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Created January 19, 2018 22:59
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* Morning pages
CLOCK: [2018-01-18 Thu 18:39]--[2018-01-19 Fri 14:06] => 19:27
Writing out the answers isn't enough to get me into a proper flow state. I'm feeling tired right now and sort of wishing I hadnt gone to the gym before diving into writing. But there are the specific questions that need to be answered in text.
[[What is wrong with the paragraph]]
[[What is wrong with the way we source knowledge]]
A problem clearly stated is a problem half solved.
** Questions to answer
*** What is wrong with our education system
**** What are the solutions
***** What problems arise with the solutions
*** What is wrong with the paragraph
*** What is wrong with the way we source knowledge
** Pareto Efficient Schooling
[[file:~/src/active/falsify/*Multiple%20Users][Multiple Users]]
*** GenEds -- Generalist Education
Given a number of hours per week to dedicate to self improvement, what are the possible candidates? And how many hours per week should be be dedicating to general self improvment?
**** Category 1: I/O with other humans
First, the candidates: writing, reading, speaking, listening, researching. More than any content knowledge, the most essential skills are the ones that deal with I/O of human communication, and at this moment the methods of I/O that are most general revolve around the written word and spoken conversation.
**** Category 2: Organizing Information to gain understanding
The second general category would be information organization -- this relates to writing and speaking, but it is more abstract. What are the ways of organizing ideas, so that through the structure you are able to derive new insights. Organizing your ideas in new ways makes clear that there are questions you should be asking -- it is a way of making sense of the world. This is the main advantage of list making -- when you start to build a list it is easier for you to continue to come up with new items for that list, since you are engaging the neural networks in your brain (or in the brain of someone else you are coordinating with, in order to extend the list),
#+BEGIN_SRC Tangent -- ON list making and Taxonomic Reasoning
sometimes the name on the list matters, since that is the thing you return to when the current members don't inspire you to look at new things.
Sometimes you want to examine the list to either see whether
a) one or more items might not belong
b) how the items rank relative to one another on various attributes
b1) what attributes do items share, and what subsets form from that
b2) how can some attributes be ranked
#+BEGIN_SRC TANGENT The Problem Roam Solves for Writers
When you write the way I do, in a non-linear way, across a large number of files, it is incredibly difficult to find the useful ideas later on and after the fact.
The problem I am interested in, to the degree that I am interested in a non-linear notebook, is in my ability to write across a number of different subjects and then slice them up and remix them -- this is still useful, potentially hugely useful, but we still have a ways to go in order to complete it.
This is a problem we won't have any case for a market for until we solve it, but the more I write the more likely I am to want to solve it
There are probably better ways of organizing my NVALT or Emacs that would get me closer.
Emacs is already much closer than word or pages
So this is the skill of organizing your existing knowledge so that you can get a sense of A) what you might already know that needs to be placed into this context and B) What questions you might need to answer. Information organization is the way of dealing with that which is Known, and that which is Unknown, so that you have a clue of where you might want to direct your attention. It is using a sort of "geometry" of ideas to help you fill in gaps of your knowledge.
An important thing to remember when it comes to organizing information is that each new organizational system is itself a kind of creative act. You may find that one final product is vastly superior to all the others, but there may be cases where the draft (for a particular purpose) is better than the finished piece.
**** Category 3: Organizing Information for Decision Making
The third category of general self improvment would be decision making, and evalution of potential course of action. (it's possible that this should be combined with 2, or that 2 is a subset of this).
#+BEGIN_QUOTE Ray Dalio's Problem Solving system
1. Articulate the Goal
2. Identify the Problem that is getting in the way of achieving your goal
3. Identify a path around or through that problem
4. Take action
A very related idea to this is [[file:How%20to%20Solve%20it.txt][Polya's How to Solve it]]
If we set aside for a moment the problem of wanting to build Roam, and we just thought about building the ideal system. What WOULD it take to learn EMACS lisp and org-mode well enough to hack it to our demands.
The problem I have right now is this
1. I want a directory structure for my org-mode nodes
2. I want to be able to search across all the nodes
Particularly, I want to be able to type in Polya, and see all the nodes, no matter where they are in the path.
I could have an option of NOT seeing all of the "forks" or splits -- as in, I could enforce the idea that every item has only one TRUE path (which would solve the problem of having multiple nodes with the same title which are actually distinct, where the title is inferred by their path).
Which brings me to the problem -- [[Problem]]
I'd like all of these tangents to end up in a bucket, the tangents are different from the rest of my notes, since I want them to somewhat disappear, or rather, I want them to all go into the same place, but remain connected to the place where I originally wrote them.
***** Constraint Solving (choosing targets)
To solve a problem using constraints, you first ask
1. What are my constraints -- what questions generate the constraints
A constraint here is defined as the criteria a satisfactory answer must possess.
***** Prioritization through Dependency Constraints (choosing order)
When you've assessed the things you could possibly do, and you've chosen the aim, and you know the steps you have to select from, viewing any dependent relationships between your
This relates to [[Why did it take so long?]]
* Future Thinkers: Daniel Schmachtenberger
** Close the causal loops -- Internalize Externalities
Balance sheets of the commons
Psychotherapeutic processes
Lighting -- not just for aesthetics, but for conditioning optimum human experience
** Authority
Look to authorities to tell us how to live our lives
What feels good to us is bad, so don't trust our feelings
Predefined right answers to things
People rewarded us
to the degree that you are looking to an external authority, that is a mindset to challenge
most people are working at jobs that are more net harm to the world than net benefit
they don't trust their feelings about those jobs, and trust authority
when you look at people who have actually changed the world
they decided to do it before they had any idea how to do it
continue through all the non-successes until they could do it.
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