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Created February 4, 2012 05:11
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Quaternions for GLua
-- faster access to some math library functions
local abs = math.abs
local Round = math.Round
local sqrt = math.sqrt
local exp = math.exp
local log = math.log
local sin = math.sin
local cos = math.cos
local sinh = math.sinh
local cosh = math.cosh
local acos = math.acos
local deg2rad = math.pi/180
local rad2deg = 180/math.pi
local delta = 0.0000001000000
Quaternion = {}
Quaternion.__index = Quaternion
return setmetatable({q,r,s,t},Quaternion)
local quat_new =
local function qmul(lhs, rhs)
local lhs1, lhs2, lhs3, lhs4 = lhs[1], lhs[2], lhs[3], lhs[4]
local rhs1, rhs2, rhs3, rhs4 = rhs[1], rhs[2], rhs[3], rhs[4]
return quat_new(
lhs1 * rhs1 - lhs2 * rhs2 - lhs3 * rhs3 - lhs4 * rhs4,
lhs1 * rhs2 + lhs2 * rhs1 + lhs3 * rhs4 - lhs4 * rhs3,
lhs1 * rhs3 + lhs3 * rhs1 + lhs4 * rhs2 - lhs2 * rhs4,
lhs1 * rhs4 + lhs4 * rhs1 + lhs2 * rhs3 - lhs3 * rhs2
Quaternion.__mul = qmul
local function qexp(q)
local m = sqrt(q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3] + q[4]*q[4])
local u1, u2, u3 = 0, 0, 0
if m ~= 0 then
u1 = q[2]*sin(m)/m
u2 = q[3]*sin(m)/m
u3 = q[4]*sin(m)/m
local r = exp(q[1])
return quat_new(r*cos(m), r*u1, r*u2, r*u3)
local function qlog(q)
local l = sqrt(q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3] + q[4]*q[4])
if l == 0 then return { -1e+100, 0, 0, 0 } end
local u2, u3, u4 = q[2]/l, q[3]/l, q[4]/l -- u1 is never used
local a = acos(u[1])
local m = sqrt(u2*u2 + u3*u3 + u4*u4)
if abs(m) > delta then
return quat_new( log(l), a*u2/m, a*u3/m, a*u4/m )
return quat_new( log(l), 0, 0, 0 ) --when m is 0, u[2], u[3] and u[4] are 0 too
Quaternion.log = qlog
--- Converts <ang> to a quaternion
function Quaternion.fromAngle(ang)
local p, y, r = ang.p, ang.y, ang.r
p = p*deg2rad*0.5
y = y*deg2rad*0.5
r = r*deg2rad*0.5
local qr = {cos(r), sin(r), 0, 0}
local qp = {cos(p), 0, sin(p), 0}
local qy = {cos(y), 0, 0, sin(y)}
return qmul(qy,qmul(qp,qr))
function Quaternion.fromVectors(forward, up)
local x = forward
local z = up
local y = z:Cross(x):GetNormalized() --up x forward = left
local ang = x:Angle()
if ang.p > 180 then ang.p = ang.p - 360 end
if ang.y > 180 then ang.y = ang.y - 360 end
local yyaw = Vector(0,1,0)
local roll = acos(y:Dot(yyaw))*rad2deg
local dot = y:Dot(z)
if dot < 0 then roll = -roll end
local p, y, r = ang.p, ang.y, roll
p = p*deg2rad*0.5
y = y*deg2rad*0.5
r = r*deg2rad*0.5
local qr = {cos(r), sin(r), 0, 0}
local qp = {cos(p), 0, sin(p), 0}
local qy = {cos(y), 0, 0, sin(y)}
return qmul(qy,qmul(qp,qr))
--- Returns quaternion for rotation about axis <axis> by angle <ang>. If ang is left out, then it is computed as the magnitude of <axis>
function Quaternion.fromRotation(axis, ang)
if ang then
local ang2 = ang*deg2rad*0.5
return quat_new( cos(ang2), axis.x*sin(ang2), axis.y*sin(ang2), axis.z*sin(ang2) )
local angSquared = axis:LengthSqr()
