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/** Me: Can we stop and get Teardown?
* Mom: we have Teardown at home.
* Teardown at home:
* Note that there are many bugs (and obviously missing features (eg. reflections)). Compiled using TCC (this should comply with ANSI C89) **/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#define PI 3.14159
#define FOV 90.0f*(PI/180.0f)
#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
typedef struct
float x;
float y;
float z;
} float_vec;
float mag(float_vec vec)
return sqrt(fabs(vec.x) + fabs(vec.y) + fabs(vec.z));
float_vec norm_vec(float_vec unnorm)
float scale = 1.0f / mag(unnorm);
float_vec normed = { scale * unnorm.x, scale * unnorm.y, scale * unnorm.z };
return normed;
float_vec mul_vec_scl(float scl, float_vec sec)
float_vec new = { scl * sec.x, scl * sec.y, scl * sec.z };
return new;
float_vec add(float_vec fir, float_vec sec)
float_vec new = { fir.x + sec.x, fir.y + sec.y, fir.z + sec.z };
return new;
float dot(float_vec fir, float_vec sec)
return (fir.x * sec.x) + (fir.y * sec.y) + (fir.z * sec.z);
float phong(float ia, float id, float is, float ka, float kd, float ks, float alpha, float_vec norm, float_vec raydir, float_vec light_dir)
float il = 0;
float_vec rm = add(mul_vec_scl(2.0f*dot(light_dir, norm), norm), mul_vec_scl(-1.0f, light_dir));
il += ka*ia;
il += (id*kd*dot(light_dir, norm));
il += (is*ks*(float)pow((double)(MAX(0.0f, dot(rm, raydir))), (double)alpha));
return il;
typedef struct
float_vec pos;
float_vec dir;
} ray;
typedef struct
int mat;
float_vec hit_pos;
float_vec norm;
} rayhit;
/** Helper function for dda **/
void sign(float_vec val, int *out[3])
int signedarr[3] = { ((val.x > 0) ? 1 : -1), ((val.y > 0) ? 1 : -1), ((val.z > 0) ? 1 : -1) };
memcpy(out, signedarr, sizeof(int)*3);
/** Helper function for dda **/
void maxcalc(ray curr_ray, int sign[3], float *out[3])
int curr_next[3] = { ((sign[0] > 0) ? (ceil(curr_ray.pos.x)) : (floor(curr_ray.pos.x))), ((sign[1] > 0) ? (ceil(curr_ray.pos.y)) : (floor(curr_ray.pos.y))), ((sign[2] > 0) ? (ceil(curr_ray.pos.z)) : (floor(curr_ray.pos.z))) };
float maxs[3] = { (fabs(((float)curr_next[0]) - curr_ray.pos.x) / curr_ray.dir.x), (fabs(((float)curr_next[1]) - curr_ray.pos.y) / curr_ray.dir.y), (fabs(((float)curr_next[2]) - curr_ray.pos.z) / curr_ray.dir.z) };
memcpy(out, maxs, sizeof(float)*3);
/** Helper function for dda **/
void deltacalc(float_vec val, int sign[3], float *out[3])
float deltas[3] = { ((sign[0] > 0) ? (1 / val.x) : (1 / -val.x)), ((sign[1] > 0) ? (1 / val.y) : (1 / -val.y)), ((sign[2] > 0) ? (1 / val.z) : (1 / -val.z)) };
memcpy(out, deltas, sizeof(float)*3);
/** See: "A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing" by Amanatides and Andrew Woo ( **/
rayhit dda(ray curr_ray, int scene[64][64][64])
/** Initialization **/
rayhit current_hit;
int int_pos[3] = { round(curr_ray.pos.x), round(curr_ray.pos.y), round(curr_ray.pos.z) };
int step[3];
float tmax[3];
float tdelta[3];
int collided_mat = 0;
float len = 1;
float_vec norm = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
sign(curr_ray.dir, &step);
maxcalc(curr_ray, step, &tmax);
deltacalc(curr_ray.dir, step, &tdelta);
while((collided_mat == 0))
if (tmax[0] < tmax[1])
if (tmax[0] < tmax[2])
int_pos[0] += step[0];
if ((int_pos[0] > 63) || (int_pos[0] < 0))
tmax[0] += tdelta[0];
len = (float)(tmax[0]);
float_vec temp = { step[0], 0.0f, 0.0f };
norm = temp;
int_pos[2] += step[2];
