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Last active May 25, 2016 21:53
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One of my first uses of cljs, don't hate.
(ns motioncards
(:require [reagent.core :as rx ]
[posh.core :as rx-db :refer [pull transact!]]
[reagent.session :as session]
[datascript.core :as mdb ]
[cljs.reader ]
[clojure.string :as str ]
[soda-ash.element :as s ])
[reagent.ratom :refer [reaction]]
[devcards.core :as dc
:refer [defcard defcard-doc defcard-rg deftest]]))
(defn merge- [a b]
(merge-with - a b))
(defn start-position1 [evt atom]
(prn "motion: "(.-clientX evt)(.-clientY evt)
(swap! atom assoc :start (merge- {:x (.-clientX evt) :y (.-clientY evt)} (:state @atom)))
(prn @atom))))
(defn change-position [evt atom]
(let [x (.-clientX evt)
y (.-clientY evt)
diff (merge-with - {:x x :y y} (:start @atom))]
(prn "motion: difference" diff)
(swap! atom assoc :state diff)
(prn @atom))))
(defn log-position [evt]
(prn "motion: "(.-clientX evt)(.-clientY evt)))
(defonce position1 (rx/atom {:state {:x 1 :y 1} :rwidth 200 :rheight 100 :moving false :start {:x 1 :y 1}}))
(defonce position2 (rx/atom @position1))
(defn newboard1 [posatom fo]
(let [position posatom]
(fn []
(let [dw (:rwidth @position)
dh (:rheight @position)
dx (get-in @position [:state :x])
dy (get-in @position [:state :y])]
{ :width 100
:height 100
:transform (str "matrix(1 0 0 1 0 ""0"")")
:on-mouse-down #(do (swap! position assoc :moving true)
(start-position1 % position))
:on-mouse-up #(do (swap! position assoc :moving false)
(log-position %))
:on-mouse-leave #(do (swap! position assoc :moving false))
:on-mouse-move #(do (if (:moving @position)
(change-position % position))) }
{:width dw
:height dh
:x (* 0.5 dx)
:y (* 0.75 dy)
:fill "blue"}]
{:width dw
:height dh
:x (+ 10 dx)
:y (+ 10 dy)
:fill "grey"}]
{:width dw
:height dw
:x (+ (/ dw 3) dx)
:y (+ (/ dh 2) dy)
:stroke "green"
:stroke-width 20
:stroke-linecap "round"
:x1 (+ 100 dx)
:y1 (+ 10 dy)
:x2 (* 0.5 (+ 0 dx ))
:y2 (* 0.75 (+ 0 dy))}]
:stroke "white"
:stroke-width 4
:stroke-linecap "round"
:x1 (+ 10 dx)
:y1 (+ 10 dy)
:x2 (* 0.5 (+ 0 dx ))
:y2 (* 0.75 (+ 0 dy))}]
:stroke "black"
:stroke-width 4
:stroke-linecap "round"
:x1 (+ 10 dx)
:y1 (+ dh 10 dy)
:x2 (+ 2 (* 0.5 (+ 0 dx )))
:y2 (+ dh -2 (* 0.75 dy))}]]))))
(def s1
(rx/atom {:state {:x 0 :y 0}
:start {:x 0 :y 0}
:moving false }))
(defn patom [sx sy]
(rx/atom {:state {:x sx :y sy}
:start {:x 0 :y 0}
:moving false }))
(defn fo [posatom fo]
(let [position posatom]
(fn []
(let [
dx (get-in @position [:state :x])
dy (get-in @position [:state :y])]
:on-mouse-down #(do (swap! position assoc :moving true)
(start-position1 % position))
:on-mouse-up #(do (swap! position assoc :moving false)
(log-position %))
:on-mouse-leave #(do (swap! position assoc :moving false))
:on-mouse-move #(do (if (:moving @position)
(change-position % position))) }
{:width 1000
:height 1000
:x dx
:y dy
(if (:moving @position)
[s/icon {:soda {:icon :spinner
:state :loading}}])
(defcard-rg next-step-adding-svg1*
"Motion using groups"
{:height 500
:width 500}
[newboard1 position1 [:button {:on-click #(js/alert "Hello SVG")} "Hellllooo"]]
[newboard1 position2 [:button {:on-click #(js/alert "Hello VG")} "looo"]]
[fo s1 [:div
[:h1 "This is a grand statement"]]]
{:inspect-data true
:history true}
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