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Created March 21, 2014 12:13
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from itertools import chain, product
from re import match, findall
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
<sentence> ::= <noun phrase=""> <verb phrase="">
<noun> ::= "boy " | "troll " | "moon " | "telescope "
<transitive verb=""> ::= "hits " | "sees "
<intransitive verb=""> ::= "runs " | "sleeps "
<adjective> ::= "big " | "red "
<adverb> ::= "quickly " | "quietly "
<determiner> ::= "a " | "that " | "each " | "every "
<pronoun> ::= "he " | "she " | "it "
<noun phrase=""> ::= <determiner> <noun> | <determiner> <adjective> <noun>
<verb phrase=""> ::= <intransitive verb=""> | <transitive verb=""> <noun phrase="">
def parse(g):
return dict([(w.strip(), [findall(r'(<.+?>|".+?")', s) for s in m.split('|')]) for w, m in [d.split('::=') for d in g.strip().splitlines()]])
def generate(term):
return findall(r'"(.*?)"', term) if match('".*', term) else chain(*[map(''.join, product(*map(generate, p))) for p in syntax[term]])
syntax = parse(GRAMMAR)
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