if angSquared == 0 then return quat_new( 1, 0, 0, 0 ) end
local len = sqrt(angSquared)
local ang = (len + 180) % 360 - 180
local ang2 = ang*deg2rad*0.5
local sang2len = sin(ang2) / len
return quat_new( cos(ang2), rv1[1] * sang2len , rv1[2] * sang2len, rv1[3] * sang2len )
function Quaternion:__neg()
return quat_new( -self[1], -self[2], -self[3], -self[4] )
function Quaternion.__add(lhs, rhs)
return quat_new( lhs[1] + rhs[1], lhs[2] + rhs[2], lhs[3] + rhs[3], lhs[4] + rhs[4] )
function Quaternion.__sub(lhs, rhs)
return quat_new( lhs[1] - rhs[1], lhs[2] - rhs[2], lhs[3] - rhs[3], lhs[4] - rhs[4] )
function Quaternion.__mul(lhs, rhs)
if type(rhs) == "number" then
return quat_new( rhs * lhs[1], rhs * lhs[2], rhs * lhs[3], rhs * lhs[4] )
elseif type(rhs) == "Vector" then
local lhs1, lhs2, lhs3, lhs4 = lhs[1], lhs[2], lhs[3], lhs[4]
local rhs2, rhs3, rhs4 = rhs.x, rhs.y, rhs.z
return quat_new(
-lhs2 * rhs2 - lhs3 * rhs3 - lhs4 * rhs4,
lhs1 * rhs2 + lhs3 * rhs4 - lhs4 * rhs3,
lhs1 * rhs3 + lhs4 * rhs2 - lhs2 * rhs4,
lhs1 * rhs4 + lhs2 * rhs3 - lhs3 * rhs2
local lhs1, lhs2, lhs3, lhs4 = lhs[1], lhs[2], lhs[3], lhs[4]
local rhs1, rhs2, rhs3, rhs4 = rhs[1], rhs[2], rhs[3], rhs[4]
return quat_new(
lhs1 * rhs1 - lhs2 * rhs2 - lhs3 * rhs3 - lhs4 * rhs4,
lhs1 * rhs2 + lhs2 * rhs1 + lhs3 * rhs4 - lhs4 * rhs3,
lhs1 * rhs3 + lhs3 * rhs1 + lhs4 * rhs2 - lhs2 * rhs4,
lhs1 * rhs4 + lhs4 * rhs1 + lhs2 * rhs3 - lhs3 * rhs2
function Quaternion.__div(lhs, rhs)
local lhs1, lhs2, lhs3, lhs4 = lhs[1], lhs[2], lhs[3], lhs[4]
return quat_new(
function Quaternion.__pow(lhs, rhs)
local l = qlog(lhs)
return qexp({ l[1]*rhs, l[2]*rhs, l[3]*rhs, l[4]*rhs })
function Quaternion.__eq(lhs, rhs)
if getmetatable(lhs) ~= Quaternion or getmetatable(lhs) ~= getmetatable(rhs) then return false end
local rvd1, rvd2, rvd3, rvd4 = lhs[1] - rhs[1], lhs[2] - rhs[2], lhs[3] - rhs[3], lhs[4] - rhs[4]
return rvd1 <= delta and rvd1 >= -delta and
rvd2 <= delta and rvd2 >= -delta and
rvd3 <= delta and rvd3 >= -delta and
rvd4 <= delta and rvd4 >= -delta
--- Returns absolute value of self
function Quaternion:abs()
return sqrt(self[1]*self[1] + self[2]*self[2] + self[3]*self[3] + self[4]*self[4])
--- Returns the conjugate of self
function Quaternion:conj()
return quat_new(self[1], -self[2], -self[3], -self[4])
--- Returns the inverse of self
function Quaternion:inv()
local l = self[1]*self[1] + self[2]*self[2] + self[3]*self[3] + self[4]*self[4]
return quat_new( self[1]/l, -self[2]/l, -self[3]/l, -self[4]/l )
--- Raises Euler's constant e to the power self
function Quaternion:exp()
return qexp(self)
--- Calculates natural logarithm of self
function Quaternion:log()
return qlog(self)
--- Changes quaternion <self> so that the represented rotation is by an angle between 0 and 180 degrees (by coder0xff)
function Quaternion:mod()
if self[1]<0 then return quat_new(-self[1], -self[2], -self[3], -self[4]) else return quat_new(self[1], self[2], self[3], self[4]) end
