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Dynamic Dimensions and How to Go to Dimensions in Minecraft Forge 1.16.4
package commoble.hyperbox;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import com.mojang.serialization.Lifecycle;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.ServerPlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minecraft.util.RegistryKey;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d;
import net.minecraft.util.registry.Registry;
import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ObfuscationReflectionHelper;
public class DynamicDimensionHelper
// we need to read some private fields in MinecraftServer
// we can use Access Transformers, Accessor Mixins, or ObfuscationReflectionHelper to get at these
// we'll use ORH here as ATs and Mixins seem to be causing headaches for dependant mods lately
// it also lets us define the private-field-getting-shenanigans in the same class we're using them
// it also doesn't need any extra resources or buildscript stuff, which makes this example simpler to describe
public static final Function<MinecraftServer, IChunkStatusListenerFactory> CHUNK_STATUS_LISTENER_FACTORY_FIELD =
getInstanceField(MinecraftServer.class, "field_213220_d");
public static final Function<MinecraftServer, Executor> BACKGROUND_EXECUTOR_FIELD =
getInstanceField(MinecraftServer.class, "field_213217_au");
public static final Function<MinecraftServer, LevelSave> ANVIL_CONVERTER_FOR_ANVIL_FILE_FIELD =
getInstanceField(MinecraftServer.class, "field_71310_m");
// helper for sending a given player to another dimension
// for static dimensions (from datapacks, etc) use MinecraftServer::getWorld to get the world object
// for dynamic dimensions (mystcrafty) use DynamicDimensionHelper.getOrCreateWorld to get the target world
public static void sendPlayerToDimension(ServerPlayerEntity serverPlayer, ServerWorld targetWorld, Vector3d targetVec)
// ensure destination chunk is loaded before we put the player in it
targetWorld.getChunk(new BlockPos(targetVec));
serverPlayer.teleport(targetWorld, targetVec.getX(), targetVec.getY(), targetVec.getZ(), serverPlayer.rotationYaw, serverPlayer.rotationPitch);
* Gets a world, dynamically creating and registering one if it doesn't exist.<br>
* The dimension registry is stored in the server's level file, all previously registered dimensions are loaded
* and recreated and reregistered whenever the server starts.<br>
* Static, singular dimensions can be registered via this getOrCreateWorld method
* in the FMLServerStartingEvent, which runs immediately after existing dimensions are loaded and registered.<br>
* Dynamic dimensions (mystcraft, etc) seem to be able to be registered at runtime with no repercussions aside from
* lagging the server for a couple seconds while the world initializes.
* @param server a MinecraftServer instance (you can get this from a ServerPlayerEntity or ServerWorld)
* @param worldKey A RegistryKey for your world, you can make one via RegistryKey.getOrCreateKey(Registry.WORLD_KEY, yourWorldResourceLocation);
* @param dimensionFactory A function that produces a new Dimension instance if necessary, given the server and dimension id<br>
* (dimension ID will be the same as the world ID from worldKey)<br>
* It should be assumed that intended dimension has not been created or registered yet,
* so making the factory attempt to get this dimension from the server's dimension registry will fail
* @return Returns a ServerWorld, creating and registering a world and dimension for it if the world does not already exist
public static ServerWorld getOrCreateWorld(MinecraftServer server, RegistryKey<World> worldKey, BiFunction<MinecraftServer, RegistryKey<Dimension>, Dimension> dimensionFactory)
// this is marked as deprecated but it's not called from anywhere and I'm not sure how old it is,
// it's probably left over from forge's previous dimension api
// in any case we need to get at the server's world field, and if we didn't use this getter,
// then we'd just end up making a private-field-getter for it ourselves anyway
Map<RegistryKey<World>, ServerWorld> map = server.forgeGetWorldMap();
// if the world already exists, return it
if (map.containsKey(worldKey))
return map.get(worldKey);
// for vanilla worlds, forge fires the world load event *after* the world is put into the map
// we'll do the same for consistency
// (this is why we're not just using map::computeIfAbsent)
ServerWorld newWorld = createAndRegisterWorldAndDimension(server, map, worldKey, dimensionFactory);
return newWorld;
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // markWorldsDirty is deprecated, see below
private static ServerWorld createAndRegisterWorldAndDimension(MinecraftServer server, Map<RegistryKey<World>, ServerWorld> map, RegistryKey<World> worldKey, BiFunction<MinecraftServer, RegistryKey<Dimension>, Dimension> dimensionFactory)
ServerWorld overworld = server.getWorld(World.OVERWORLD);
RegistryKey<Dimension> dimensionKey = RegistryKey.getOrCreateKey(Registry.DIMENSION_KEY, worldKey.getLocation());
Dimension dimension = dimensionFactory.apply(server, dimensionKey);
// we need to get some private fields from MinecraftServer here
// chunkStatusListenerFactory
// backgroundExecutor
// anvilConverterForAnvilFile
// the int in create() here is radius of chunks to watch, 11 is what the server uses when it initializes worlds
IChunkStatusListener chunkListener = CHUNK_STATUS_LISTENER_FACTORY_FIELD.apply(server).create(11);
Executor executor = BACKGROUND_EXECUTOR_FIELD.apply(server);
LevelSave levelSave = ANVIL_CONVERTER_FOR_ANVIL_FILE_FIELD.apply(server);
// this is the same order server init creates these worlds:
// instantiate world, add border listener, add to map, fire world load event
// (in server init, the dimension is already in the dimension registry,
// that'll get registered here before the world is instantiated as well)
IServerConfiguration serverConfig = server.getServerConfiguration();
DimensionGeneratorSettings dimensionGeneratorSettings = serverConfig.getDimensionGeneratorSettings();
// this next line registers the Dimension
dimensionGeneratorSettings.func_236224_e_().register(dimensionKey, dimension, Lifecycle.experimental());
DerivedWorldInfo derivedWorldInfo = new DerivedWorldInfo(serverConfig, serverConfig.getServerWorldInfo());
// now we have everything we need to create the world instance
ServerWorld newWorld = new ServerWorld(
dimensionGeneratorSettings.func_236227_h_(), // boolean: is-debug-world
ImmutableList.of(), // "special spawn list"
// phantoms, raiders, travelling traders, cats are overworld special spawns
// the dimension loader is hardcoded to initialize preexisting non-overworld worlds with no special spawn lists
// so this can probably be left empty for best results and spawns should be handled via other means
false); // "tick time", true for overworld, always false for everything else
// add world border listener
overworld.getWorldBorder().addListener(new IBorderListener.Impl(newWorld.getWorldBorder()));
// register world
map.put(worldKey, newWorld);
// update forge's world cache (very important, if we don't do this then the new world won't tick!)
