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Last active October 6, 2017 04:11
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Save Colouratura/40d39c027ec64ade59da89e7bee13880 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var UserTags = function () {
return this;
* __renderTemplate
* renderTemplate invokes a small template engine that turns an HTML string
* into an HTML string with the templates substituted with the escaped values
* of the template data.
* @param {string} template - template string to render
* @param {object<key, val} data - a key-val dictionary of template names and their data
* @return {string} the rendered template
UserTags.prototype.__renderTemplate = function (template, data) {
if (typeof template !== 'string') return null;
if (typeof data !== 'object') return null;
for (var key in data) {
template = template.replace(
new RegExp('\\{' + key + '\\}', 'g'),
(data[key] !== null)
? mw.html.escape(data[key])
: ''
return template;
* __generateCSSStyleString
* generateCSSStyleString, when given a key-val dictionary of style attributes
* and their values, returns a formatted inline style string for use in HTML
* interpollation.
* @param {object <key, val} style - object containing style information
* @return {string} rendered inline style string
UserTags.prototype.__generateCSSStyleString = function (style) {
var _style = '',
_key = '';
if (str === null) return _style;
for (var key in style) {
// backgroundColor -> background-color
_key = key.replace(/([A-Z]{1})/g, '-$1').toLowerCase();
_style += mw.html.escape(_key) + ':' + mw.html.escape(style[key]) + ';';
return _style;
* __generateTag
* generateTag literally just pieces together a profile tags from the data you give it...
* @param {string} text - the thing the tag says when rendered
* @param {object<key, val} styles - the style information for __generateCSSStyleString
* @return {string} rendered HTML tag
UserTags.prototype.__generateTag = function (text, styles) {
var _template = [
'<span style="{outerStyle}" class="tag tag-{type}">',
'\t<span style="{textStyle}" class="tag-text">{text}</span>',
var _textStyle = (typeof styles.text === 'object') ? styles.text : null,
_outerStyle = (typeof styles.outer === 'object') ? styles.outer : null,
_text = (typeof text === 'string') ? text : '';
_textStyle = this.__generateCSSStyleString(_textStyle);
_outerStyle = this.__generateCSSStyleString(_outerStyle);
_template = this.__renderTemplate(_template, {
textStyle: _textStyle,
outerStyle: _outerStyle,
type: _text.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-'),
text: _text.toUpperCase()
if (_template === null)
return '';
return _template;
* __generateTags
* generateTags generates the tags...
* @param {object<idfk>} tags - the tags data
* @return {string} rendered HTML of the tags
UserTags.prototype.__generateTags = function (tags) {
var _html = [];
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
_html.push(this.__generateTag(tags[i].text, tags[i].style));
return _html.join('\n');
* __establishProminence
* establishProminence sorts the tags in the structure based on their prominence values
* @param {object<idfk>} schema - schema to sort
* @return {object<idfk>} sorted schema
UserTags.prototype.__establishProminence = function (schema) {
var _schema = schema.slice(0);
_schema.sort(function(current, next) {
return current.params.prominence - next.params.prominence;
return _schema;
UserTags.prototype.__test = function (tags) {
var _html,
_tags = [];
tags = this.__establishProminence(tags);
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
_html = this.__generateTags(_tags)
document.querySelector('.masthead-info hgroup')
var userTags = new UserTags();
params: {
rights: ['user'],
edits: 500,
blocked: false,
newUser: false,
prominence: 2
attributes: {
text: '500 Club',
href: 'Project:500 Club',
style: {
text: {
color: '#F00',
fontWeight: 'bold'
outer: {
backgroundColor: '#00F'
params: {
rights: ['sysop', 'rollback', 'patroller', 'vcroc'],
edits: 0,
blocked: false,
newUser: false,
prominence: 1
attributes: {
text: 'Staff',
href: 'Project:Staff',
style: {
text: {
color: '#00F',
fontWeight: 'bold'
outer: {
backgroundColor: '#F00'
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