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Last active October 19, 2016 09:51
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Example of how to use re-frame to interact with firebase
(ns re-fire.cljs
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame :require [dispatch subscribe]]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[reagent.ratom :as ratom]))
(defn db-ref [path]
(.ref (js/firebase.database) (string/join "/" path)))
(fn [db [_ path]]
(let [ref (db-ref path)
(.on ref "value"
(fn [x]
(dispatch [:write-to path (.val x)])))]
(fn [] (get-in @db path []))
:on-dispose #(do (.off ref))))))
(fn [db [_ p v]]
(assoc-in db p v)))
(fn [db [_ p]]
(assoc-in db p {})))
;; this should really go into the appropriate event handler
(defn save [path value]
(.set (db-ref path) value))
(defn test-form [path]
(let [p (r/atom "")
(fn []
[:input {:value @p
:placeholder "The Test value"
:on-change #(reset! p (-> % .-target .-value))}]
[:button {:on-click #(save path @p)}
"Add to b"]
(defn panel []
(let [demo (subscribe [:firebase-path ["test"]])]
(fn []
[:div "Hey"
[:h1 (pr-str @demo)]
[test-form ["test"]]])))
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