// fire world load event WorldEvent.Load(newWorld)); // event isn't cancellable
return newWorld;
// helper for making the private field getters via reflection
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // also throws ClassCastException if the types are wrong
static <FIELDHOLDER,FIELDTYPE> Function<FIELDHOLDER,FIELDTYPE> getInstanceField(Class<FIELDHOLDER> fieldHolderClass, String fieldName)
// forge's ORH is needed to reflect into vanilla minecraft java
Field field = ObfuscationReflectionHelper.findField(fieldHolderClass, fieldName);
return instance -> {
return (FIELDTYPE)(field.get(instance));
catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
package commoble.hyperbox.dimension;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import com.mojang.serialization.Codec;
import commoble.hyperbox.Hyperbox;
import commoble.hyperbox.aperture.ApertureBlock;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.block.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minecraft.util.Direction;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkPos;
import net.minecraft.util.registry.Registry;
import net.minecraft.util.registry.RegistryLookupCodec;
// if we're creating dimensions at runtime,
// then we'll also need to create chunk generator instances at runtime
// example of how to make a chunk generator for a single-biome dimension, same as the debug world chunk generator
// for more complicated biome schemes, you'll need a proper biome provider in the codec, like NoiseChunkGenerator
public class ExampleChunkGenerator extends ChunkGenerator
// we can define the dimension's biome in a json at data/yourmod/worldgen/biome/your_biome
public static RegistryKey<Biome> = RegistryKey.getOrCreateKey(Registry.BIOME_KEY,
new ResourceLocation("yourmodid", "your_biome");
// this Codec will need to be registered to the chunk generator registry in Registry
// during FMLCommonSetupEvent::enqueueWork
// (unless and until a forge registry wrapper becomes made for chunk generators)
public static final Codec<ExampleChunkGenerator> CODEC =
// the registry lookup doesn't actually serialize, so we don't need a field for it
private final Registry<Biome> biomes; public Registry<Biome> getBiomeRegistry() { return this.biomes; }
// create chunk generator at runtime when dynamic dimension is created
public ExampleChunkGenerator(MinecraftServer server)
this(server.func_244267_aX() // get dynamic registry
// create chunk generator when dimension is loaded from the dimension registry on server init
public ExampleChunkGenerator(Registry<Biome> biomes)
super(new SingleBiomeProvider(biomes.getOrThrow(Hyperbox.BIOME_KEY)), new DimensionStructuresSettings(false));
this.biomes = biomes;
// get codec
protected Codec<? extends ChunkGenerator> func_230347_a_()
return CODEC;
// get chunk generator but with seed
public ChunkGenerator func_230349_a_(long p_230349_1_)
return this;
public void generateSurface(WorldGenRegion worldGenRegion, IChunk chunk)
// you can generate stuff in your world here
// fill from noise
public void func_230352_b_(IWorld world, StructureManager structures, IChunk chunk)
// you can generate more stuff in your world here
// this is where the flat chunk generator generates flat chunks
public int getHeight(int x, int z, Type heightmapType)
// flat chunk generator counts the solid blockstates in its list
// debug chunk generator returns 0
// the "normal" chunk generator generates a height via noise
// we can assume that this is what is used to define the "initial" heightmap
return 0;
// get base column
public IBlockReader func_230348_a_(int x, int z)
// flat chunk generator returns a reader over its blockstate list
// debug chunk generator returns a reader over an empty array
// normal chunk generator returns a column whose contents are either default block, default fluid, or air
return new Blockreader(new BlockState[0]);
// a Dimension is just a DimensionType + a ChunkGenerator
// we can define the dimension type in a json at data/yourmod/worldgen/dimension_type/your_dimension_type.json
// but we'll need to create instances of the chunk generator at runtime since there's no json folder for them
public class ExampleDimensionFactory
public static final RegistryKey<DimensionType> TYPE_KEY = RegistryKey.getOrCreateKey(Registry.DIMENSION_TYPE_KEY,
new ResourceLocation("yourmodid", "your_dimension_type"));
public static Dimension createDimension(MinecraftServer server, RegistryKey<Dimension> key)
return new Dimension(() -> getDimensionType(server), new ExampleChunkGenerator(server));
public static DimensionType getDimensionType(MinecraftServer server)
return server.func_244267_aX() // get dynamic registries
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Dropping in to say thank you for this! It was a great starting point for dynamic dimensions in 1.19.3. I couldn't wrap my head around the necessary pieces until I came across this example. The hard part now is going to be filling out the chunk generator.

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