describe one of your most memorable birthdays.
What things did you find surprising when you started your first job?
What advice would you give your great grandchildren?
As a child, were you closer to your father or your mother? How about now?
What are some of your favorite smells?
What is one of your favorite memories of your mother?
Have you ever missed a flight?
Have you ever written a poem or a story, and if so, do you still have it?
Which people have been the kindest to you in life?
What's something you really disagreed with your parents about?
Have you ever been a hero to someone? Has anyone been a hero for you?
What was one of the toughest parts about raising me?
What imperfections do you secretly love in your better half?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
If you could go anywhere and do anything, what would your perfect Valentine’s Day be?
Do you have any moving day stories?
Did you have any rules that you set for yourself as a parent which you almost immediately broke?
How did your parents pick your name?
What is one of the most expensive things that you've ever bought?
What is your favorite joke?
What were you like as a teenager?
Who have been your closest friends throughout the years?
What did you learn from your parents?
At what times in your life were you the happiest, and why?
What weaknesses do you struggle with the most?
Did you work while you were in graduate school?
What are some of your childhood memories of your father?
Are you superstitious? What are you superstitious about?
Have you ever sued someone, or been sued by someone?
What was one of your biggest morale boosters during tough times in the military?
What have been some of your favorite restaurants through the years? How about now?
What does Martin Luther King, Jr.'s legacy mean to you?
Where did you go on vacations as a child?
What were your least favorite courses in college?
Have you ever been fired?
What was your first reaction when you found out you had been drafted into the army?
Who do you consider your icons, and why?
What was one of the most difficult times in your relationships? How did you get through it?
Do you have any keepsakes or heirlooms from your father?
Did you have a car in college?
Have you ever sleep walked or sleep talked?
How far back can you trace your family ancestry?
What is your go-to karaoke song?
What are your favorite recipes, either to cook or to eat?
If you could choose any talents to have, what would they be?
What is your definition of love?
Tell me about a fun school field trip you had as a kid.
What do you worry about?
How do you like to spend a lazy day?
Did you get along with your siblings as a child?
What were your favorite cartoons growing up?
What traits do you share with your mother?
What do you like most about your siblings?
Did you have any serious accidents as a child?
What was it like the first time you quit a job?
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
What were your favorite toys as a child?
Did you have a job while you were in high school?
How did you deal with your grandparents dying?
Do you believe in a higher power?
Tell me about one of the best days you can remember.
What things matter most to you in life?
What foods do you dislike? Have these changed over time?
How have your political opinions changed over time?
What advice do you wish you had taken from your parents?
What television programs did you watch as a child?
If you could thank anyone, who would you thank and why?
Are you the same person you were as an adolescent, or very different?
Have you ever been really unhappy? How did you get through that time in your life?
What store did you love to go to as a child?
What were your friends like in college?
What are the top 5 things that you and your spouse have in common?
If you could travel back in time to any country and any era, knowing you'd be completely safe and could come back, where and when would you go?
Tell me about an adventure you've been on.
What are some choices you made about how to raise me?
What do you consider one of your greatest achievements in life?
How does your family observe Passover?
What was something you were surprised to learn when you moved out from your parents' house?
Do you have any particularly vivid memories of your grandparents?
Have you ever had a "supernatural" experience, or an experience you couldn't explain?
What were your friends like in high school?
How did you choose what college to attend?
Did you write a thesis in college?
What is some of the best advice your father ever gave you?
Were your parents strict, or relaxed?
Did you consider any other careers? How did you choose?
What is an embarrassing thing you found out about your parents?
Are you more like your father or your mother? In what ways?
What things are you proudest of in your life?
What was your favorite April Fool's joke?
Tell me about your greatest gardening success.
What is your best relationship advice?
Were you involved in any organizations in high school?
What is one of your favorite trips that you've taken? What made it great?
What famous or important people have you encountered in real life?
What is one of the funniest things you've ever done?
What things are most important to you in choosing a home?
Would you prefer to have an adventure, or read about one?
Tell me about the first date you ever went on.
Did you ever move as a child? What was that experience like?
What is one of the bravest things you've ever done, and what was the outcome?
What was one of the best parts about your time in the military?
What is your favorite story about your father?
What are your favorite movies?
What mistakes have you made? What would you have done differently?
What was your worst boss like? How did you deal with them?
