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Last active November 16, 2020 17:31
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class VaillantAPI
private $_ch;
private $_lastCurlError;
private $_lastCurlInfo;
private $_lastCurlErrno;
private $_proxyPort;
private $_proxyHost;
private $_apiAddress = '';
private $_healthCheckAddress = '';
private $_apiVersion = 'v4';
private $_apiType = 'live';
private $_smartphoneId = 'multimaticweb';
private $_username;
private $_password;
private $_authToken;
private $_currentFacility;
private $_loginRequired = false;
private $_lastApiMeta;
private $_enableCustomRequests;
public $healthCheckPassed = false;
public $lastGeneratedCommand;
public function __construct($username, $password, $enableCustomRequests = false)
$this->_enableCustomRequests = $enableCustomRequests ? true : false;
$this->_username = $username;
$this->_password = $password;
$this->_ch = curl_init();
$cookies = __DIR__."/" . $this->_username . ".txt";
curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookies);
curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookies);
if (!empty($this->proxyHost)) {
curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $this->_proxyHost);
curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, $this->_proxyPort);
curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
// Health check:
if ($this->_makeCurlRequest('hs') && $this->_lastCurlInfo['http_code'] == 200) {
$this->healthCheckPassed = true;
private function _makeCurlRequest($command, $method = 'GET', $postFields = [], $httpheader = ['Content-Type: application/json'])
if ($command == 'hs') {
curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->_healthCheckAddress . '/');
} else {
$this->lastGeneratedCommand = $command;
curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->_apiAddress . '/' . $this->_apiVersion . '/' . $this->lastGeneratedCommand);
switch (strtolower($method)) {
case 'post':
curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($postFields));
case 'head':
curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true);
curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $httpheader);
curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); //timeout in seconds
$result = curl_exec($this->_ch);
$this->_lastCurlInfo = curl_getinfo($this->_ch);
if (!$result) {
$this->_lastCurlErrno = curl_errno($this->_ch);
$this->_lastCurlError = curl_error($this->_ch);
//$this->_lastCurlInfo = false;
return false;
if ($this->_lastCurlInfo['http_code'] == 401 && !$this->_loginRequired) {
#\Yii::warning('The authentication is no longer valid!', 'VaillantAPI');
$this->_loginRequired = true;
if ($this->_login()) {
// Make original request
$return = $this->_makeCurlRequest($command, $method, $postFields, $httpheader);
$this->_loginRequired = false;
if ($this->_lastCurlInfo['http_code'] != 401) {
return $return;
} else {
return false;
// Login failed.
//$this->_lastCurlInfo = false;
return false;
$json = json_decode($result);
if (is_object($json)) {
if (property_exists($json, 'meta')) {
$this->_lastApiMeta = $json->meta;
} else {
$this->_lastApiMeta = false;
if (property_exists($json, 'body')) {
return $json->body;
} else {
return $json;
return $result;
private function _login()
$token_data = $this->_getAuthToken();
if ($this->_lastCurlInfo['http_code'] != "200" || !is_object($token_data)) {
return false;
$this->_authToken = $token_data->authToken;
if ($this->_lastCurlInfo['http_code'] != "200") {
return false;
return true;
private function _getAuthToken()
return $this->_makeCurlRequest('account/authentication/v1/token/new', 'POST', [
'smartphoneId' => $this->_smartphoneId,
'username' => $this->_username,
'password' => $this->_password
private function _authenticate()
return $this->_makeCurlRequest('account/authentication/v1/authenticate', 'POST', [
'smartphoneId' => $this->_smartphoneId,
'username' => $this->_username,
'authToken' => $this->_authToken
public function getLastHttpCode()
return $this->_lastCurlInfo ? $this->_lastCurlInfo['http_code'] : $this->_lastCurlError['http_code'];
public function __destruct()
public function getApiMeta()
return $this->_lastApiMeta;
public function getFacilities()
$data = $this->_makeCurlRequest('facilities');
return $data ? $data->facilitiesList : false;
public function setCurrentFacility($serialNumber)
$this->_currentFacility = $serialNumber;
* @return mixed The Box-Status (VR900)
* onlineStatus: ONLINE|OFFLINE
* facilityInstallationStatus: ?
public function getBoxStatus()
return $this->_makeCurlRequest('facilities/' . $this->_currentFacility . '/system/v1/status');
* Return the name and current time for this facility:
* facilityName: Name of this facility
* facilityTime: time
* facilityTimeZone: The time zone..
