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Created May 10, 2022 02:54
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Hello with input in NASM assembly for x86-64 linux with the common ABI
; Build:
; ~$ nasm -felf64 hello-input.s -o hello-input.o
; ~$ ld hello-input.o
; ~$ ./a.out
global _start
section .data
null: equ 0x0
stdoutf: equ null
stdinf: equ 0x1
newline: equ 0xA
namelen: equ 0xF
prompt: db 'What is your name: ', null
promptlen: equ $-prompt
greet: db 'Hello, ', null
greetlen: equ $-greet
section .bss
name: resb namelen
section .text
; write prompt to stdout
mov rax, 0x1 ; rax = write (0x1)
mov rdi, stdoutf ; rdi = stdout (0x0)
lea rsi, prompt ; rsi = *prompt
mov rdx, promptlen ; rdx = promptlen
syscall ; write(stdout, prompt, promptlen)
; read into name
mov rax, 0x0 ; rax = read (0x0)
mov rdi, stdinf ; rdi = stdin (0x1)
lea rsi, name ; rsi = *name
mov rdx, namelen ; rdx = namelen (0xF)
syscall ; read(stdin, name, namelen)
; write greeting
mov rax, 0x1 ; rax = write (0x1)
mov rdi, stdoutf ; rdi = stdout (0x0)
lea rsi, greet ; rsi = *greet
mov rdx, greetlen ; rdx = greetlen
syscall ; write(stdout, greet, greetlen)
; print name
mov rax, 0x1 ; rax = write (0x1)
mov rdi, stdoutf ; rdi = stdout (0x0)
lea rsi, name ; rsi = *name
mov rdx, namelen ; rdx = namelen (0xF)
syscall ; write(stdout, name, namelen)
; exit
mov rax, 0x3C ; rax = exit (0x3C)
mov rdi, 0x0 ; rdi = 0x0
syscall ; exit(0)
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