If you had to go back in time and start a brand new career, what would it be?
What was your Dad like when you were a child?
Outside of class, what were you involved with in college?
What was your parents' relationship like?
What's one of your favorite warm drinks in the winter?
What's your best party trick?
Who are your favorite artists?
What are you really hard on yourself about?
What is one trait you would most like to improve in yourself?
What Passover traditions are most important to you?
Have you broken any habits over the years?
Who did you go to prom with?
Who were your favorite professors in college?
Have you ever done drugs?
What qualities do you most value in your better half?
What's a food or food combination that you love, which most other people dislike?
Can you remember a time that you were really upset as a child?
What is one of the most difficult things you've ever done? What was the outcome?
If you could see into the future, what would you want to find out?
Do you believe that people can change? Why or why not?
Did you make friends in the service? Who do you remember most clearly to this day?
What was one of your favorite playground games?
What are your favorite possessions? Why?
How did you figure out how to be a parent?
What was your childhood bedroom like?
Have you participated in any competitions? How did you do?
What was your first sleepover like?
How would you describe your politics?
How do you feel your time in the military changed you as a person?
What did you wear when younger that mortifies you now?
What was life like in the 60s?
Are you good at crafts? What's something you've made and are proud of?
At what times in your life were you the happiest and why?
What is the best meal you've ever had?
What personal expectations do you hold yourself to?
Did you ever have a commercial you really liked?
What was the neighborhood you grew up in like?
Have you ever feared for your life?
How did you celebrate your 21st birthday?
Did you have any pets growing up?
What do you want to say to your Valentine?
Have you ever given up anything for Lent? What was it, and was it difficult?
What habit do most people have that you find very strange?
Tell me about a time you volunteered for something that nobody else wanted to do.
What advice would you give to a family member about to go to college?
Where were you when you found out that JFK had been assassinated? How did it affect you?
What do you think are the secrets to a happy relationship?
What traits do you share with your father?
How is life different today compared to when you were a child?
Did you consider any other majors in college?
Do you remember your first Passover? What did it mean to you as a child?
Are you still friends with any of your friends from college?
How is your faith different from your parents' faith?
How has the country changed during your lifetime?
Have you ever wished to be a celebrity? What would you like to be famous for?
Which sports teams were you a fan of as a child?
What was your experience of combat in the service?
Are you a morning person or an evening person?
What are your favorite plays?
Are you handy? What's something you've built and are proud of?
What was your first type of wheeled transportation? Car? Bike? Skates?
Do you believe in magic? What is a magical experience to you?
What do you admire most about your mother?
What's one thing you wish you'd known before becoming a parent?
Did you play any sports in college?
What did you hide from your parents as a child?
What is one of the strangest things that has ever happened to you?
What are some of the most important elections you've voted in, and what made them important to you?
What is one of your earliest childhood memories?
Who inspires you?
What political issues do you consider most important?
What are some of your childhood accomplishments?
What is something you said or did that still bothers you?
Do you remember your first Easter? Did you go on Easter egg hunts as a child?
How has your life turned out differently than you imagined it would?
What things did your parents argue about when you were little?
What's one thing you wish you'd known before going to college?
How did you get your first job?
Do you have a favorite poem? What is it?
What's a gift you always wished someone would give you?
What is one of the worst trips you've ever taken? What went wrong?
What do you like least about your siblings?
What makes you sad?
What is your secret?
How did you feel when your first child was born?
What are your favorite songs?
What is one of the best photographs you've ever taken?
Do you have any notable ancestors?
After you entered the military, what were your first thoughts upon arriving at your station and meeting your fellow soldiers?
Were your parents happy?
Who are the best cooks in your family?
Have you ever had your heart broken?
What stories have you been told about yourself as a baby?
Have you ever had to stand up for your principles? What was the outcome?
What is one of the most memorable camping trips you've been on?
Did you ever take any great road trips?
If you could have as much money as you wanted, what would you do with it?
Did you ever get lost as a child?
What would you change about your childhood?
Tell me about a great moment you had while playing sports.
What is your best advice when it comes to raising children?
What were your grandparents like?
What do you think is the meaning of life?
Tell me a funny story about a new activity you once tried.
Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
Are you still friends with any of your classmates from graduate school?
How did you decide when to change jobs?
Do you have photographs that you took during your time in the military?
