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Created February 26, 2016 11:38
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Editor Enter Shift + Enter Ctrl + Enter Alt + Enter
CKEditor 4 p br
TinyMCE p br p p
Trix br br
Squire div br
ProseMirror p br br
Scribe p br
Quill div div
Summernote p br hr + p p
wysihtml br br br br
Etherpad div div div div
Textbox.IO br br br br
Froala p br p p
Redactor p br br ​
Aloha Editor p br
Alloy Editor p br
bootstrap-wysiwyg div br
WYMeditor p br
goog.editor div br
ContentTools p br p p
woofmark div br
Mercury Editor (inactive) div div div div
WebODF text:p text:s (buggy – doesn't create new line)

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Tested on: Chrome 48 on Ubuntu 15.10

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