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Created November 10, 2013 17:55
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Simple OOP library for Lua
Basic OOP library for Lua
Supports classes with single inheritance. Example usage:
local oop = require "oop"
-- Create the class and gets a superclass variable.
-- oop.Class() can take a superclass as an argument.
-- If none is specified, the default superclass is used, which contains the
-- topmost __init method
local MyClass, super = oop.Class()
-- Our initializer.
-- This is similar to a constructor, but it also takes care of allocating and
-- returning the new instance (more similar to __new__ in Python).
-- This is a class method. `self` here refers to the class being initialized
-- (which may be a subclass)
function MyClass:__init(a, b, c)
-- Run the superintializer. The topmost initializer returns setmetatable({}, self)
local this = super.__init(self)
-- Do whatever initialization code you want, with the `this` variable as
-- the new instance
this.a = a
this.b = b
this.c = c
-- At the end, return the instance we made.
-- If this is a superclass initializer, we drop down to the next subclass's initializer.
-- Otherwise, this will return the new instance to the client code
return this
-- Specify whatever methods you want.
function MyClass:myMethod()
-- At the end, return your class. This makes require() register and return your class
return MyClass
local OOP = {}
-- Class metatables cache
local classMetatables = {}
local function class_new(self, ...)
return self:__init(...)
local DefaultBase = {}
function DefaultBase:__init(t) return setmetatable(t or {},self) end
--- Creates a new class.
function OOP.Class(base)
-- Default to the default base class
base = base or DefaultBase
-- Retrieve the class' metatable from the cache, or make a new one
local mt
if classMetatables[base] then
mt = classMetatables[base]
mt = {}
mt.__index = base
mt.__call = class_new
classMetatables[base] = mt
-- Make the actual class
local cls = setmetatable({}, mt)
if not base.__index or base.__index == base then
-- __index unmodified, set __index to class
cls.__index = cls
-- __index modified, inherit it
cls.__index = base.__index
return cls, base
--- Returns the class of object v
function OOP.ClassOf(v)
return getmetatable(v)
--- Returns the superclass of class c.
-- Note: This returns nil if the object's super class is the default super class
-- (i.e. nothing was passed to Class())
function OOP.SuperClass(c)
local super = getmetatable(c).__index
if super == DefaultBase then
return nil
return super
return OOP
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