--- Performs spherical linear interpolation between <q0> and <q1>. Returns <q0> for <t>=0, <q1> for <t>=1
function Quaternion.slerp(q0, q1, t)
local dot = q0[1]*q1[1] + q0[2]*q1[2] + q0[3]*q1[3] + q0[4]*q1[4]
local q11
if dot<0 then
q11 = {-q1[1], -q1[2], -q1[3], -q1[4]}
q11 = { q1[1], q1[2], q1[3], q1[4] } -- dunno if just q11 = q1 works
local l = q0[1]*q0[1] + q0[2]*q0[2] + q0[3]*q0[3] + q0[4]*q0[4]
if l==0 then return { 0, 0, 0, 0 } end
local invq0 = { q0[1]/l, -q0[2]/l, -q0[3]/l, -q0[4]/l }
local logq = qlog(qmul(invq0,q11))
local q = qexp( { logq[1]*t, logq[2]*t, logq[3]*t, logq[4]*t } )
return qmul(q0,q)
--- Returns vector pointing forward for <self>
function Quaternion:forward()
local this1, this2, this3, this4 = self[1], self[2], self[3], self[4]
local t2, t3, t4 = this2 * 2, this3 * 2, this4 * 2
return {
this1 * this1 + this2 * this2 - this3 * this3 - this4 * this4,
t3 * this2 + t4 * this1,
t4 * this2 - t3 * this1
--- Returns vector pointing right for <self>
function Quaternion:right()
local this1, this2, this3, this4 = self[1], self[2], self[3], self[4]
local t2, t3, t4 = this2 * 2, this3 * 2, this4 * 2
return Vector(
t4 * this1 - t2 * this3,
this2 * this2 - this1 * this1 + this4 * this4 - this3 * this3,
- t2 * this1 - t3 * this4
--- Returns vector pointing up for <self>
function Quaternion:up()
local this1, this2, this3, this4 = self[1], self[2], self[3], self[4]
local t2, t3, t4 = this2 * 2, this3 * 2, this4 * 2
return Vector(
t3 * this1 + t2 * this4,
t3 * this4 - t2 * this1,
this1 * this1 - this2 * this2 - this3 * this3 + this4 * this4
--- Returns the angle of rotation in degrees
function Quaternion:rotationAngle()
local l2 = self[1]*self[1] + self[2]*self[2] + self[3]*self[3] + self[4]*self[4]
if l2 == 0 then return 0 end
local l = sqrt(l2)
local ang = 2*acos(self[1]/l)*rad2deg //this returns angle from 0 to 360
if ang > 180 then ang = ang - 360 end //make it -180 - 180
return ang
--- Returns the axis of rotation
function Quaternion:rotationAxis()
local m2 = self[2] * self[2] + self[3] * self[3] + self[4] * self[4]
if m2 == 0 then return Vector( 0, 0, 1 ) end
local m = sqrt(m2)
return Vector( self[2] / m, self[3] / m, self[4] / m)
--- Returns angle represented by <self>
function Quaternion:toAngle()
local l = sqrt(self[1]*self[1]+self[2]*self[2]+self[3]*self[3]+self[4]*self[4])
local q1, q2, q3, q4 = self[1]/l, self[2]/l, self[3]/l, self[4]/l
local x = Vector(q1*q1 + q2*q2 - q3*q3 - q4*q4,
2*q3*q2 + 2*q4*q1,
2*q4*q2 - 2*q3*q1)
local y = Vector(2*q2*q3 - 2*q4*q1,
q1*q1 - q2*q2 + q3*q3 - q4*q4,
2*q2*q1 + 2*q3*q4)
local ang = x:Angle()
if ang.p > 180 then ang.p = ang.p - 360 end
if ang.y > 180 then ang.y = ang.y - 360 end
local yyaw = Vector(0,1,0)
local roll = acos(y:Dot(yyaw))*rad2deg
local dot = q2*q1 + q3*q4
if dot < 0 then roll = -roll end
return Angle(ang.p, ang.y, roll)
function Quaternion:__tostring()
return string.format("<%d,%d,%d,%d>",self[1],self[2],self[3],self[4])
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