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Created May 9, 2022 03:03
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Simple MASM program to output hello world
; NOTE: to successfully build you must have a copy of kernel32.lib in the same directory!
; build:
; ml64 helloworld.asm /link /subsystem:console /entry:main
includelib kernel32.lib ; library - kernel functions (Windows Kit) (directory relative)
; external functions and handles
GetStdHandle proto ; function - gets an output handle
WriteConsoleA proto ; funciton - writes to a console handle
ExitProcess proto ; function - exits the current process
SetConsoleTextAttribute proto ; function - set text attributes for file
Console equ -11 ; handle - defualt handle for the current console
msg byte "Hello, World!", 0Ah, 0Dh ; null-terminated string of bytes
stdout qword ? ; reserves space for handel to stdout
nBytesWritten qword ? ; reserved space for the number of bytes written
main proc
sub rbp, 40 ; create a 40-byte frame on the stack
; get file handle for Console
; filehandle GetStdHandle(RCX)
mov rcx, Console ; move Console value to RCX (console handle)
call GetStdHandle ; gets handle for Console and puts it into RAX
mov stdout, rax ; store the handle in 'stdout'
; set bgcolor and fgcolor text attributes
; void SetConsoleTextAttribute(RCX, RDX)
mov rcx, stdout ; RCX (arg 1) - file handle
mov rdx, 1fh ; RDX (arg 2) - bgcolor = 0x1 (Blue), fgcolor = 0xf (Bright white)
call SetConsoleTextAttribute ; call the function (no return)
; displays the message in the console
; void WriteConsoleA()
mov rcx, stdout ; RCX (arg 1) - file handle
lea rdx, msg ; RDX (arg 2) - address of begining of msg
mov r8, lengthof msg ; R8 (arg 3) - msg length in bytes to terminating 0
lea r9, nBytesWritten ; R9 (arg 4) - address of variable to write result to
call WriteConsoleA ; call the function (no return)
; restore the console text attributes
; void SetConsoleTextAttribute(RCX, RDX)
mov rcx, stdout ; RCX (arg 1) - file handle
mov rdx, 07h ; RDX (arg 2) - bgcolor = 0x0 (Black), fgcolor = 0x7 (Grey)
call SetConsoleTextAttribute ;
; clean up and exit
add rbp, 40 ; release the 40-bytes from the stack
mov rax, nBytesWritten ; set the return code to number of bytes written
mov rcx, 0 ; set the exit code 0
call ExitProcess ; Jump to ExitProcess function
main endp
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