if ((int_pos[2] > 63) || (int_pos[2] < 0))
tmax[2] += tdelta[2];
len = (float)(tmax[2]);
float_vec temp = { 0.0f, 0.0f, step[2] };
norm = temp;
if (tmax[1] < tmax[2])
int_pos[1] += step[1];
if ((int_pos[1] > 63) || (int_pos[1] < 0))
tmax[1] += tdelta[1];
len = (float)(tmax[1]);
float_vec temp = { 0.0f, step[1], 0.0f };
norm = temp;
int_pos[2] += step[2];
if ((int_pos[2] > 63) || (int_pos[2] < 0))
tmax[2] += tdelta[2];
len = (float)(tmax[2]);
float_vec temp = { 0.0f, 0.0f, step[2] };
norm = temp;
collided_mat = scene[int_pos[0]][int_pos[1]][int_pos[2]];
current_hit.mat = collided_mat;
current_hit.hit_pos = add(curr_ray.pos, mul_vec_scl(len, curr_ray.dir));
current_hit.norm = norm;
return current_hit;
int main()
int scene[64][64][64];
float_vec cam = { 32.0f, 32.0f, 63.0f };
ray init_rays[128][128];
int colors[128][128][3];
FILE *img;
printf("Starting \n");
/** Scene construction **/
for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < 64; y++)
for (int z = 0; z < 64; z++)
if ((42 > x && x > 22) && (42 > y && y > 22) && (42 > z && z > 22))
scene[x][y][z] = 1;
scene[x][y][z] = 0;
if (y == 0)
scene[x][y][z] = 2;
if (z == 0)
scene[x][y][z] = 3;
if (x == 63)
scene[x][y][z] = 4;
printf("Scene constructed \n");
for (int x = 0; x < 128; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < 128; y++)
init_rays[x][y].dir.x = (((2.0f*((((float)x)+0.5f)/128.0f))-1.0f)*tan(FOV/2.0f));
init_rays[x][y].dir.y = (1.0f-(2.0f*((((float)y)+0.5f)/128.0f)))*tan(FOV/2.0f);
init_rays[x][y].dir.z = -1.0f;
init_rays[x][y].dir = norm_vec(init_rays[x][y].dir);
init_rays[x][y].pos = cam;
for (int x = 0; x < 128; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < 128; y++)
rayhit hit = dda(init_rays[x][y], scene);
float_vec light_dir = { -0.8f, 0.7f, 0.8f };
float_vec elipsion = mul_vec_scl(-0.511f, hit.norm);
float_vec offset_pos = add(elipsion, hit.hit_pos);
ray shadow_ray = { offset_pos, light_dir };
rayhit sha = dda(shadow_ray, scene);
light_dir = norm_vec(light_dir);
if (sha.mat != 0)
int il = (int)round(255.0f*0.2f*0.4f);
if (hit.mat == 4)
colors[x][y][0] = il;
colors[x][y][1] = 0;
colors[x][y][2] = 0;
else if (hit.mat == 3)
colors[x][y][0] = 0;
colors[x][y][1] = il;
colors[x][y][2] = 0;
else if (hit.mat == 2)
colors[x][y][0] = 0;
colors[x][y][1] = 0;
colors[x][y][2] = il;
else if (hit.mat == 1)
colors[x][y][0] = il;
colors[x][y][1] = il;
colors[x][y][2] = il;
colors[x][y][0] = 0;
colors[x][y][1] = 0;
colors[x][y][2] = 0;
int il = (int)MIN(255.0f, round(255.0f*phong(0.2f, 0.8f, 0.9f, 0.4f, 0.1f, 0.9f, 0.7f, hit.norm, norm_vec(add(hit.hit_pos, mul_vec_scl(-1.0f, cam))), mul_vec_scl(-1.0f, light_dir))));
if (hit.mat == 4)
colors[x][y][0] = il;
colors[x][y][1] = 0;
colors[x][y][2] = 0;
else if (hit.mat == 3)
colors[x][y][0] = 0;
colors[x][y][1] = il;
colors[x][y][2] = 0;
else if (hit.mat == 2)
colors[x][y][0] = 0;
colors[x][y][1] = 0;
colors[x][y][2] = il;
else if (hit.mat == 1)
colors[x][y][0] = il;
colors[x][y][1] = il;
colors[x][y][2] = il;
colors[x][y][0] = 0;
colors[x][y][1] = 0;
colors[x][y][2] = 0;
img = fopen("./out.ppm", "w");
fputs("P3\n", img);
fputs("128 128\n", img);
fputs("255\n", img);
for (int x = 0; x < 128; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < 128; y++)
for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
fprintf(img, "%d ", colors[x][y][c]);
fputs("\n", img);
printf("Rendering completed \n");
return 0;
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