* @return mixed
public function getFacilityDetails()
return $this->_makeCurlRequest('facilities/' . $this->_currentFacility . '/system/v1/details');
* Return things like: is hot water (DHW = Domestic Hot Water) enabled or circulation pump available.
* Seems to be always NOT_SET
* @return bool|mixed|string
public function getFacilitySettings()
return $this->_makeCurlRequest('facilities/' . $this->_currentFacility . '/storage/default');
* Return installer email, phone and address/name
* @return bool|mixed|string
public function getFacilityInstallerInfo()
return $this->_makeCurlRequest('facilities/' . $this->_currentFacility . '/system/v1/installerinfo');
* Return error information like maintenance or error
* errorMessages: Array: title, type, statusCode etc..
* @return bool|mixed|string
public function getDiagnosisState()
return $this->_makeCurlRequest('facilities/' . $this->_currentFacility . '/hvacstate/v1/overview');
* Return a long list of the system: zones, dhw, parameters, status etc.
* @return bool|mixed|string
public function getSystemControl()
return $this->_makeCurlRequest('facilities/' . $this->_currentFacility . '/systemcontrol/v1');
* Returns outsidetemp and the time of this value:
* datetime: The date and time
* outside_temperature: in Celsius
* @return bool|mixed|string
public function getSystemControlStatus()
return $this->_makeCurlRequest('facilities/' . $this->_currentFacility . '/systemcontrol/v1/status');
* Return zones with details.
* @hint: setpoint: Solltemp, setback: Absenktemp.
* @return bool|mixed|string
public function getZones()
return $this->_makeCurlRequest('facilities/' . $this->_currentFacility . '/systemcontrol/v1/zones');
* Gives current infos like current Flow temperatur, current hot water temp, current water pressure:
* devices: Array: reports: ARRAY:
* unit: The unit (bar, Celsius, etc)
* value: The value
* _id: the device (like: DomesticHotWaterTankTemperature)
* @return bool|mixed|string
public function getLiveReport()
return $this->_makeCurlRequest('facilities/' . $this->_currentFacility . '/livereport/v1');
public function getEEBusShipNode()
return $this->_makeCurlRequest('facilities/' . $this->_currentFacility . '/spine/v1/ship/self');
public function makeCustomRequest($command, $method)
if (!$this->_enableCustomRequests) {
throw new \Exception("Custom requestst are not enabled!");
return $this->_makeCurlRequest(str_replace(["{serialNumber}"], [$this->_currentFacility], $command), $method);
public function getLastCurlError()
return $this->_lastCurlError;
public function getLastCurlInfo()
return $this->_lastCurlInfo;
// Create new instance
$va = new VaillantAPI("username", "password");
// At this point, the class checks if the API is alive. You can check the result via:
if (!$va->healthCheckPassed) {
echo "The healthcheck failed!\n\n" . print_r($va->getLastCurlError(), true) . "\n\n\n" . print_r($va->getLastCurlInfo(), true);
return ExitCode::UNAVAILABLE;
$facilities = $va->getFacilities();
if (!$facilities) {
echo 'We either have aconnection problem or username/password is wrong!';
foreach ($facilities as $facility) {
// Get some core data.
$name = $facility->name;
$network_info = serialize((array)$facility->networkInformation);
$firmware = $facility->firmwareVersion;
$box_status = serialize($va->getBoxStatus());
// Store Systemcontrol.
$sc = $va->getSystemControl();
$lr = $va->getLiveReport();
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