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Last active January 9, 2024 16:54
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  • Save Conduitry/059e153069fe1537dc2143dae3810a06 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Conduitry/059e153069fe1537dc2143dae3810a06 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Checkout PR, using GitHub API to determine what to track
set -o errexit
[ $# != 1 ] && { >&2 echo 'Argument: <pull request id>'; exit 1; }
# Get origin remote
origin=$(git remote get-url origin)
# Find target ("owner/repo") of PR
[ $origin = $temp ] && { >&2 echo Unrecognized origin.; exit 1; }
# Find source ("owner/repo") of PR and remote name and branch name
temp=$(curl --silent$target/pull/$1 | grep --max-count=1 head-ref | cut --delimiter=\" --fields=2)
remote=$(echo $origin | sed "s $target $source ")
# Set up branch and checkout
git fetch --no-tags $remote $branch:pr/$1
git config$1.remote $remote
git config$1.merge refs/heads/$branch
git checkout pr/$1
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I've just updated this to make it easier to use in a few ways:

  • It no longer uses the GraphQL API, so you don't need a token anymore. (It instead scrapes the HTML, which is a bit more brittle. If it becomes a problem, I'll probably rework it to use the real REST API instead. The main reason I'm not doing that now is to avoid dealing with JSON or depending on something like jq.)
  • If your repo was cloned with SSH, the new branches pointing at the forks will also be cloned with SSH rather than HTTP. (When I first wrote this, I recall that pushing as a maintainer to a branch of a PR didn't work when it was cloned via SSH. That seems to be working now, so no reason not to support this.)
  • It no longer uses Bash. It works for me on Ubuntu with Dash, so presumably this will also work as-is on macOS without installing anything else.

Usage is still the same:

  • ./ 123
  • do whatever
  • git push (assuming you've set push.default=upstream)

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Here's a hacky way of using the REST API without jq (which is probably not much better than scraping the HTML like I'm doing now), but which I wanted to stick somewhere for posterity, in case it can become the basis for something useful later:

# Find source ("owner/repo") of PR and remote name and branch name
temp="$(curl --silent$target/pulls/$1 | tr --delimiter \\n\\r | tr \" \\n)"
source=$(echo "$temp" | grep --after-context=2 --max-count=1 ^full_name$ | tail --lines=1)
remote=$(echo $origin | sed "s $target $source ")
branch=$(echo "$temp" | grep --after-context=2 --max-count=1 ^ref$ | tail --lines=1)

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I needed to make the following change to make this work on MacOS:

-temp=$(curl --silent$target/pull/$1 | grep --max-count=1 head-ref | cut --delimiter=\" --fields=2)
+temp=$(curl --silent$target/pull/$1 | grep --max-count=1 head-ref | cut -d\" -f2)

ChatGPT promises me that this should work cross-platform.

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Interesting. I've gotten into a habit of using long GNU-style command line options in all my scripts because it's generally a little more clear about what it's actually doing. I did know there were some situations/environments that only support short/POSIX-style switches, and apparently we've run into one here. If I'm going to publish this as a standalone thing, it might make sense to switch everything over to POSIX switches. I'm not sure.

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