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Created January 24, 2020 11:20
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Add Codable support to @published
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
extension Published:Decodable where Value:Decodable {
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let decoded = try Value(from:decoder)
self = Published(initialValue:decoded)
extension Published:Encodable where Value:Decodable {
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
if let valueChild = mirror.children.first(where: { $0.label == "value"
}) {
if let value = valueChild.value as? Encodable {
do {
try value.encode(to: encoder)
} catch let error {
assertionFailure("Failed encoding: \(self) - \(error)")
else {
assertionFailure("Decodable Value not decodable. Odd \(self)")
else {
assertionFailure("Mirror Mirror on the wall - why no value y'all : \(self)")
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In Swift 5.3, self cannot be reached. valueChild becomes nil. Do you have an idea about why this happens?

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just-doit commented Mar 27, 2021

Just in case this is still relevant, I stumbled upon this variant, which works with the latest swift version. This is not from me, but from here:

extension Published: Decodable where Value: Decodable
    public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
        self.init(initialValue: try .init(from: decoder))

extension Published: Encodable where Value: Encodable
    public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
            let storageValue =
                Mirror(reflecting: self).descendant("storage")
            let value =
                storageValue as? Value
                (storageValue as? Publisher).map(Mirror.init)?
                .descendant("subject", "currentValue")
                as? Value
        else { throw EncodingError.invalidValue(self, codingPath: encoder.codingPath) }
        try value.encode(to: encoder)

extension EncodingError
    /// `invalidValue` without having to pass a `Context` as an argument.
    static func invalidValue(_ value: Any, codingPath: [CodingKey], debugDescription: String = .init()) -> Self
        .invalidValue(value, .init(codingPath: codingPath, debugDescription: debugDescription) )

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StevenSorial commented Mar 14, 2022

A more efficient variant without Mirror


private class PublishedWrapper<T> {
    @Published private(set) var value: T

    init(_ value: Published<T>) {
        _value = value

extension Published {
    var unofficialValue: Value {


extension Published: Decodable where Value: Decodable {
    public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        self.init(wrappedValue: try .init(from: decoder))

extension Published: Encodable where Value: Encodable {
    public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        try unofficialValue.encode(to: encoder)

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That's brilliantly simple - thank you.

I do find the language unsatisfactory in this behaviour.
It seems wrong that accessing an identical variable by putting it inside another class should change its type for the code-synthesizer...

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kudit commented Sep 17, 2022

@Stevenmagdy , you are amazing! Your code worked perfectly! (The existing code kept crashing). Thank you!

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jolonf commented Apr 9, 2023

I tried @StevenSorial 's solution, however it doesn't work if the type of a @Published variable is any protocol.


class Parent {
  @Published var child: any Child

protocol Child: Codable { }

class CustomChild: Child {
  var value: String

The error is:

Cannot automatically synthesize 'Decodable' because 'Published <any Child>' does not conform to 'Decodable'

Do you think this is possible?

The motivation for using a protocol instead of a superclass is because using a superclass requires all of the subclasses to implement the encoders and decoders.

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jolonf commented Apr 9, 2023

An approach that is working instead of protocols is using enums:

class Parent {
  @Published var child: Child

enum Child: Codable { 
  case custom(_ child: CustomChild)

class CustomChild: Codable {
  var value: String

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