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Last active November 4, 2022 17:32
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export const areas = [
name: "甲府市",
url: "",
name: "北杜市",
url: "",
name: "南アルプス市",
name: "勝沼町",
url: "",
name: "大月市",
url: "",
name: "身延町",
url: "",
name: "南部町",
url: "",
import { areas } from "";
interface Area {
name: string;
url: string;
interface Wether {
wether: string;
temp: string;
humidity: string;
feelsLike: string;
interface AreaWether {
name: string;
url: string;
wether: Wether;
async function getWether(url: string): Promise<Wether> {
const responce = await fetch(url);
const data = await responce.json();
let wether = data.current_condition[0].lang_ja[0].value;
wether = wether.replace("驟雨", "にわか雨");
const result: Wether = {
wether: wether,
temp: data.current_condition[0].temp_C,
humidity: data.current_condition[0].humidity,
feelsLike: data.current_condition[0].FeelsLikeC,
return result;
async function getAreaWether(areas: Array<Area>): Promise<Array<AreaWether>> {
const areaData: Array<AreaWether> = [];
for (const area of areas) {
const data = await getWether(area.url);
name: as string,
url: area.url as string,
wether: data as Wether,
return areaData;
console.log(await getAreaWether(areas));
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