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Last active July 18, 2022 05:27
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powershell resources

Create a new PSCustomObject

# Create a new PSCustomObject
$Result = [pscustomobject] @{
    Result1 = $Result1
    Result2 = $Result2

Return $Result


# Array with PSCustomObject
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Results = @()

foreach($Item in $Items)
    $Result = [pscustomobject] @{
        Result1 = $Item.Result1
        Result2 = $Item.Result2


Return $Results

PowerShell Version Reference

Module Availability Reference

Reference material is organized into release versions. The content for each version is organized by module name, and a distinct folder for the about topics.

Over time, namespaces appeared as:

Module Name / PS Version 5.1 7.0 7.2 7.3
CimCmdlets X X X X
ISE (introduced in 2.0) X
Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive X X X X
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core X X X X
Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics X X X X
Microsoft.PowerShell.Host X X X X
Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts X
Microsoft.PowerShell.Management X X X X
Microsoft.PowerShell.ODataUtils X
Microsoft.PowerShell.Operation.Validation X
Microsoft.PowerShell.Security X X X X
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility X X X X
Microsoft.WsMan.Management X X X X
PackageManagement X X X X
PowershellGet X X X X
PSDesiredStateConfiguration X X X
PSDiagnostics X X X X
PSReadLine X X X X
PSScheduledJob X
PSWorkflow X
PSWorkflowUtility X
ThreadJob X X X



Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
# Language : PowerShell 4.0
# Filename : RunspacePool.ps1
# Autor : BornToBeRoot (
# Description : Template for RunspacePool to run code async
# Repository :
Template for RunspacePool to run code async
# Number of concurrent threads --> depens on what code you are running / which hardware you are using
HelpMessage='Maximum number of threads at the same time (Default=100)')]
### Scriptblock (this code will run asynchron in the RunspacePool)
[System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock = {
### ScriptBlock Parameter
## Enter
## code
## here,
## which
## should
## run
## asynchron
### Built custom PSObject and return it
[pscustomobject] @{
Parameter1 = Result1
Parameter2 = Result2
# Create RunspacePool and Jobs
Write-Verbose "Setting up RunspacePool..."
Write-Verbose "Running with max $Threads threads"
$RunspacePool = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $Threads, $Host)
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Jobs = @()
Write-Verbose "Setting up Jobs..."
# Setting up jobs
for($i = $StartRange; $i -le $EndRange; $i++)
# Hashtable to pass parameters
$ScriptParams = @{
Parameter1 = $Parameter1
Parameter2 = $Parameter2
# Catch when trying to divide through zero
try {
$Progress_Percent = ($i / ($EndRange - $StartRange)) * 100 # Calulate some percent
catch {
$Progress_Percent = 100
Write-Progress -Activity "Setting up jobs..." -Id 1 -Status "Current Job: $i" -PercentComplete ($Progress_Percent)
# Create mew job
$Job = [System.Management.Automation.PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddParameters($ScriptParams)
$Job.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
$JobObj = [pscustomobject] @{
RunNum = $i - $StartRange
Pipe = $Job
Result = $Job.BeginInvoke()
# Add job to collection
Write-Verbose "Waiting for jobs to complete & starting to process results..."
# Total jobs to calculate percent complete, because jobs are removed after they are processed
$Jobs_Total = $Jobs.Count
# Process results, while waiting for other jobs
Do {
# Get all jobs, which are completed
$Jobs_ToProcess = $Jobs | Where-Object {$_.Result.IsCompleted}
# If no jobs finished yet, wait 500 ms and try again
if($Jobs_ToProcess -eq $null)
Write-Verbose "No jobs completed, wait 500ms..."
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
# Get jobs, which are not complete yet
$Jobs_Remaining = ($Jobs | Where-Object {$_.Result.IsCompleted -eq $false}).Count
# Catch when trying to divide through zero
try {
$Progress_Percent = 100 - (($Jobs_Remaining / $Jobs_Total) * 100)
catch {
$Progress_Percent = 100
Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for jobs to complete... ($($Threads - $($RunspacePool.GetAvailableRunspaces())) of $Threads threads running)" -Id 1 -PercentComplete $Progress_Percent -Status "$Jobs_Remaining remaining..."
Write-Verbose "Processing $(if($Jobs_ToProcess.Count -eq $null){"1"}else{$Jobs_ToProcess.Count}) job(s)..."
# Processing completed jobs
foreach($Job in $Jobs_ToProcess)
# Get the result...
$Job_Result = $Job.Pipe.EndInvoke($Job.Result)
# Remove job from collection
# Check if result is null --> if not, return it
if($Job_Result -ne $null)
} While ($Jobs.Count -gt 0)
Write-Verbose "Closing RunspacePool and free resources..."
# Close the RunspacePool and free resources
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