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Last active July 31, 2020 09:01
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Debugging tips for the circe JSON library for Scala
  1. add import where you use the auto-derived JSON encoders and decoders (don't import at file-level, but instead on object/class-level!)

    • e.g. in a file Datastructures.scala you declare sealed case Data(x: Int) and in Usage.scala you have

      import io.circe.Json  // needed?
      // for .asJson methods to be "added" to classes for which implicit encoders exist
      import io.circe.syntax._ 
      object Usage {
        // here we want to make an implicit encoder exist by the auto derive magic of circe:
        // important: this import must happen inside the Usage object, not above!!!
        val d: Data = Data(42)
        def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
  2. Have all your case classes for which you would like auto codecs to be derived sealed!

  3. Do not import and at the same time. For me that led to implicit codecs not being created somehow.

  4. Beware of important import statement being marked as unused and then removed (upon clean-up) by IntelliJ. Example from my code: Imgur

    I recommend annotating with heavy comments.

  5. Debugging:

If you get one of the errors

  • could not find Lazy implicit value of type io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedEncoder[A] or
  • could not find Lazy implicit value of type io.circe.generic.encoding.DerivedDecoder[A],

this means the implicit encoder/decoder for A cannot be found. If you use (or at least intended to use) the auto derive magic of circe via (or, then most probably the auto derivation for the respective encoder/decoder did not kick in. Possible reasons are:

- your case classes are not `sealed`
- your case classes got parameters for which auto codecs cannot be derived, e.g. `sealed case class Data(x: Any)`
- you're importing `` and `` at the same time.
- you imported one of the above imports at the wrong scope. They introduce implicit values, hence they need to be imported in a scope that a) allows declaration of implicit variables (e.g. inside an `object ... { ... }` or class, *not* file scope) and b) is a parent scope of the scope where you want to access the auto-derived codecs.

Manual Pinpointing: (due to this StackOverflow comment) If the tips above don't help you, you can try pinpointing the problem as follows: say you have sealed case class Data(x: Any) and sealed case class Container(d: Data) and you want to auto-derive a codec for Container:

import io.circe.{Encoder, Decoder}

sealed case class Data(x: Any)
sealed case class Container(label: String, d: Data)

object DebuggingTips {
  // this line will *not* compile
  // the error will be "could not find Lazy implicit value of type io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedEncoder[Container]"
  val containerEnc = io.circe.Encoder[Container]

Then manually look at the parameter types of Container and see if for them, a codec can be automatically derived:

import io.circe.{Encoder, Decoder}

sealed case class Data(x: Any)
sealed case class Container(label: String, d: Data)

object DebuggingTips {
  // no error here => label parameter is apparently fine!
  val labelEnc = io.circe.Encoder[String]
  // error here! Namely "could not find Lazy implicit value of type io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedEncoder[Data]"
  // => aha!
  //    the reason why a codec for Container cannot be auto-derived is most probably
  //    due to the reason why a codec for Data cannot be auto-derived
  val dataEnc = io.circe.Encoder[Data]
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