Which sports did you play in high school?
What are some of your family traditions?
Take 10 minutes and outline your life story, from childhood to the present.
Was there a story or fairytale that scared you as a child?
What is one of your favorite holiday memories?
What was your weekend tradition when you were a kid?
Who was your advisor in graduate school? What were they like?
What was your relationship with your parents like as a teenager?
How did you decide how many children to have?
Have you ever had to make a tough moral decision? How did it turn out?
Do you have any funny or embarrassing Thanksgiving memories?
Are you still friends with any of your friends from high school? How have they changed since then?
What was your wedding like?
How did you vote in the Presidential elections?
What did you read as a child?
Who did you date while in high school?
What was an unusual compliment you once received, but really appreciated?
How did you learn to ride a bicycle?
Do you consider your childhood to have been a happy one?
What are some of your favorite ways to spend a Saturday?
What's a small decision you made that ended up having a big impact on your life?
How did you meet your spouse? When did you know you wanted to marry them?
What famous people have you met and how did you meet them?
What is one of the best shows you've ever been to?
Did you ever think of joining the military?
What was the strangest thing you wanted to be when you grew up?
How did you pick what to focus on in graduate school?
What was your first big trip?
How did you choose your children's names?
What about being a child do you miss the most?
What is your best advice when it comes to work?
What beliefs do you have that are different than your parents?
What have you changed your mind about over the years?
What things do you think you cannot live without?
Who has been one of the most important people in your life? Can you tell me about him or her?
What is some of the best advice your mother ever gave you?
If you were to do it over, what would you do differently?
What is one of the most selfless things you have done in life?
While in the service, where were you first posted and where did you travel?
Describe your favorite places to spend the summer.
Who was one of your favorite high school teachers? What made them great?
Have you ever won anything?
Why did you join the military?
Did you ever get in trouble at school as a child?
How do you prefer to travel?
What is one of your favorite children's stories?
Tell me what a typical day in the military was like for you.
What is the best job you've ever had?
Who had the most positive influence on you as a child?
What is one of your fondest childhood memories?
What was one of the most difficult things to overcome from your childhood? How did you do it?
Did you receive special recognition for your time in the military, or were you awarded any medals?
Which Easter traditions are most important to you?
Were you ever teased about anything as a child?
Did you have a family member you wish you'd gotten to know better?
What makes you happy?
How did you decide to get married?
If you could do it over, would you join the military?
What aspects of having children didn't turn out the way you expected?
What is the longest project you have ever worked on?
What are some of your special talents?
Have you kept in touch with any of your friends from the military?
What was one of the hardest things about growing up? How did you get through it?
How did you get to school as a child?
What have been some of your life's greatest surprises?
What is one of the riskiest things you've ever done?
What do people get wrong about you?
What qualities do you most value in your friends?
Was getting a graduate degree worth it?
What photograph do you most regret not taking when you had the opportunity?
What was one of the most romantic moments in your life?
What is one of the most romantic gestures you’ve ever made?
What are your New Year’s resolutions?
How did you experience the day Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated?
Did you have a special hiding place as a child?
Have you ever found out something you wished you had never known?
How did you experience Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon?
What was your role in the military?
Has your relationship with your siblings changed over the years?
Which musicians or bands have you most liked seeing live?
What was one of the best dates you've been on?
What was something that you believed all through childhood and were surprised to find out was false?
What was it like for you when your first child left the nest?
What was your first leave from the military like?
What was your first boss like?
What are your favorite TV shows?
What are your favorite musicians, bands or albums?
What is one of your favorite meals?
Tell me about a kitchen disaster you once had.
What has made your faith stronger?
What is one of your go-to stories, one you like telling over and over?
What was one of the most difficult experiences during your time in the military, and how did you get through it?
What is one of the most beautiful places you've ever been?
When in your life did you have the most money? Did you manage it well?
Describe the places you've lived.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
url = ""
output = 'output.txt'
questions = []
def main():
while True:
last = len(questions)
r = requests.get(url)
s = Soup(r.content, 'html.parser')
qs = [t.text for t in s.find_all('li')[1:]]
for q in qs:
if q not in questions:
tq = len(questions)
print(f'Unique Questions: {tq} [+{tq-last}]')
def save_and_exit():
print(f"\nSaving to file: {output}")
with open(output, 'w') as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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