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Created April 26, 2022 00:41
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The future of enterprise software.
class TwitterExtensibleError extends Error {
constructor(message) {
super(message) =
if (typeof Error.captureStackTrace === 'function') {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
} else {
this.stack = (new Error(message)).stack;
class TwitterObjectSealedError extends TwitterExtensibleError {}
class TwitterNotTStringError extends TwitterExtensibleError {}
class TwitterNotTTimeError extends TwitterExtensibleError {}
class TwitterNotTNumberError extends TwitterExtensibleError {}
class TwitterNotTBooleanError extends TwitterExtensibleError {}
class TwitterNotAuthorError extends TwitterExtensibleError {}
class TwitterNotTimeError extends TwitterExtensibleError {}
class TwitterNotMessageError extends TwitterExtensibleError {}
class TwitterNotLikesError extends TwitterExtensibleError {}
class TwitterNotRetweetsError extends TwitterExtensibleError {}
class Tweet {
constructor(author, time, message, likes, retweets) {
if (!author instanceof Author) {
throw new TwitterNotAuthorError()
} else if (!time instanceof Time) {
throw new TwitterNotTimeError()
} else if (!message instanceof Message) {
throw new TwitterNotMessageError()
} else if (!likes instanceof Likes) {
throw new TwitterNotLikesError()
} else if (!retweets instanceof Retweets) {
throw new TwitterNotRetweetsError()
} else {
this._author = author
this._time = time
this._message = message
this._likes = likes
this._retweets = retweets
getAuthor = () =>
getTime = () => this.time
getMessage = () => this.message
getLikes = () => this.likes
getRetweets = () => this.retweets
class Author {
constructor() {
this._sealedError = "This message is already sealed!"
this._stringError = "val is not a TString!"
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
this._value = undefined
getValue = () => this._value
isSealed = () => this._sealed
setValue(val) {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
if (val instanceof TString) {
this._value = val
} else {
throw new TwitterNotTStringError(this._stringError)
seal() {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
class Time {
constructor() {
this._sealedError = "This message is already sealed!"
this._timeError = "val is not a TTime!"
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
this._value = undefined
getValue = () => this._value
isSealed = () => this._sealed
setValue(val) {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
if (val instanceof TTime) {
this._value = val
} else {
throw new TwitterNotTTimeError(this._timeError)
seal() {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
class Message {
constructor() {
this._sealedError = "This message is already sealed!"
this._stringError = "val is not a TString!"
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
this._value = undefined
getValue = () => this._value
isSealed = () => this._sealed
setValue(val) {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
if (val instanceof TString) {
this._value = val
} else {
throw new TwitterNotTStringError(this._stringError)
seal() {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
class Likes {
constructor() {
this._sealedError = "This likess is already sealed!"
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
this._value = 0
getValue = () => this._value
isSealed = () => this._sealed
addLike() {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
const tfalse = new TBoolean()
const ttrue = new TBoolean()
this._value = new TNumber()
.setValue(this._value.getValue() + 1)
deleteLike() {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
const tfalse = new TBoolean()
const ttrue = new TBoolean()
this._value = new TNumber()
.setValue(this._value.getValue() - 1)
seal() {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
class Retweets {
constructor() {
this._sealedError = "This retweets is already sealed!"
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
this._value = 0
getValue = () => this._value
isSealed = () => this._sealed
addRetweet() {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
const tfalse = new TBoolean()
const ttrue = new TBoolean()
this._value = new TNumber()
.setValue(this._value.getValue() + 1)
deleteRetweet() {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
const tfalse = new TBoolean()
const ttrue = new TBoolean()
this._value = new TNumber()
.setValue(this._value.getValue() - 1)
seal() {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
class TString {
constructor() {
this._sealedError = "This string is already sealed!"
this._numberError = "val is not a TNumber!"
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
this._value = undefined
this._length = undefined
getValue = () => this._value
getLength = () => this._length
isSealed = () => this._sealed
setValue(val) {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this._value = val
setLength(val) {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
if (val instanceof TNumber) {
this._length = val
} else {
throw new TwitterNotTNumberError(this._numberError)
seal() {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
class TTime {
constructor() {
this._sealedError = "This time is already sealed!"
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
this._value = undefined
getValue = () => this._value
isSealed = () => this._sealed
setValue(val) {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this._value = val
seal() {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
class TNumber {
constructor () {
this._sealedError = "This number is already sealed!"
this._booleanError = "val is not a TBoolean!"
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
this._value = undefined
this._positive = undefined
this._negative = undefined
getValue = () => this._value
getPositive = () => this._positive
getNegative = () => this._negative
isSealed = () => this._sealed
setValue(val) {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this.value = val
setPositive(val) {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
if (val instanceof TBoolean) {
this._positive = val
} else {
throw new TwitterNotTBooleanError(this._booleanError)
setNegative(val) {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
if (val instanceof TBoolean) {
this._negative = val
} else {
throw new TwitterNotTBooleanError(this._booleanError)
seal() {
if (this.isSealed().getValue()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this._sealed = new TBoolean()
class TBoolean {
constructor () {
this._sealedError = "This boolean is already sealed!"
this._sealed = false
this._value = undefined
this._istrue = undefined
this._isfalse = undefined
getValue = () => this._value
getIsTrue = () => this._istrue
getIsFalse = () => this._isfalse
isSealed = () => this._sealed
setValue(val) {
if (this.isSealed()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this._value = val
setIsTrue(val) {
if (this.isSealed()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this._value = val
setIsFalse(val) {
if (this.isSealed()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this._value = val
seal() {
if (this.isSealed()) {
throw new TwitterObjectSealedError(this._sealedError)
} else {
this._sealed = true
const author = new Author()
.setValue(new TString()
const time = new Time()
.setValue(new TTime()
.setValue(new Date())
const message = new Message()
.setValue(new TString()
.setValue("Hello, Equestria!")
const likes = new Likes().seal()
const retweets = new Retweets().seal()
const tweet = new Tweet(author, time, message, likes, retweets)
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